ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_101-e / Inbox / drafts / Scheduling of multiple DL-UL transport blocks / Emai_discussion2 DCI format N1

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icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v00-FL.docx 2020/05/25 15:35 76 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v01-FL-Ericsson.docx 2020/05/26 1:12 77,9 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v02-Ericsson-QC.docx 2020/05/26 2:32 78,6 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v03-QC-LenoM.docx 2020/05/26 6:21 77,5 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v04-LenoM-Huawei.docx 2020/05/26 7:50 78,2 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v05-Huawei-Nokia.docx 2020/05/26 12:01 95,1 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v06-Nokia-ZTESS.docx 2020/05/26 16:19 78,5 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v07-ZTESS-QC.docx 2020/05/26 21:47 83,7 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v08-QC-Ericsson.docx 2020/05/26 22:37 83,8 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v09-Ericsson-FTW.docx 2020/05/27 0:35 84,4 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v10-FTW-LenoM.docx 2020/05/27 0:55 84,3 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v11-LenoM-QC.docx 2020/05/27 3:27 84,9 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v12-QC-Huawei.docx 2020/05/27 3:52 83,7 KB
icon R1-200xxxx FL summary of multiple TB scheduling for NB-IoT Email #2 DCI format N1 v13-Huawei-Ericsson.docx 2020/05/27 6:46 85,8 KB

14 items.