R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V000_FL.docx
2021/04/13 19:04
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V001_FL_CTC.docx
2021/04/14 1:11
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V002_CTC_Ericsson.docx
2021/04/14 3:57
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V003_Ericsson_Samsung.docx
2021/04/14 4:19
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V004_Samsung_Intel.docx
2021/04/14 4:55
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V005_Intel_vivo.docx
2021/04/14 5:31
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V006_vivo_ZTE.docx
2021/04/14 6:15
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V007_ZTE_QC.docx
2021/04/14 6:21
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V008_QC_CATT.docx
2021/04/14 8:42
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V009_CATT_Panasonic.docx
2021/04/14 9:20
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V010_Panasonic_LG.docx
2021/04/14 10:13
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V011_LG_CMCC.docx
2021/04/14 11:09
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V012_CMCC_Nokia.docx
2021/04/14 12:20
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V013_Nokia_IDC.docx
2021/04/14 12:37
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V014_IDC_LenovoMotoM.docx
2021/04/14 13:52
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V015_LenovoMotoM_Apple.docx
2021/04/14 17:01
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V016_Apple_Sierra.docx
2021/04/14 17:11
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V017_Sierra_FL.docx
2021/04/15 1:19
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V018_FL-HW.docx
2021/04/15 2:30
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V019_HW-Eric.docx
2021/04/15 3:22
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V020-Eric-Samusng.docx
2021/04/15 8:32
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V021-Samusng_WILUS.docx
2021/04/15 9:28
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V022_WILUS_Panasonic.docx
2021/04/15 10:04
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V023_Panasonic_QC.docx
2021/04/15 10:19
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V024_QC_CATT.docx
2021/04/15 10:47
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V025_CATT_vivo.docx
2021/04/15 11:12
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V026_vivo_ZTE.docx
2021/04/15 12:39
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V027_ZTE_Intel.docx
2021/04/15 15:09
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V028_Intel_Nokia.docx
2021/04/15 18:01
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V029_Nokia-Sierra.docx
2021/04/16 0:15
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V030_Sierra-HW.docx
2021/04/16 0:33
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V031_HW_LG.docx
2021/04/16 4:02
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V032_LG_Ericsson.docx
2021/04/16 6:07
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V033_Ericsson_CMCC.docx
2021/04/16 7:04
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V034_CMCC_FL.docx
2021/04/16 7:12
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R1-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V035_FL_FL.docx
2021/04/16 7:15
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~$-20xxxxx FL summary of 104b-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-LS-01_V016_Apple_Sierra.docx
2021/04/14 17:09
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