ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_101-bis-e / Inbox / Drafts / [101-bis-e][100] Main Session / GTW_Jan_25

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icon Outcome_of_GTW 2022/01/25 16:01
icon Draft R4-2200081 LS for the channelization for up to 71 GHz_v12_Intel_CATT.docx 2022/01/25 15:04 114,5 KB
icon draft R4-2202400 UE feature list_v01.docx 2022/01/25 12:02 118,7 KB
icon draft R4-2202400 UE feature list_v02.docx 2022/01/25 14:07 114,2 KB
icon draft R4-2202401 LS on Rel-17 RAN4 UE features lists NR.docx 2022/01/25 12:02 37,3 KB
icon Draft R4-22xyz WF on the RedCap RF_v20_Moderator_before_GTW_Discussion.docx 2022/01/24 10:41 118,6 KB
icon [119] GTW session material 25.1 for FR2 DL CA.docx 2022/01/25 12:28 34,5 KB
icon [131] 2370_Draft WF on FeMIMO_RF_vGTW2.docx 2022/01/25 12:09 38,1 KB
icon [131] 2413_draft LS on Rel-17 FeMIMO SRS related impact_v02.docx 2022/01/25 12:09 59 KB

9 items.