ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG2_RL2 / TSGR2_113-e / Inbox / Drafts / [Offline-713][V2X] TX resource (re)selection with HARQ feedback consideration (vivo) / Phase-2

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icon summary for phase-1+2 2021/02/04 7:43
icon draft 38321_CR#xxxx for option-2(partial) and 3.docx 2021/02/03 3:41 36,3 KB
icon R2-210xxxx - Draft Summary of [AT113-e][713]-summary_v1_rapp.docx 2021/02/03 3:41 57 KB
icon R2-210xxxx - Draft Summary of [AT113-e][713]-summary_v2_OPPO.docx 2021/02/03 3:58 56,6 KB
icon R2-210xxxx - Draft Summary of [AT113-e][713]-summary_v3_Nokia.docx 2021/02/03 9:15 56,7 KB
icon R2-210xxxx - Draft Summary of [AT113-e][713]-summary_v4_Rapp.docx 2021/02/03 16:17 144,2 KB

6 items.