ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG2_RL2 / TSGR2_113-e / Inbox / Drafts / [Offline-018][NR16] UE Cap Main (Intel) / CR review / [2-1-7] xDD diff UE cap CR

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icon Draft - R2-21xxxxx - Clarification on UE capabilities with FR1-FR2 differentiation_v00.docx 2021/01/29 10:09 58,8 KB
icon Draft - R2-21xxxxx - Clarification on UE capabilities with FR1-FR2 differentiation_v01_LG.docx 2021/02/03 15:14 58,1 KB
icon Draft - R2-21xxxxx - Clarification on UE capabilities with FR1-FR2 differentiation_v02_ER.docx 2021/02/04 7:25 53,8 KB
icon Draft - R2-21xxxxx - Clarification on UE capabilities with FR1-FR2 differentiation_v03_ER.docx 2021/02/04 9:09 53,3 KB

4 items.