ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_101-bis-e / Inbox / Drafts / [101-bis-e][302] NR_Repeater_RF_Part1 / WF on other conducted requirements

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icon Draft R4-2203026 _v00.docx 2022/01/21 17:00 32,5 KB
icon Draft R4-2203026 _v01.docx 2022/01/24 10:25 32,4 KB
icon Draft Ry-xxxxxx WF on other RF requirements for FR1_v00.doc 2022/01/20 2:17 71,5 KB
icon Draft Ry-xxxxxx WF on other RF requirements for FR1_v01_HW(correct file type).docx 2022/01/20 16:14 32,7 KB
icon Draft Ry-xxxxxx WF on other RF requirements for 2022/01/20 16:11 71 KB
icon Draft Ry-xxxxxx WF on other RF requirements for FR1_v02_HW_DCM.docx 2022/01/21 8:54 34,3 KB
icon Draft Ry-xxxxxx WF on other RF requirements for FR1_v03_DCM_CMCC.docx 2022/01/21 12:14 37,8 KB
icon Draft Ry-xxxxxx WF on other RF requirements for FR1_v04_CMCC_Nokia.docx 2022/01/21 13:51 37,4 KB
icon Draft Ry-xxxxxx WF on other RF requirements for FR1_v04_CMCC_Nokia_ZTE.docx 2022/01/21 15:02 34 KB
icon Draft Ry-xxxxxx WF on other RF requirements for FR1_v05_ZTE_Ericsson.docx 2022/01/21 15:15 36,6 KB
icon Draft Ry-xxxxxx WF on other RF requirements for FR1_v06_Ericsson_CMCC2.docx 2022/01/21 16:47 37 KB

11 items.