ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG2_RL2 / TSGR2_113bis-e / Inbox / Drafts / [Offline-607][POS] LPP proposals (CATT) / Revise CRs

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icon draft-37355_CR0294r1_(Rel-16)_R2-2104520.docx 2021/04/19 8:08 69,3 KB
icon Revised CR R2-2103921 PFL Gap.docx 2021/04/19 8:55 51,9 KB
icon Revised R2-2104049 Correction to PRS configuration.doc 2021/04/19 7:07 178,5 KB
icon Revised R2-2104049 Correction to PRS configuration_v02.doc 2021/04/20 4:24 179 KB
icon Revised R2-2104050 Correction to the uplink LPP message.doc 2021/04/19 7:07 120,5 KB
icon Revised R2-2104051 Correction to DL-PRS capability.doc 2021/04/19 7:07 108,5 KB
icon Revised R2-2104051 Correction to DL-PRS capability_v02.doc 2021/04/20 4:24 109 KB

7 items.