ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_107b-e / Inbox / drafts / 8.8.3 / [107bis-e-R17-CovEnh-05] - 4th round

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icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #4 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v069_LG_FL.docx 2022/01/24 9:56 409,8 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #4 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v070_FL_FL.docx 2022/01/25 2:27 409,7 KB
icon R1-220xxxx Feature lead summary #4 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v071_FL_FL.docx 2022/01/25 2:33 409,9 KB

3 items.