ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_113 / Inbox / drafts / 9.17(Other) / 38.212 draft CRs

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icon [Post-113-38.212-NR_MC_enh] 2023/06/05 7:50
icon [Post-113-38.212-NR_MIMO_evo_DL_UL] 2023/06/09 2:06
icon [Post-113-38.212-NR_Mob_enh2-Core] 2023/06/09 1:47
icon [Post-113-38.212-NR_netcon_repeater-Core] 2023/06/05 7:40
icon [Post-113-38.212-NR_NTN_enh-Core] 2023/06/08 1:01
icon [Post-113-38.212-NR_pos_enh2-Core] 2023/06/08 7:06
icon [Post-113-38.212-NR_SL_enh2-Core] 2023/06/08 0:29

7 items.