ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_105-e / Inbox / drafts / 7.2.5 / Preparation phase / Feature lead summaries

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icon R1-210xxxx Summary of HARQ and Scheduling.docx 2021/05/14 3:38 76,5 KB
icon R1-210xxxx Summary of HARQ and scheduling_Update.docx 2021/05/17 5:18 107,7 KB
icon R1-210xxxx Summary of other aspects for URLLC and IIoT.DOCX 2021/05/14 3:38 77,2 KB
icon R1-210xxxx Summary of R16 UCI enhancements.doc 2021/05/14 3:38 1755,5 KB
icon R1-21xxxxx Summary of intra-UE multiplexing and eCG.DOCX 2021/05/14 3:38 647,3 KB
icon R1-21xxxxxx Summary of PDCCH enhancements.docx 2021/05/14 3:38 277,5 KB

6 items.