[104-e][209] NR_RRM_enh2_2
/ Perf CRs
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draft R4-22xxxxx draftCR for TC of HO with PSCell from EN-DC FR1 PSCell to EN-DC FR2 known PSCell.docx
2022/08/24 5:13
65,7 KB
draft R4-22xxxxx draftCR for TC of HO with PSCell from EN-DC FR1 PSCell to EN-DC FR2 known PSCell_Final.docx
2022/08/24 17:54
66,1 KB
2022/08/25 3:03
61,5 KB
R4-2214677 rev_R4-2212033 draft CR on TC2 for HO with PSCell.docx
2022/08/25 3:08
82,3 KB
R4-2214697 draft CR on test cases for Handover with PSCell from NE-DC to NE-DC with known target PSCell_final_v0.docx
2022/08/24 18:19
74,3 KB
R4-2214732 revision of R4-2213952 TC for EN-DC to EN-DC Handover with PSCell using CCA with known target PSCell-vF1.docx
2022/08/24 18:47
145,4 KB
R4-2214733 Revision of R4-2213953 TC for NR SA to EN-DC Handover with PSCell using CCA with known target PSCell-vF1.docx
2022/08/24 18:47
157,9 KB
Revised R4-2211843 Draft CR on TC for HO with PSCell from NR-SA to EN-DC with parallel processing and known FR2 PSCell_v01.docx
2022/08/22 21:48
68,3 KB
Revised R4-2211956 CR on test case for Handover with PSCell from NR SA to EN-DC with sequential processing.docx
2022/08/23 6:38
123,1 KB
Revised R4-2211956 CR on test case for Handover with PSCell from NR SA to EN-DC with sequential processing_v2.docx
2022/08/23 6:47
123,1 KB
Revised R4-2212860.docx
2022/08/22 9:00
107,2 KB
Revised R4-2212860_Final.docx
2022/08/24 17:57
107 KB
2022/08/22 9:11
61,3 KB
2022/08/24 3:04
61,4 KB
2022/08/24 14:27
61,6 KB
revision of R4-2212953 NR SA to EN-DC.docx
2022/08/22 8:48
54 KB
Revision of R4-2213952 TC for EN-DC to EN-DC Handover with PSCell using CCA with known target PSCell-v01.docx
2022/08/22 19:20
145,6 KB
Revision of R4-2213953 TC for NR SA to EN-DC Handover with PSCell using CCA with known target PSCell-v01.docx
2022/08/22 19:20
158,4 KB
Revision of R4-2213953 TC for NR SA to EN-DC Handover with PSCell using CCA with known target PSCell-v02_Ericsson.docx
2022/08/24 9:03
157,9 KB
rev_R4-2212033 draft CR on TC2 for HO with PSCell from NR SA to EN-DC with parallel processing v1.docx
2022/08/24 10:01
85,3 KB
rev_R4-2212033 draft CR on TC2 for HO with PSCell from NR SA to EN-DC with parallel processing.docx
2022/08/22 9:11
84,9 KB
[Draft]R4-22xxxxx draft CR on test cases for Handover with PSCell from NE-DC to NE-DC with known target PSCell_v0.docx
2022/08/22 8:53
74,3 KB
22 items.