ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_107b-e / Inbox / drafts / 8.3.2 / [107bis-e-R17-IIoT-URLLC-02] / Round4

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icon R1-22xxxxx Summary#3 - Enhancements for IIOT URLLC on Unlicensed Band - v071_Moderator.docx 2022/01/25 0:13 630,6 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Summary#3 - Enhancements for IIOT URLLC on Unlicensed Band - v072_Moderator_H3C.docx 2022/01/25 1:20 617,9 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Summary#3 - Enhancements for IIOT URLLC on Unlicensed Band - v073_H3C_vivo.docx 2022/01/25 4:18 619,2 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Summary#3 - Enhancements for IIOT URLLC on Unlicensed Band - v074_vivo_Sony.docx 2022/01/25 11:46 700 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx Summary#3 - Enhancements for IIOT URLLC on Unlicensed Band - v075_Sony_Moderator.docx 2022/01/25 14:31 661,6 KB

5 items.