ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_101-bis-e / Inbox / Drafts / [101-bis-e][100] Main Session / GTW_Jan_21 / [118] UE RF FR1

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icon draft R4-22xxxxx WF on PC2 intra-band contiguous UL CA with UL MIMO_v08_OPPO_HW_GTW.docx 2022/01/21 3:49 94,3 KB
icon draftR4-220xxxx WF on PC2 intra-band NC UL CA for FR1 v05_QC(2)_HW_GTW.docx 2022/01/21 3:49 147,6 KB
icon DRAFT_WF on SCell dropping_v00_OPPO_GTW.docx 2022/01/21 3:49 40,6 KB
icon Revised R4-2200019_draft CR for Tx switching coherence_GTW.docx 2022/01/21 3:49 48,4 KB
icon summary_118_round 2_v01_GTW.docx 2022/01/21 3:49 169,1 KB

5 items.