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icon Draft R4-2212020 Revised WID on 2022/08/30 1:34 40 KB
icon Draft R4-2212021 big CR on DC_R18_xBLTE_yBNR_zDL3UL.docx 2022/08/30 1:34 49,8 KB
icon Draft RP-22xxxx SR on DC of x LTE bands and y NR bands with z bands DL and 3 bands UL.xlsx 2022/08/31 3:03 16 KB
icon Draft RP-22xxxx_SR_ DC of x LTE bands and y NR bands with z bands DL and 3 bands UL_RAN97e_cl.docx 2022/08/31 3:03 22,3 KB

4 items.