Tdoc List

2018-01-18 15:03

Agenda Topic TDoc Title Source Type For Avail Treated Decision Wdrn Replaced-by Replaces
1 Opening of the meeting (Monday 9:00)                      
2 Reminder                      
2.1 IPR declaration                      
2.2 Statement of antitrust compliance                      
2.3 Responsible IT behavior                      
2.4 Additional reminders                      
3 Approval of the Agenda R3‑180002 RAN3-AH-1801 meeting Agenda Chairman agenda   Yes
available No    
4 Approval of the minutes from previous meetings                      
5 Documents for immediate consideration                      
6 Organizational topics                      
7 General, protocol principles and issues                      
8 Incoming LSs                      
8.1 New Incoming LSs R3‑180015 Reply LS on PRB grid in the NR 3GPP RAN1, Huawei LS in   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180017 Reply LS on supported features by 5GC for E-UTRA connected to 5G CN 3GPP RAN2, Nokia LS in   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180018 LS reply on UE RF related parameters, capabilities and features for NR 3GPP RAN4, NTT Docomo LS in   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180019 LS on interworking mechanisms between 5G System and legacy RATs 3GPP RAN, NEC LS in   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180020 LS on Removal of 'over LTE' limitation from Mission Critical Specifications 3GPP SA1, Politie LS in   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180021 Reply LS to CN node selection for LTE features when E-UTRA is connected to 5G CN 3GPP SA2, Nokia LS in   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180023 Reply LS on cooperation on Network Slicing 3GPP SA5, Huawei LS in   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180024 Liaison response to 3GPP RAN (reply to RP-172097/oLS-3GPPRAN) ITU-T Study Group 15, Microsemi LS in   Yes
available No    
8.2 LSin received during the meeting                      
8.3 Left over LSs / pending actions                      
9 Corrections to Rel-14 or earlier releases                      
9.1 3G                      
9.2 LTE                      
10 NR Radio Access Technology (RAN1-led) WI                      
10.1 QoS                      
10.1.1 Content QoS Flow Level Parameters R3‑180070 Correction of QoS Profile for TS 38.413 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
NoProposal 1: there is no impact on RAN3 protocol for the Averaging Window for AMBR. Proposal 2: correct the flow Averaging Window in TS 38.413 to make sure that an Averaging Window value can also be signaled over NGAP in the case of GBR flows using standardized QoS Characteristics. Proposal 3: correct the Priority Level in TS 38.413 to make sure that a Priority Level value can also be signaled over NGAP in the case of GBR flows using standardized (or pre-configured) QoS characteristics. Proposal 4: add the Maximum Packet Loss Rate QoS parameter to the QoS Profile at the GBR QoS Flow Information level. Proposal 5: add the Maximum Data Burst Volume to the 5G QoS Characteristics.
available No    
    R3‑180071 Correction of QoS Profile for TS 38.423 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180072 Correction of Delay Critical GBR in TS 38.413 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
NoProposal 1: agree that Delay critical GBR flows are rather to be seen as a sub-type or attribute of GBR flows. Proposal 2: signal the Delay critical attribute directly as an information element of the GBR QoS Flow Information IE. Proposal 3: agree the Text Proposal below to introduce a Delay critical attribute for a GBR flow.
available No    
    R3‑180073 Correction of Delay Critical GBR in TS 38.423 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180193 TP for 38.413 on QoS parameter update CATT pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: It is proposed to include Priority Level as optional in the QoS flow level parameter Proposal 2: It is proposed to include Averaging window as optional in the QoS flow level parameter Proposal 3: It is proposed to include Maximum Data Burst Volume as optional in the QoS flow level parameter Proposal 4: It is proposed to include Maximum Data Burst Volume as optional in the Non-standardised QoS Flow Descriptor
available No    
    R3‑180194 TP for 38.423 on QoS parameter update CATT pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180195 TP for 38.413 on status of Notification Control CATT pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: Define the status of notification control information (e.g. not fulfilled and fulfilled)
available No    
    R3‑180196 Discussion on Notification Control CATT discussion   Yes
NoProposal 1: For Dual connectivity case, if a QoS flow is configured with notification control, the SN node may send S-node Modification Notify message to the MN node. Proposal 2: For CU-DU case, if a QoS flow is configured with notification control, the DU may send UE Context Modification Notify message to the CU. Proposal 3: It’s proposed to agree the corresponding TP for stage2 and Stage3 TS in [2], [3] and [4].
available No    
    R3‑180197 TP for 38.423 on Notification Control CATT pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180200 TP for 38.470 on Notification Control CATT draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180202 TP for 38.473 on Notification Control CATT draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180265 Control of non GBR QoS flows Huawei pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1 Change the QoS Flow Level QoS Parameters IE to be mandatory in the PDU Session Setup Request Transfer IE.
available No    
    R3‑180288 Update of QoS parameters Huawei pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: Add Maximum Packet Loss Rate into QoS flow Level QoS parameters IE. Proposal 2: Add Maximum Data Burst Volume into Non-standardised QoS Flow Descriptor IE. Proposal 3: Add Maximum Data Burst Volume into QoS flow Level QoS parameters IE.
available No    
    R3‑180298 TP on QoS flow level parameters for TS 38.413 NEC pCR Decision Yes
NoProposal 1: RAN3 to discuss whether to support the Notification Control feature, or send an LS to SA2 requesting further clarification on the use and/or definition of the Notification Control feature. Proposal 2: The Notification Control parameter should apply to GBR QoS flows. Proposal 3: The Maximum Packet Loss Rate UL and DL should be included in the QoS flow level parameters. Proposal 4: The Maximum Data Burst Volume should be included in the non-standardized QoS flow descriptor. Proposal 5: RAN3 is requested to agree the Text Proposal for TS 38.413.
available No    
    R3‑180299 TP on QoS flow level parameters for TS 38.423 NEC pCR Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180377 QoS parameters to align with SA2 Ericsson pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: RAN3 to update the specification so that Notification Control is only valid for GBR QoS flow parameters. Proposal 2: RAN3 to update the specification to indicate the Average Window applies only to GBR QoS flow. Proposal 3: change “GBR bearers” to “GBR QoS flows” in QoS Flow Level QoS Parameters. Remove the “Criticality” and the “Assigned Criticality” columns.
available No    
    R3‑180378 QoS parameters to align with SA2 Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180379 Notification Control and QoS flow release Ericsson pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: RAN3 to include a class 2 procedure in Xn, to indicate when the GBR QoS requirement can no longer be fulfilled or be fulfilled again. Proposal 2: RAN3 to include a class 2 procedure in F1, to indicate from DU to CU when the GBR QoS requirement can no longer be fulfilled or be fulfilled again. Proposal 3: The class 2 Notify procedure in Xn should be defined to be sent from on NG-RAN node to another NG-RAN node, decoupled from the MN node and SN node role. Proposal 4: RAN3 to agree to use “PDU Session Resource Notify” procedure only be used for Notification purpose, to indicate from NG-RAN node to 5GC when the GBR QoS requirement can no longer be fulfilled or be fulfilled again. Proposal 5: RAN3 to agree to modify the “PDU Session Resource Modify Indication” procedure to handle the NG-RAN node initiated release of certain QoS flows or PDU sessions.
available No    
    R3‑180380 Notification Control Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180381 Delay critical GBR QoS flows – stage 3 solution Ericsson pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: RAN3 to introduce a “Delay Critical GBR” indication in GBR QoS Flow Information, as presented in this paper and in [3]. Proposal 2: RAN3 to include a new IE Maximum Data Burst Volume.
available No    
    R3‑180382 Delay critical GBR QoS flows – stage 3 solution Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180450 Delay Critical GBR indication from 5GC Intel Corporation, Huawei pCR Agreement Yes
NoProposal 1: RAN3 to extend the Resource Type IE enumeration to include “Delay critical GBR” within the Non-standardised QoS Flow Descriptor IE in TS 38.413 for the delay critical GBR indication from 5GC.
available No    
10.1.2 Default QoS R3‑180007 Further Discussion on the Default QoS Profile ZTE discussion   Yes
NoProposal 1: SA2 should confirm whether CN is able to provide the reference QoS profile tailored to the characteristics of the PDU session. Proposal 2: NG-RAN needs not to know the reference QoS profile from CN. Proposal 3: Even if CN may provide the reference QoS profile, there is no specified association relation between the reference QoS profile and default DRB.
available No    
    R3‑180074 Text Proposal for most probable QoS profile Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, Intel Corporation, LG Electronics, Huawei pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180075 Reply LS on default DRB establishment for PDU session Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell LS out Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180328 Discussion on reference QoS profile for default DRBs CMCC pCR Approval Yes
NoProposal 1: CN to include the reference QoS profile in the NAS-level QoS profiles configured to RAN
available No    
    R3‑180383 Further Discussion on QoS setting for default DRBs Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
NoProposal 1: RAN3 to agree that the QoS profile setting on DRBs is totally a RAN decision. There is no need for any additional QoS profile signalled from CN.
available No    
    R3‑180451 Most probable QoS profile indication from 5GC Intel Corporation, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, Huawei, LGE discussion Decision Yes
NoProposal 1: 5GC to indicate the “most probable” QoS profile (suitable to meet the most probable traffic to expect over that PDU session) among the NAS-level QoS profiles configured to RAN at the PDU session set-up, which can help RAN better serve the most of the traffics.
available No    
    R3‑180502 On the reference QoS profile for the default DRBs China Telecommunications agenda Discussion Yes
NoProposal: To indicate the optional reference QoS profile configured to RAN at the PDU session set-up which can be chosen by RAN as baseline for establishing the default DRB.
available No    
    R3‑180503 TP for optional Reference QoS Profile China Telecommunications agenda   Yes
available No    
10.1.3 Reflective QoS                      
10.1.4 NG/Xn/F1 UP Encapsulation Header R3‑180076 Choice of 5GS container Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion Approval Yes
NoProposal 1: decide that the 5GS container is specified in a separate specification and therefore sent as a separate GTP extension header container (solution 2 here-above). Proposal 2: open tdoc [5] to have a first discussion on an attempt to have a generic protocol specification applying to any interface referencing it. Proposal 3: agree on the above way forward and send the corresponding LS to CT4 in [6].
available No    
    R3‑180077 Draft Specification for 5GS container Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180078 LS on defining GTP extension header for 5GS container Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell LS out Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180231 Consideration on 5GS container for QFI Huawei discussion   Yes
NoProposal 1: The 5GS container should be a separate GTP extension header used in NG-U. Proposal 2: The 5GS container should be put in first place among the multiple GTP-U extension headers in NG-U.
available No    
    R3‑180232 [DRAFT] LS on Consideration on 5GS Container for QFI Huawei LS out   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180255 TP for TS 38.420 on Xn-U Samsung pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180256 TP for TS 37.340 on Xn-U Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180283 5GS User Plane Protocol Samsung discussion Approval Yes
NoProposal 1: The NG-U, the Xn-U and the NG-UP protocol is used to convey QFI and RQI for each transferred user data packet. Proposal 2: RAN3 agrees on developing the 5GS User Plane specification which covers the NG-U, the Xn-U and the N9 interface. Proposal 3: One byte field in the extension header can convey both RQI and QFI. RAN2 and SA2 shall confirm the exact length of QFI. Proposal 4: RQI field is included only in downlink direction from UPF to NG-RAN, but not in uplink direction from NG-RAN to UPF. Proposal 5: If RQA is not configured for a specific QoS flow, NG-RAN ignores RQI field sent with the user data packet for the QoS flow.
available No    
    R3‑180284 TP for 5GS UP Samsung discussion Approval Yes
available No    
10.1.5 Others R3‑180008 Further Clarification and pCR for PDU Session/QoS Flow Failure Relevant Handling ZTE pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: To define and include new SMF container: “PDU Session Failed to Setup Response Transfer” within IE “PDU Session Resource Failed to Setup List” as below. Proposal 2: To define and include new SMF container: “PDU Session Resource Failed To Modify Response Transfer” in IE “PDU Session (Resource) Failed To Modify List” as below. Proposal 3: To define and include IE “QoS Flows Failed To Release List” in IE “PDU Session Release Response Transfer” if partial PDU Session release is allowed as below. Proposal 4: To clarify the exact cases/reasons for “PDU Session Resource/QoS Flow Failed to Release” case.
available No    
    R3‑180009 Further Discussion on Tunnel Building in PDU Session Split@UPF Case ZTE discussion   Yes
NoProposal 1: For one PDU Session Split@UPF, there are always two UL GTP-U TEIDs in the UPF. Proposal 2: The two UL GTP-U TEIDs in the UPF belong to the same GTP-U protocol entity, associated with the same IP and transport layer address. Proposal 3: The two DL GTP-U TEIDs in the NG-RAN belong to different GTP-U protocol entity (one in MN, and the other in SN), associated with different IP and transport layer addresses.
available No    
    R3‑180227 UE-AMBR derivation in NG procedures LG Electronics pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: The subscribed UE-AMBR should be provided to the gNB using the following NGAP messages: - Initial Context Setup Request - Downlink NAS Transport - Handover Request Proposal 2: The changed subscribed UE-AMBR should be provided to the gNB using the NGAP UE Context Modification Request message. Proposal 3: The Session-AMBR for PDU sessions which is transparent to the AMF should be provided to the gNB. Proposal 4: It is proposed to agree the TPs for TS 38.413.
available No    
    R3‑180228 UE-AMBR derivation in Xn procedure LG Electronics pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: The subscribed UE-AMBR and Session-AMBR for PDU sessions should be transmitted through XnAP Handover Request message. Proposal 2: It is proposed to agree the TPs for TS 38.423.
available No    
10.2 Realization of Network Slicing                      
10.2.1 Signaling, Mobility Issues              Corrections, Clarifications R3‑180010 Capturing NW Slice Relevant Agreements in TS37.340 ZTE draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180079 Configuration of default AMF set in 38.300 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell draftCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180080 Configuration of default AMF set in 38.413 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
available No Configuration, NG/Xn Setup, Config Update, Context Setup R3‑180081 Text Proposal for Configuration of Network Slicing over NG Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
NoProposal: agree the flexible format of the Network Slice Support IE presented in the Text Proposal below for TS 38.413 allowing to not necessarily always send the plain full list of supported S-NSSAI(s) and the “mirror” Text Proposal in [6] for TS 38.423.
available No    
    R3‑180082 Text Proposal for Configuration of Network Slicing over Xn Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180266 Discussion on Allowed NSSAI in NG-RAN LG Electronics pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: The Allowed NSSAI should be provided by the AMF in Initial Context Setup Request message. Proposal 2: It is proposed to agree the text proposals in the appendix of this contribution.
available No    
    R3‑180384 Slice configuration at NG and Xn Setup Ericsson pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: It is proposed that the AMF signals a TAI Slice Support List in the NG Setup Response Proposal 2: it is proposed that the TAI Slice Support List IE signalled by a RAN node in the Xn Setup Request/Response consists of the list of slices per TA signalled to the RAN node by the connected AMFs and supported by the RAN Proposal 3: - The TAI Slice Support List included in the NG: RAN Configuration Update may consist of an overall list of S-NSSAIs supported by the RAN per TA. Namely, this may not be the list of slices enabled (by CN) for the TA. - The TAI Slice Support List included in the NG: AMF Configuration Update consists of the list of slices enabled for the TA by the AMF. - The TAI Slice Support List IE signalled by a RAN node in the Xn: NG-RAN Node Configuration Update consists of the list of slices per TA signalled to the RAN node by the connected AMFs and supported by the RAN
available No    
    R3‑180385 Slice configuration at Xn Setup Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180467 Xn Slice available information Huawei pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: Signalling SD only in over Xn does not bring any benefits. Proposal 2: The S-NSSAI list IE should be included in the NG-RAN node configuration update procedure. Proposal 3: Define the S-NSSAI information element, and update the Slice Support List accordingly in 38.423.
available No    
    R3‑180468 Ng Slice available information Huawei pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: The AMF slice support IE is a TA level, i.e., the AMF provides those supported S-NSSAI per TA to the RAN during NG interface setup/update procedure. Proposal 2: Remove the editor note on the separate codepoint of “SD only” from 38. 413. Proposal 3: The gNB is configured with its supported slices per TA and different configurations by the OAM, which should be explicitly captured in 38.300.
available No    
    R3‑180469 TP for 38.300 on Slice available information Huawei draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180479 Slice Information Exchange over NG Huawei pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: A simple solution shall be introduced to get the slice availability information of neighboring cells in case of absence of Xn interface. Proposal 2: It is proposed to consider that gNB retrieves unknown slice availability information of neighbouring cells from the AMF. Proposal 3: The slice availability information from AMF to gNB should be in TA granularity, i.e., the AMF provides the supported S-NSSAIs per neighbouring TA(s) to the gNB during NG interface setup procedure.
available No Mobility, DC R3‑180083 Text Proposal for Slice information in Path Switch Request Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
NoProposal: agree the Text Proposal below for the presence of S-NSSAI in the Path Switch Request and Path Switch Request Acknowledge messages.
available No    
    R3‑180107 Slice Rejection Handling in Xn Handover Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Approval Yes
NoProposal 1: Add rejected S-NSSAI list and cause into Path Switch Request. Proposal 2: Agree the TP for proposal 1.
available No    
    R3‑180268 Considering slice information in SN modification procedure LG Electronics pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: Add rejected S-NSSAI list and cause into Path Switch Request. Proposal 2: Agree the TP for proposal 1.
available No    
    R3‑180386 Mobility procedures for Slicing Ericsson pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: it is proposed that, in cases of UE mobility involving PDU Sessions associated to network slices not supported at target NG RAN, the source NG RAN triggers an NG handover Proposal 2: it is proposed to allow the NG: PATH SWITCH RESPONSE to provide slice information per PDU Session to be switched, upon decision of such information by the AMF Proposal 3: It is proposed to use NG based mobility in cases of handovers of UEs with active network slices from NG RAN nodes supporting network slicing to NG RAN nodes not supporting network slicing
available No    
    R3‑180387 Mobility procedures for Slicing Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180470 NG based mobility Huawei pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: All PDU sessions handled by NG-RAN shall be included in the Handover Required message. Proposal 2: The S-NSSAI of each PDU session may be included in the Handover Required message. Proposal 3: A flag indication or cause value indicating “slice not supported” shall be introduced in NR.
available No    
    R3‑180472 [DRAFT] LS regarding Xn based handover across different Registration Areas Huawei LS out   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180473 Xn based mobility Huawei draftCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: All PDU sessions handled by the source NG-RAN shall be included in Handover Request message. Proposal 2: Target NG-RAN node shall check the slice availability of each PDU session for admission control. Proposal 3: Target NG-RAN node shall check the resource availability for each slice for admission control. Proposal 4: Not admitted PDU sessions shall be informed to the source NG-RAN node with cause value or flag indication. Proposal 5: List of rejected PDU sessions shall be included in the Path Switch Request message. Proposal 6: Remove the FFS and confirm S-NSSAI carried in the Path Switch Request and Path Switch Request ACK message.
available No    
    R3‑180474 TP for 38.423 for Xn based mobility signalling Huawei pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180475 TP for 38.413 for Xn based mobility signalling Huawei pCR   Yes
available No Mobility Across RAs R3‑180199 Discussion on Slice mobility issue CATT discussion   Yes
NoProposal 1: Target Node send the HO Ack include PDU Sessions Not Admitted List with No slice Resources Available to the source node if slice level resource shortage when Xn HO Proposal 2: All the PDU sessions may be released and trigger the allowed S-NSSAI change procedure if the target node does not support any severed slice in source node Proposal 3: Xn Handover should be performed when inter Registration Area mobility in connected mode. The PDU session of not supported slice may be removed via Xn handover.
available No    
    R3‑180267 Inter-registration area mobility considering network slice LG Electronics pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: The Xn-based handover should be triggered when the Xn connectivity is available and UE moves across different registration areas. Proposal 2: By using the Path switch procedure, the accepted and rejected S-NSSAIs needs to be exchanged between the target gNB and AMF. Proposal 3: It is proposed to agree the text proposals in the appendix of this contribution.
available No    
    R3‑180452 Consideration for mobility across different RAs Intel Corporation discussion Decision Yes
NoProposal 1: RAN3 to allow Xn based HO across different RAs via slice removal. Proposal 2: If RAN3 decides to allow, then inform SA2 via LS about the decision.
available No    
    R3‑180471 Xn based mobility for inter-RA case Huawei draftCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: Xn based handover shall be supported for active mode mobility across different Registration Areas (i.e., regardless of slice availability).
available No Others R3‑180465 Clarification on Allowed NSSAI in 38.413 Huawei pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: To include Allowed NSSAI in INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message. Proposal 2: To include Allowed NSSAI in NG signaling during HO, i.e. HANDOVER REQUEST message from AMF to target NG-RAN node.
available No    
    R3‑180466 Clarification on Allowed NSSAI in 38.423 Huawei pCR   Yes
NoProposal: To include Allowed NSSAI in Xn signaling during HO, i.e. HANDOVER REQUEST from source NG-RAN node to target NG-RAN node.
available No    
10.2.2 Slice Unavailability R3‑180326 Clarification on slice availability CMCC discussion Decision Yes
NoProposal 1: Differentiated slice configurations on neighbouring RAN nodes should be supported. Proposal 2: Differentiated slice configurations on RAN nodes within RA should be supported.
available No    
    R3‑180011 NW Slice Temporarily Unavailable ZTE discussion   Yes
NoProposal: NW Slice temporarily unavailable indication is not needed. Remove FFS of temporarily unavailable status from TS 38.413.
available No    
    R3‑180084 Correction of slice temporarily unavailable Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
NoProposal 1: agree the Text Proposal below to remove the FFS on signaling from gNB to AMF of a RAN slice temporarily unavailable.
available No    
    R3‑180476 Temporarily unavailable slice Huawei pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: Remove the FFS sentence regarding the temporally unavailable status of S-NSSAI from NG setup and Configuration update message. Proposal 2: No need to send LS to SA2 for the clarification of temporally unavailable S-NSSAI.
available No    
    R3‑180198 TP for 38.413 on Slice unavailable CATT pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: Remove “FFS if temporarily unavailable status of S-NSSAI need to be considered” from NG SETUP REQUEST Proposal 2: RAN slices time based unavailable need to be considered.
available No    
10.3 Support of Self-Organising Network (SON) functions                      
10.3.1 TNL Address Discovery for NG-RAN R3‑180203 Stage 2 CR for NG-RAN node Xn-C TNL address discovery Huawei draftCR Approval Yes
NoIn NG-RAN, both ng-eNB and gNB connects to 5GC via a common NG interface. NG-RAN node Xn-C TNL address discovery through 5GC becomes feasible. Therefore, there is no need to evaluate any other alternatives like we did for option 3. In RAN3 #95bis meeting, RAN3 agreed that principles of ANR and automated interface setup (X2, S1) in LTE are the baseline of 5G system (Xn, NG). The stage 3 part of 5GC based NG-RAN node Xn-C TNL address discovery was agreed in R3-171337. However, the stage 2 description is still missing.
available No    
    R3‑180153 NG-RAN node Xn-C TNL address discovery Huawei discussion Approval No
withdrawn Yes    
10.3.2 NG/Xn Setup R3‑180154 Xn setup and NG-RAN node configuration update Huawei discussion Approval Yes
NoProposal 1: Exchange of full list of served cells between two neighbouring NG-RAN nodes shall be supported. Proposal 2: RAN3 to agree that cell level parameters are grouped into multiple served cell information groups and exchanged between NG-RAN nodes based on explicit indication from the initiating node.
available No    
    R3‑180204 Stage 2 CR for Xn setup and NG-RAN node configuration update Huawei draftCR Approval Yes
NoThis is the corresponding CR for Xn setup and NG-RAN node configuration update as discussed in R3-180154.
available No    
    R3‑180236 Supplementary uplink (SUL) information for NR cells over X2/Xn/F1 Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
NoProposal: the SUL carrier frequency and bandwidth information should be provided in the served cell information.
available No    
    R3‑180237 Supplementary uplink (SUL) information for NR cells over Xn Samsung pCR Approval Yes
available No    
10.4 Support for PWS R3‑180100 Stage 2 for PWS support (TS 38.410) Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, AT&T, Huawei, one2many pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: The following PWS-related procedures in S1AP should be used as baseline for NGAP: Write-Replace Warning, Kill, PWS Restart Indication, and PWS Failure Indication. Proposal 2: The Kill procedure in S1AP should be renamed to PWS Cancel procedure in NGAP.
available No    
10.5 Radio Access Network connected to 5G-CN R3‑180006 LS on handling concurrent running of security procedures 3GPP SA WG3, Ericsson LS in   Yes
available No    
10.5.1 Multiple SCTP Associations and Related Mechanisms R3‑180004 LS reply on multiple SCTP associations 3GPP SA WG2, Intel LS in   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180005 LS reply on N2 requirements and procedures 3GPP SA WG2, Intel LS in   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180047 Analysis on NGAP support for multiple-SCTP associations Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: Introduce a new NGAP procedure to release the UE-TNLA-Binding. Proposal 2: Update Stage-2 to remove the Association deactivation from the AMF management section, and add a new section for NGAP TNLA Binding Release. Proposal 3: Update AMF Configuration Update procedure to 1) include weight factor for each TNL association. 2) indicate whether a TNL association is only used for UE-associated signalling, or non-UE associated signalling, or both. Proposal 4: Update RAN Configuration Update procedure to indicate new SCTP endpoints to be added in the NG-RAN node, and the existing SCTP endpoints to be removed in the NG-RAN node. Proposal 5: Update Stage-2 to support triangular redirection.
available No    
    R3‑180048 TP for multiple-SCTP association support Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180085 Text Proposal for multiple SCTP for TS 38.412 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
NoProposal 1: turn the WA into agreement that multiple SCTP associations are used per gNB-AMF pair. Assuming proposal 1 agreed, we also propose the following rules to use these SCTP associations: - The gNB shall always be the initiator of the SCTP association (please note does not prevent AMF to send the SCTP INIT for the restart case as per RFC 4960); - One pair of streams shall be reserved for the non-UE associated procedures over at least one SCTP association (several possible); FFS whether multiple streams could be used. - A single UE associated signalling transaction shall use one SCTP association and one SCTP stream and the association/stream should not be changed during a UE-associated signalling transaction unless TNL binding update is triggered as defined in TS 23.502. Proposal 2: agree the following principles for TS 38.412 on the usage of SCTP associations and streams. Besides, for each SCTP association the support of multi-homing should be specified again, as per today TS 36.412 for LTE, for the failure case of an individual IP routing path. Proposal 3: agree the multi-homing support per SCTP association.
available No    
    R3‑180105 Discussion on multiple SCTP associations ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
NoProposal1: If AMF initiates to release the N2AP UE-TNLA-binding for only a subset of the served UEs , the implicit way is preferred. Proposal2: In order to respect the requirement from SA2, the AMF’s TNL address may be provided from source NG-RAN node to target NG-RAN node during Xn handover preparation as optional behaviour. Proposal3: The handling of the common NGAP procedures related NGAP nonUE-TNLA-binding is similar as NGAP-UE-TNLA-binding, it is AMF who decides which TNLA is used for the current ongoing non-UE associated signaling. Proposal4: During NG Setup Procedure and AMF configuration Update procedure, the AMF needs to signal the the weight factor of each newly added TNL association, or update the weight factor of each current TNL associations.
available No    
    R3‑180116 TP on multiple SCTP associations for TS38.300 ZTE Corporation draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180118 Multiple SCTP associations support for TS38.413 ZTE Corporation draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180263 Discussion on AMF management Huawei discussion   Yes
NoProposal 1: A new procedure AMF STATUS INDICATION should be defined to indicate a specific AMF unavailability from AMF to NG RAN. Proposal 2: AMF reselection within the same AMF set function should be performed after receiving AMF unavailability indication. Proposal 3: Additionally, the target AMF information e.g. target AMF name associated with GUAMI should be provided to NG RAN. Proposal 4: The target AMF sends the indication to NG RAN that the old GUAMI(s) are now served by target AMF by AMF Configuration Update procedure. Proposal 5: It is up to RAN to detect the AMF failure Proposal 6: The backup AMF information e.g. the AMF name associated with each GUAMI should be sent from AMF to NG RAN in NG Setup procedure. Proposal 7: It is proposed that AMF Name IE is mandatory in NG SETUP RESPONSE. Proposal 8: gNB provides the Globle RAN Node ID on each TNLA to AMF, so that AMF can associate the gNB identity with the TNLA.
available No    
    R3‑180388 Support of multiple signalling TNL associations per AMF Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
NoProposal 1 It is proposed to add protocol support for an explicit NG-RAN triggered NGAP-level confirmation after a successful TNLA establishment. Proposal 2 We conclude from that and propose to agree on the following principles 1. The AMF selects TNLAs for non-UE associated signalling, for initial (UL) N2 messages and subsequent UE associated signalling. If the AMF does not indicate anything all TNLAs are allowed to be used for any kind of signalling. 2. Paging is allowed to be sent on all TNLAs. 3. The NG-RAN cannot select the use of TNLAs. 4. The principle of using different SCTP streams for UE-associated and non-UE associated signalling as foreseen for EPS can be kept. 5. Weight Factors are introduced on a per AMF and per TNL association basis. Proposal 3 It is proposed to liaise to SA2 to abstain from introducing an explicit per UE NGAP-UE TNLA binding release.
available No    
    R3‑180389 Support of multiple signalling TNL associations per AMF – TP for 38.412 Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180390 Support of multiple signalling TNL associations per AMF Ericsson draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180391 Support of multiple signalling TNL associations per AMF – TP for 38.401 Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180392 Support of multiple signalling TNL associations per AMF – TP for 38.413 Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180393 Support of multiple signalling TNL associations per AMF – TP for 38.423 Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180394 [DRAFT] reply LS on N2 requirements and procedures (To: SA2) Ericsson LS out   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180462 On multiple SCTP associations for NG-C Intel Corporation pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180464 Considerations on supporting multiple SCTP associations in NG-c Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
10.5.2 NG-Based RRC_ACTIVE Mode Mobility (Handover)              Common Aspects R3‑180086 Handover and Redirection of Emergency Services Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180395 NG handover Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180396 Correction on Path Switch Request Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180262 Handover Type in Handover Reqired message Samsung R&D Institute UK pCR Approval No
reserved No    
    R3‑180264 [DRAFT] LS on handover type from NG-RAN to 5GC Samsung R&D Institute UK LS out Approval No
reserved No Intra-System Specifics              Inter-System Specifics, 5G->4G R3‑180087 Correction of 5G to 4G handover Nokia France pCR Agreement Yes
available No Inter-System Specifics, 4G->5G                      
10.5.3 NG-RAN Node Identification on NG and Xn R3‑180101 On the need for explicit signalling of gNB length Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180099 Impacts of flexible length gNB ID on NGAP procedures Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR   Yes
NoProposal 1: In the UPLINK RAN CONFIGURATION TRANSFER message (used for TNL address discovery), the initiating NG-RAN node includes the Global gNB ID and TAI of the target (i.e. same as LTE). Proposal 2: In the HANDOVER REQUIRED message, the source gNB includes the Global gNB ID and TAI of the target (i.e. same as LTE).
available No    
    R3‑180397 TAC Extension for NR and NG-RAN Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180398 TAC Extension for NR and NG-RAN – Stage 2 Ericsson draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180399 [DRAFT] LS on Extending TAC for NR and NG-RAN (To: RAN2, SA2) Ericsson LS out   Yes
available No    
10.5.4 Roaming and Access Restrictions for RRC_ACTIVE Mobility                      
10.5.5 Data Forwarding (both intra- and inter-system) R3‑180320 Inter-system handover from EPS to 5GS KT Corp. discussion   Yes
available No Common Aspects R3‑180088 Text Proposal for Stage 2 Data forwarding Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell draftCR Endorsement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180214 Introduction of stage 2 text for Data Forwarding Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180490 Data forwarding aspects for intra-system ACTIVE mobility and DC bearer type change Ericsson discussion   Yes
available No NG-Based Handover Aspects R3‑180089 Finalization of 5G to 4G Data forwarding Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180090 Conclusion and Text Proposal for data forwarding at 4G to 5G Handover Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell draftCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180091 Text Proposal for data forwarding at 4G to 5G Handover Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180215 Finalization of Data Forwarding at 4g to 5g Handover Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180247 Open issues on Data forwarding for Inter-system handover from 5GS to EPS Samsung pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180248 Text proposal to stage 2 on inter-system handover from 5GS to EPS Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180249 Data forwarding for Inter-system handover from EPS to 5GS Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180250 Support of data forwarding for inter-system handover from EPS to 5GS (Solution 3) Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180251 Stage 2 change to support data forwarding for inter-system handover from EPS to 5GS Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180257 Data Forwarding in NG Based Handover Samsung pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180321 Data forwarding for NG Handover Huawei other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180322 Data forwarding for NG Handover Huawei pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180400 Handling of End Marker in HO and DC Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180401 Correction on Handling of End Marker in HO and DC Ericsson draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180491 Data forwarding aspects for intra-system ACTIVE mobility – TP for NGAP Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180143 Data forwarding for inter system HO from EPS to 5GS CATT draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180144 TP for 38.413 on data forwarding from EPS to 5GS CATT pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180145 TP for 36.413 to support handover from EPS to 5GS CATT draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180146 Data forwarding for Xn Handover CATT draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180147 TP for 38.423 on Data forwarding for Xn Handover CATT pCR   Yes
available No Xn-Based Handover Aspects R3‑180258 Data Forwarding in Xn Based Handover Samsung pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180301 Data forwarding during Xn Handover Huawei other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180302 Xn Data forwarding and QoS Parameters Update for Xn Handover Huawei pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180492 Data forwarding aspects for intra-system ACTIVE mobility – TP for XnAP Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No Dual Connectivity Related Aspects R3‑180493 Data forwarding aspects for intra-system ACTIVE mobility – TP for 37.340 Ericsson draftCR   Yes
available No Others R3‑180494 Removing data forwarding from the corresponding node for EN-DC Ericsson CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180495 Removing data forwarding from corresponding node for MR-DC – XnAP TP Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
10.5.6 Others R3‑180022 LS on User Plane Security Policy 3GPP SA3, Huawei LS in   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180003 Reply LS on supporting non-3GPP access in NGAP 3GPP SA WG2, Nokia LS in   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180001 Discussion on Non-3GPP Access support in NGAP Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180049 Discussion on AMF management Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180050 Discussion on Overload Control in NGAP Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180051 TP for NGAP Overload Control Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180097 MDT and Trace support in NG-RAN Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, Huawei pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180098 NG interface management procedures Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180108 VoNR Feature Plan Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
    R3‑180109 UE radio capability handling Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180110 UE capability Indication (P-CR 38.413) Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180111 UE capability Indication (P-CR 38.410) Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180112 NG Paging Procedure Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
    R3‑180113 Paging procedure (P-CR 38.413) Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180120 TPs for XnAP for MDT and Trace support in NG-RAN Huawei, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180229 Discussion on Reroute NAS Request Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180370 User Plane security impact on NG interface Huawei pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180371 User Plane security impact on Xn interface Huawei pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180373 [Draft] Reply LS on User Plane Security Policy Huawei LS out   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180402 Corrections to PDU Session Resource information Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180459 NG-AP Paging Procedure and Signaling Intel Corporation pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180461 [DRAFT] LS on NAS level information in paging Intel Corporation LS out Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180477 NG Reset Huawei pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180478 NG overload control Huawei pCR   Yes
available No    
10.6 Intra NG-RAN mobility in RRC_INACTIVE (mode)                      
10.6.1 NG-RAN Area Concepts for RRC_INACTIVE Mode R3‑180403 RRC_INACTIVE – NG-RAN aspects Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180404 NG based UE context retrieval and RAN paging Ericsson draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180454 Consideration on RAN-Based Notification Area Intel Coporation draftCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180507 Way Forward on inactive aspects Huawei, Nokia, CATT, Qualcomm Incorporated, NEC, Deutsche Telekom, Nokia Shanghai Bell,Samsung discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180453 Consideration on RAN-Based Notification Area Intel Coporation discussion Decision No
withdrawn Yes    
10.6.2 Assistance Information for RAN Paging and RRC_INACTIVE Handling R3‑180092 Assistance Information for RAN Paging Priority Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180093 Text Proposal for Paging Priority Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180140 Handling of DL signallings CATT draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180141 TP for 38.413 on DL signalling handling CATT pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180155 The Presence of RRC Inactive Assistance Information Huawei pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180156 DL signalling handling in INACTIVE state Huawei discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180205 Stage 2 CR for DL signalling handling in INACTIVE state Huawei draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180269 Further consideration on RRC Inactive Assistance Information LG Electronics pCR   Yes
available No    
10.6.3 NG-RAN Paging R3‑180094 Text Proposal for Xn Assistance Data for RAN Paging Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180106 RAN Paging Handling Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
    R3‑180142 Content of RAN Paging CATT pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180157 RAN Paging Priority handling Huawei pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180158 Text proposals for NGAP for RAN Paging Priority handling Huawei pCR Approval Yes
available No    
10.6.4 UE Context Transfer R3‑180159 Periodic RNA update without anchor gNB relocation Huawei discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180206 Stage 2 CR for Periodic RNA update without anchor gNB relocation Huawei draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180217 On the definition of RNA and design of the RRC-INACTIVE feature Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
    R3‑180501 Use case for NG Paging Relay and NG context fetch ? Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180506 Introduction of Retrieve UE Context messages Huawei pCR Approval Yes
available No   R3‑180160
    R3‑180160 Introduction of Retrieve UE Context messages Huawei pCR Approval Yes
revised No R3‑180506  
10.6.5 Others R3‑180046 CN Area Update in Inactive State ZTE discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180252 Stage 2 TP on RRC Inactive Transition Report Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180253 Stage 3 TP on RRC Inactive Transition Report Samsung pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180271 Stage 3 TP on CN selective awareness for RRC-INACTIVE state LG Electronics pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180273 Stage 2 TP on CN selective awareness for RRC-INACTIVE state LG Electronics draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180405 On Coexistence between RRC inactive and dual connectivity Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180406 Support of RRC_INACTIVE and MR-DC with 5GC Ericsson draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180407 [DRAFT] reply LS on coexistence between RRC inactive and dual connectivity (To: SA2, RAN2, Cc:-) Ericsson LS out   Yes
available No    
10.7 Void                      
10.8 Dual Connectivity Options                      
10.8.1 Void                      
10.8.2 E-UTRA-NR DC via 5G-CN where the E-UTRA is the master              General R3‑180012 Further Consideration on SN Release ZTE discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180013 Correction of SN Release in TS37.340 ZTE draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180329 List of FFSs for MR-DC (For Information) ZTE other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180368 Cause values for QoS flow offloading Huawei pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180369 Support of SN counter check Huawei pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180374 Support of QoS and slice for MR-DC with 5GC Alt1 Huawei pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180375 Support of QoS and slice for MR-DC with 5GC Alt2 Huawei pCR   Yes
available No Stage 2 R3‑180014 Further Consideration on MR-DC Mobility Procedures ZTE discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180025 Correction of MR-DC Combined Mobility in TS37.340 ZTE draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180026 Further Discussion on Mode Change between Single and Two NG-U tunnels ZTE discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180027 Correction of Mode Change between Single and Two NG-U tunnels in TS37.340 ZTE draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180029 Correction of Split SRB configuration in TS37.340 ZTE draftCR   No
reserved No Control of Various NGEN-DC DRB Options R3‑180034 Further Discussion on QoS Flow to DRB Mapping in MR-DC@5GC ZTE discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180035 Further Discussion and pCR on MR-DC@5GC Specific Xn Messages Structures ZTE discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180036 Correction of QoS Flow to DRB Mapping in MR-DC@5GC in TS37.340 ZTE draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180104 Bearer and flow offloading for MR-DC with 5GC LG Electronics, KT Corp. discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180259 Dual Connectivity establishment in new QoS framework Samsung pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180408 PDU session split at UPF Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180496 PDU Session, QoS flow and DRB control for NG-RAN DC Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No Control of NGEN-DC SRB Options R3‑180114 Feedback of MCG split SRB Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180497 Bearer harmonization in NG-RAN - XnAP TP Ericsson pCR   No
reserved No Change between NGEN-DC DRB Options (Bearer Type Change) R3‑180037 Further Discussion and Stage2 pCR for SN Initiated SN Modification Procedure ZTE discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180038 Stage3 pCR for SN Initiated SN Modification Procedure ZTE pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180209 Bearer type decision and change for NGEN-DC DRB options LG Electronics, KT Corp. draftCR   Yes
available No Data Forwarding R3‑180201 Discussion on data forwarding when DC offloading CATT discussion   Yes
available No UE AMBR R3‑180210 Issues on AMBR for Option 7 family LG Electronics draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180052 A new AMBR solution for MR-DC Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion Discussion Yes
available No Others R3‑180313 Further consideration on mechanism for simultaneously releasing multiple UE contexts NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180376 Discussions on Energy Efficiency leftovers Huawei, Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Approval Yes
available No    
10.8.3 Void                      
10.8.4 NR-E-UTRA DC via 5G-CN where the NR is the master                      
10.8.5 Others R3‑180044 Correction on S1AP for the secondary RAT data volume reporting ZTE draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180045 Correction on X2AP for the secondary RAT data volume reporting ZTE draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180411 Keeping a stable PDCP anchor Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180412 Keeping a stable PDCP anchor – draft CR for 37.340 Ericsson draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180413 Support for keeping a stable PDCP anchor at HO and inter-node resume Ericsson draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180414 Support for keeping a stable PDCP anchor at Path Switch Ericsson CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180415 Support for keeping a stable PDCP anchor at HO Ericsson draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180416 Keeping a stable PDCP anchor – TP for 38.413 Ericsson pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180417 Support for keeping a stable PDCP anchor at bearer type change or MN change or SN change Ericsson CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180418 Support for keeping a stable PDCP anchor at HO and inter-node resume Ericsson CR   Yes
available No    
10.9 User Plane R3‑180103 On open issues in TS 38.425 Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
    R3‑180212 Corrections to NR UP protocol Qualcomm Incorporated CR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180211 Corrections to UP protocol Qualcomm UK Ltd CR Approval No
withdrawn Yes    
10.9.1 Fast Retransmission R3‑180131 Further discussion on data retransmission indication ZTE Corporation draftCR   Yes
available No    
10.9.2 PDCP Duplication R3‑180135 Consideration on fast duplication activation and deactivation over F1 ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180238 PDCP duplication activation and deactivation over F1 Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180239 PDCP duplication support over X2 Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180305 Removal of unnecessary limitation on discarding NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180306 CR on Removal of unnecessary limitation on discarding NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180342 pCR to 38.473 on PDCP duplication Huawei other Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180455 Flow Control enhancements for uplink PDCP duplication Intel Corporation discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180456 Flow Control enhancements for uplink PDCP duplication Intel Corporation CR Agreement Yes
available No    
10.9.3 Centralized Retransmission R3‑180039 Consideration on Multi-Connectivity with Dual/Multiple gNB-DUs ZTE discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180040 Correction of Multi-Connectivity with Dual/Multiple gNB-DUs in TS38.401 ZTE draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180240 Radio link outage/resume for DL and UL Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180314 Further consideration on how to acquire status of re-transmitted packets NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180315 CR on how to acquire status of re-transmitted packets NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180316 Further consideration on data existence indication for split bearer NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion Approval Yes
available No    
10.9.4 Others R3‑180254 Rapporteur’s update to TS38.425v100 Samsung CR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180295 Spare field and future extension NEC discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180317 CR on data existence indication for split bearer NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180457 Flow Control enhancement for DRX Intel Corporation discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180458 Flow Control enhancement for DRX Intel Corporation CR Agreement Yes
available No    
10.10 High layer functional split                      
10.10.1 General R3‑180139 NW slicing for high layer functional split ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180164 TP for 38.401 BL on UE Reconfiguration Completion procedure CATT draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180287 Discussion on UE Attached Indication procedure LG Electronics discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180357 Further discussions on the content of serving cell info Huawei discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180419 F1 TNL associations Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180420 TP for F1 TNL associations Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180421 Cells information from gNB-DU to gNB-CU Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180463 On multiple SCTP associations for F1-C Intel Corporation draftCR Agreement Yes
available No    
10.10.2 System Information R3‑180233 Issues on system information management function LG Electronics, KT Corp. draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180347 System information delivery over F1 interface Huawei discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180348 CR to BL 38.473 on System information delivery over F1 interface Huawei other Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180422 System information delivery Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180423 System information exchange over F1 Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
10.10.3 UE Initial Access, State Transitions R3‑180122 Security issue for UE Initial Access ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180125 Corrections for RRC Message Transfer for TS38.473 ZTE Corporation draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180126 Left issues on Inactive UE over F1 interface ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180349 Further discussion on RRC reestablishment Huawei other Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180424 Corrections to Inactive to Other State procedures over F1 Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180508 Further clarification on transition from RRC-INACTIVE to other RRC states (TP to BL CR for 38.401) LG Electronics other   Yes
available No    
10.10.4 Mobility Aspects R3‑180134 Discussion on Inter-DU Mobility with Dual Connectivity ZTE Corporation draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180191 TP on support of delta configuration during handover procedure CATT draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180241 UE attached indication for mobility procedure Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180242 Stage 2 TP for TS38.470 on UE attached indication for mobility procedure Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180243 Stage 3 TP for TS38.473 on UE attached indication for mobility procedure Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
10.10.5 Paging R3‑180136 Left FFS on paging over F1 ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180460 F1-AP Paging Procedure and Signaling Intel Corporation draftCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180346 pCR to 38.473 on Paging delivery over F1 Huawei other Approval Yes
available No    
10.10.6 Void                      
10.10.7 UE Context Management R3‑180123 QoS information transfer over F1 interface ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180124 Update on QoS information transfer for TS38.473 ZTE Corporation draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180179 Discussion on UE Context Management procedure CATT draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180180 TP for TS 38.473 on UE Context Management procedure CATT draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180188 QoS handling for F1 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180189 TP of QoS handling for F1 (TS 38.473) Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180190 User inactivity monitoring Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180234 QoS aspect in UE context management function LG Electronics, KT Corp. draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180235 Stage 3 on QoS aspect in UE context management function LG Electronics, KT Corp. draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180244 UE context management update considering parameters over X2 for EN-DC Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180285 User inactivity monitoring in CU-DU architecture Samsung, KT draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180286 TP for TS 38.473 on user inactivity monitoring Samsung, KT draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180300 RLC Mode indication in F1AP NEC draftCR Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180330 QoS management over F1 CMCC discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180343 Further discussions on QoS info transfer over F1 Huawei other Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180344 pCR to 38.473 on QoS info transfer over F1 Huawei other Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180352 Further discussions on UE context management Huawei discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180355 CR to BL 38.473 on inter-gNB-DU or intra-gNB-DU handover case for SA operation Huawei other Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180356 pCR to 38.473 on the introduction of HandoverPreparationInformation for SA operation Huawei other Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180367 Further discussions on confirmation to gNB-DU about completion of RRC messages Huawei discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180425 UE radio capabilities over F1 Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180426 Cell information over F1 Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180427 UE context Setup over the F1 Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180428 UE Reject Indication and gNB-DU admission result Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180429 Further analysis on inactivity monitoring Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180430 Creation of signalling connection Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180431 RRC Container in UE Context Setup Request Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180432 RLC Mode indication Ericsson other   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180433 Introduction of UE Reconfiguration Complete procedure Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
10.10.8 Others R3‑180133 Discussion on Load Management over F1 interface ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180186 Load management Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180187 TP of Load management (TS 38.473) Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180245 Supplementary uplink (SUL) information for NR cells over F1 Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180246 Supplementary uplink (SUL) addition and release over F1 Samsung draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180294 Target Cell selection in gNB-CU for EN-DC and cell load reporting from gNB-DU NEC discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180372 Load management on X2 and F1 NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion Approval Yes
available No   R3‑180318
    R3‑180504 Notification control over F1 Ericsson other   Yes
available No   R3‑180434
    R3‑180318 Load management on X2 and F1 NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion Approval Yes
revised No R3‑180372  
    R3‑180434 Notification control over F1 Ericsson other   Yes
revised No R3‑180504  
10.11 Stage 2 Updates R3‑180290 Rapporteur cleanup for 38.401v15.0.0 NEC draftCR Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180291 Baseline CR to capture remaining FFS of TS 38.401 NEC draftCR Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180480 Baseline CR to TS 38.470 covering agreements of RAN3#98 Huawei CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180041 Rapporteur Cleanups for TS37.340 (RAN3 Part) ZTE discussion   Yes
available No    
10.11.1 Void                      
10.11.2 Void                      
10.11.3 Void                      
10.11.4 TS 38.410/420 NG/Xn General aspects and principles R3‑180095 Text Proposal for Rapporteur’s update for TS 38.410 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
10.11.5 Void                      
10.12 Stage 3 Updates                      
10.12.1 TS 38.411/421 NG/Xn Layer 1 R3‑180449 TP for TS 38.411 LG Electronics pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180171 Rapporteur editorial updates to 38.421 CATT pCR   Yes
available No    
10.12.2 TS 38.412/422 NG/Xn Signaling transport                      
10.12.3 Application Protocol R3‑180481 Baseline CR to TS 38.473 covering agrements of RAN3#98 Huawei CR   Yes
available No TS 38.413 NG Application Protocol (NGAP) R3‑180096 Rapporteur update for TS 38.413 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell pCR   Yes
available No TS 38.423 Xn Application Protocol (XnAP)              Void              Void              Void              TS 38.455 NR Positioning Protocol A (NRPPa)                      
10.12.4 TS 38.414/424 NG/Xn Data transport R3‑180042 Rapporteur Updates of TS 38.414 to v031 ZTE discussion   Yes
available No    
10.12.5 Void                      
10.13 Positioning Support                      
10.13.1 Transport of Positioning Messages Between 5G-CN and NG-RAN Hosting E-UTRA                      
10.13.2 Transport of Positioning Messages Between 5G-CN and NG-RAN Hosting NR                      
10.13.3 NR CID and Cell Portions                      
10.14 LTE-NR Coexistence Aspects R3‑180043 Correction of TS37.340 for Single Tx Hamonic Issues ZTE draftCR   Yes
available No    
10.14.1 LTE-NR Coexistence in Overlapping and Adjacent Spectrum R3‑180016 Response LS on required information for NSA on X2. 3GPP RAN1, Nokia LS in   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180224 Signalling for cell resource coordination Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, AT&T discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180225 E-UTRA - NR Cell Resource Coordination Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, AT&T draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180226 E-UTRA - NR Cell Resource Coordination Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, AT&T CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180297 NR Frequency and Time Resource Granularity NEC discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180327 Discussion on backhaul signaling exchange for NR frame structure CMCC discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180340 LTE-NR UL sharing in overlapping and adjacent spectrum Huawei, Vodafone discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180341 Support of LTE-NR coexistence over X2 Huawei, Vodafone CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180435 LTE-NR radio resource allocation coordination Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180499 Signaling support for LTE-NR Coexistence in Overlapping and Adjacent Spectrum AT&T discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
10.14.2 Others R3‑180115 LTE-NR coordination for inter-modulation issue Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
    R3‑180216 LTE-NR coordination for inter-modulation issue Qualcomm Incorporated CR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180117 LTE-NR coordination for inter-modulation issue Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Approval No
withdrawn Yes    
10.15 Others R3‑180060 Cleanup of reference/defintions InterDigital, Huawei discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180061 Cleanup of reference/definitions for 38.410 Interdigital pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180062 Cleanup of reference/definitions for 38.412 Interdigital Asia LLC pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180063 Cleanup of reference/definitions for 38.413 Interdigital Asia LLC pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180064 Cleanup of reference/definitions for 38.414 Interdigital Asia LLC pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180065 Cleanup of reference/definitions for 38.420 Interdigital Asia LLC pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180066 Cleanup of reference/definitions for 38.422 Interdigital Asia LLC pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180067 Cleanup of reference/definitions for 38.423 Interdigital Asia LLC pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180068 Cleanup of reference/definitions for 38.424 Interdigital Asia LLC pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180069 Cleanup of reference/definitions for 38.455 Interdigital Asia LLC pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180325 Discussion on RAN support of edge computing in NR CMCC discussion Decision Yes
available No    
11 Study on CU-DU lower layer split for New Radio SI                      
11.1 Functionality and CU-DU Lower Layer Split                      
11.2 Evaluation Criteria for Lower Layer Split Options                      
11.3 Feasibility of a Standardized Interface for Lower Layer Split                      
11.4 Others                      
12 Study on eNB(s) Architecture Evolution for E-UTRAN and NG-RAN SI                      
12.1 Potential CU-DU Functional Split for the eNB                      
12.2 CU-DU Interface, Functions, and Procedures R3‑180192 Discussion on V1 leftover issues Huawei, China Unicom pCR   Yes
available No    
12.3 Others R3‑180303 Feature supporting over V1 Huawei discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
13 Further NB-IoT enhancements (RAN1-led) WI                      
13.1 Early data transmission                      
13.2 UE differentiation                      
13.3 Others                      
14 Even further enhanced MTC for LTE (RAN1-led) WI                      
14.1 Early data transmission                      
14.2 Others                      
15 UE positioning accuracy enhancements for LTE (RAN2-led) WI                      
15.1 Assistance Data Broadcast Procedure                      
15.2 Information to Be Signaled over LPPa                      
15.3 Others                      
18 Other WI/SIs with impact on RAN3                      
18.1 Rapporteur SID summarize                      
18.2 Band completion                      
18.3 Others                      
19 Void                      
20 Enhancing LTE CA Utilization WI                      
21 Signalling reduction to enable light connection for LTE (RAN2-led) WI                      
23 WI on Separation of CP and UP for Split Option 2                      
23.1 E1 General Principles R3‑180505 Time plan for WI on separation of CP and UP for split option 2 Ericsson, KT, Vodafone discussion Agreement Yes
available No   R3‑180436
    R3‑180436 Time plan for WI on separation of CP and UP for split option 2 Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
revised No R3‑180505  
23.2 E1 Signaling Transport                      
23.3 E1 Application Protocol (E1AP) R3‑180127 Discussion on Bearer Management over E1 interface ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180128 Further consideration on E1 interface setup ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
23.4 Security Aspects R3‑180165 AS Security handling Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180260 Security Aspects for CU-UP Samsung discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180323 Security Aspects of CP-UP Split Architecture Vodafone Group Plc discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180324 [DRAFT]LS on security issue for CP-UP separation Samsung R&D Institute UK LS out Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180350 Discussions on Security handling for CP-UP separation Huawei discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180351 Draft LS to SA3 on open issues of security handling for CP-UP separation v03 Huawei LS out Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180437 Security for split CU Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180438 [DRAFT] LS on security for CU-CP/UP separation Ericsson LS out   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180129 Discussion on security key generation over E1 interface ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180130 Draft LS on security key generation for CP/UP separation ZTE Corporation LS out   Yes
available No    
31 Corrections to Rel-15 and TEI15                      
31.1 3G                      
31.2 LTE.                      
31.3 EN-DC                      
31.3.1 Essential Corrections R3‑180274 Clarification on resource coordination NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180275 CR for Clarification on resource coordination NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180278 Neccesary addition on resource coodination NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180279 CR on neccesary addition on resource coodination NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180332 Considerations on HRL Huawei discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180333 Clarification on HRL for EN-DC Huawei draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180334 Clarification on HRL for EN-DC Huawei CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180335 Clarification on HRL for EN-DC Huawei draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180336 Clarification on HRL for EN-DC Huawei pCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180441 On Coexistence between suspend and dual connectivity Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180442 Support of suspend in EN-DC Ericsson CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180443 Support of suspend in EN-DC Ericsson draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180444 [DRAFT] reply LS on Coexistence between suspend and dual connectivity Ericsson LS out   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180166 Discussion on SgNB initiated SgNB Modification procedure CATT discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180167 Correction on SgNB initiated SgNB Modification procedure CATT draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180168 Correction on SgNB initiated SgNB Modification procedure CATT CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180500 Handling of remaining stage 3 FFSs for NSA ANR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell other   Yes
available No   R3‑180220
    R3‑180218 Stage 2 corrections for NSA ANR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180219 Corrections on NSA ANR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180339 Further considerations on secondary RAT data volume reporting Huawei discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180161 RRC Reconfiguration Complete Indication to DU CATT discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180162 Support of UE Reconfiguration Complete Message CATT CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180163 Support of UE Reconfiguration Complete Message CATT CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180053 Correction of the UE ID in the RRC Transfer Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180483 Criticality for UE context management Huawei discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180484 Criticality for UE context management Huawei CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180487 Adding cause in context modification required Huawei discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180488 Adding cause in context modification required Huawei CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180353 Further discussions on UE context management related with EN-DC operation Huawei discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180354 CR to 38.473 on UE context management procedure related with EN-DC operation Huawei CR Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180183 Consideration on UE context management procedures for EN-DC CATT discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180184 Correction on UE context management procedures for EN-DC CATT CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180172 Corrections on UE Context Setup procedure Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180173 Corrections on UE Context Setup procedure Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180308 Applicability on AMBR for F1 NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180309 CR for applicability on AMBR for F1 NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180448 Correction on UE-AMBR for EN-DC LG Electronics draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180345 CR to 38.473 on the introduction of UE AMBR over F1 Huawei CR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180409 Handling of UE UL-AMBR Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180410 Handling of UE UL-AMBR Ericsson draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180485 Transaction ID in F1AP Huawei discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180486 Transaction ID in F1AP Huawei CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180207 Criticality Diagnostics for Transaction ID Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180208 Criticality Diagnostics for Transaction ID Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180445 Correction on Transaction ID Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180446 CR for correction on Transaction ID Ericsson CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180482 Enhanced ASN.1 coding Huawei CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180178 Correction on the definition of ProtocolIE-ContainerList Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180185 Correction on the definition of ProtocolIE-ContainerList Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180102 Stage 2 alignment for NSA Energy Savings Qualcomm Incorporated draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180439 Change of GTP TEID when UE resumes in same node Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180440 Change of GTP TEID when UE resumes in same node Ericsson draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180031 Consideration on SCG configuration in case of option 2x configuration ZTE discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180032 Correction of SCG configuration in case of option 2x configuration in TS37.340 ZTE draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180132 Discussion on PCell/PScell/Scell management in CU-DU deployment ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180213 Add NR UE Security Capabilities to DL NAS Transport message Qualcomm Incorporated, Vodafone CR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180280 clarification and correction on S1 for EN-DC NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180289 Essential corrections for EN-DC Huawei, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180148 EN-DC X2 setup and configuration update leftovers Huawei discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180149 Stage 3 CR for EN-DC X2 setup and configuration update leftovers Huawei draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180498 X2AP corrections for agreed EN-DC BL CR Ericsson CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180304 Baseline CR to capture remaining FFS over X2 for EN-DC Huawei, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180447 Discussions on FFS IEs in X2 Setup Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180054 Addition of the report type in the RRC Transfer Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180055 Signaling at PDCP-Count wraparound in Secondary Node Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
    R3‑180056 Correction of counter Check procedure for EN-DC Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180057 RLC re-establishment indication at switching on a split bearer Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
    R3‑180058 Addition of the indication of the RLC re-establishment Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR Agreement Yes
available No    
    R3‑180221 X2 support for supplementary UL carrier Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180222 Support for supplementary UL carrier Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180137 Discussion on SCG failure CATT discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180138 Support of SCG failure handling CATT CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180230 Correction on supporting partial cell list CATT CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180270 Correction on UL configuration NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180272 CR for UL configuration NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180331 Introduction of DRB ID for EN-DC Huawei CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180337 Clarifications on the QoS parameters Huawei discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180338 Handling inconsistency in QoS parameters Huawei CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180281 clarification and correction on X2 for EN-DC NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180276 Addition of cause NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180277 CR for addition of cause NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180292 mandatory/optional IEs in 36.423 NEC discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180293 Activation/Deactivation indication in EN-DC X2 NEC discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180296 Adding MeNB UE X2AP ID Extension NEC draftCR Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180028 Correction on Split SRB configuration ZTE discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180030 Correction of Split SRB configuration in TS36.423 ZTE draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180033 Correction of UL link configuration in TS36.423 ZTE draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180176 Corrections on NR U-plane protocol Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180177 Corrections on NR U-plane protocol Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180307 clarification and correction on U-plane for EN-DC NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180181 Discussion on Downlink Data Delivery Status transfer CATT discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180182 Correction on Downlink Data Delivery Status transfer CATT CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180489 Rapporteur suggested updates to 38.473 Huawei CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180169 Discussion on intra-DU handover CATT discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180170 Correction on intra-DU handover CATT CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180174 Maximum number of F1 logical connections Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180175 Maximum number of F1 logical connections Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180310 Cell activation over configuration update NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180311 CR on Cell activation over configuration update NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180312 clarification and correction on F1 for EN-DC NTT DOCOMO INC. CR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180358 Presence of gNB-DU system information in F1 setup request Huawei discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180359 CR to 38.473 on the presence of gNB-DU system information Huawei CR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180360 Presence of UE radio capability in CU to DU RRC information Huawei discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180361 CR to 38.473 on the presence of UE Radio capabilities Huawei CR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180362 Discussions on the presence of serving cell info in F1 Setup Huawei discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180363 CR to 38.473 on the presence of gNB-DU Served Cells List in F1 Setup Huawei other Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180364 Further discussion on measurement gap configuration Huawei discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    R3‑180365 CR to 38.473 on measurement gap configuration Huawei CR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180366 CR to 38.473 on gNB-CU behaviour without DU to CU RRC information Huawei CR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180119 Corrections for UE Context Management ZTE Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180121 Corrections on UE Context Management for TS38.473 ZTE Corporation draftCR   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180059 Editorial corrections of X2AP Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell CR Agreement No
withdrawn Yes    
    R3‑180220 Handling of remaining stage 3 FFSs for NSA ANR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell other   Yes
revised No R3‑180500  
31.3.2 QCI for EPC-Based ULLC                      
31.3.3 TNL Address Discovery for Option 3 R3‑180319 TNL address discovery for NSA NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180282 TNL address discovery for Option 3 LG Electronics discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180261 TNL Address Discovery in Option 3 Samsung discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180223 TNL address discovery based on intermediate node, for option 3 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell discussion   Yes
available No    
    R3‑180150 En-gNB X2 TNL Address Discovery Huawei discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180151 Stage 2 CR for en-gNB X2 TNL address discovery Huawei draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
    R3‑180152 Stage 3 CR for en-gNB X2 TNL address discovery Huawei draftCR Approval Yes
available No    
32 Rel-15 Specification Review                      
32.1 Editorial                      
32.2 ASN.1                      
33 Any other business                      
34 Closing of the meeting (Friday 17:00)