ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_107b-e / Inbox / drafts / 8 / 38.213 draft CRs

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icon R1-2200811 draftCR_38213-CovEnh.docx 2022/02/01 14:17 89,2 KB
icon R1-2200812 draftCR_38213-extend_to_71.docx 2022/02/01 14:17 204,1 KB
icon R1-2200813 draftCR_38213-IIoT.docx 2022/02/01 14:17 120,1 KB
icon R1-2200814 draftCR_38213-MBS.docx 2022/02/01 14:17 150,6 KB
icon R1-2200815 draftCR_38213-Sidelink.docx 2022/02/01 14:17 99,7 KB
icon R1-2200816 draftCR_38213-UE PS.docx 2022/02/01 14:17 98,2 KB

6 items.