[102-e][215] NR_RRM_enh2_2
/ CR rev
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R4-2206866_Revised_R4-2204871_HO with PSCell EN-DC to EN-DC v00 .docx
2022/02/28 1:33
83,8 KB
R4-2206866_Revised_R4-2204871_HO with PSCell EN-DC to EN-DC v01.docx
2022/03/01 15:05
83,7 KB
R4-2206866_Revised_R4-2204871_HO with PSCell EN-DC to EN-DC v02.docx
2022/03/02 0:41
73 KB
R4-2206867 Draft CR on HO with PSCell requirements for NE DC to NE-DC_vFinal.docx
2022/03/01 18:50
42,8 KB
R4-2206867 Draft CR on HO with PSCell requirements for NE DC to NE-DC_vFinal1.docx
2022/03/02 3:20
43,6 KB
Revised R4-2203785 Draft CR on HO with PSCell for NR SA to EN-DC_R17_v01.docx
2022/02/28 2:23
41,7 KB
Revised R4-2205839 Draft CR on HO with PSCell requirements for NE DC to NE-DC_v00.docx
2022/02/27 13:48
47,7 KB
Revised R4-2205877 draftCR on HO with PSCell for NR-DC to NR-DC.docx
2022/02/28 7:57
49,9 KB
Revised R4-2205877 draftCR on HO with PSCell for NR-DC to NR-DC_final.docx
2022/03/01 18:01
53,8 KB
Revised R4-2205877 draftCR on HO with PSCell for NR-DC to NR-DC_v1.docx
2022/03/01 9:57
54,7 KB
[Final draft]Revised R4-2203785 Draft CR on HO with PSCell for NR SA to EN-DC_R17_v01.docx
2022/03/01 19:36
41,6 KB
11 items.