Intermediate Round
/ draft CRs
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36306_CR1824r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Distinguishing support of extended band n77_v00.docx
2021/09/14 12:51
44,2 KB
36306_CR1824r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Distinguishing support of extended band n77_v01_TMUSA.docx
2021/09/14 19:34
53,2 KB
36331_CR4723r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Distinguishing support of extended band n77_v00.docx
2021/09/14 12:51
207,8 KB
36331_CR4723r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Distinguishing support of extended band n77_v01_TMUSA.docx
2021/09/14 19:34
207,2 KB
36331_CR4723r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Distinguishing support of extended band n77_v02_Nokia.docx
2021/09/15 10:42
202,1 KB
38101-1_CR0926r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Introduction of extended range and NS-value for n77_v00.docx
2021/09/14 12:51
67,7 KB
38101-1_CR0926r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Introduction of extended range and NS-value for n77_v01_Apple.docx
2021/09/14 22:20
74,1 KB
38101-1_CR0926r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Introduction of extended range and NS-value for n77_v01_TMUS.docx
2021/09/14 19:34
72,2 KB
38101-1_CR0926r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Introduction of extended range and NS-value for n77_v02_TMUS2.docx
2021/09/15 0:16
68,5 KB
38101-1_CR0926r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Introduction of extended range and NS-value for n77_v03_OPPO.docx
2021/09/15 3:04
67,2 KB
38101-1_CR0927r2_(Rel-17)_RP-21xxxx - Introduction of extended range and NS-value for n77_v00.docx
2021/09/14 12:51
69,2 KB
38101-1_CR0927r2_(Rel-17)_RP-21xxxx - Introduction of extended range and NS-value for n77_v01_TMUS.docx
2021/09/14 19:34
73,5 KB
38306_CR0643r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Distinguishing support of extended band n77_v00.docx
2021/09/14 12:51
48,8 KB
38306_CR0643r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Distinguishing support of extended band n77_v01_TMUSA.docx
2021/09/14 19:34
54,1 KB
38331_CR2810r2_(Rel-16)_RP-21xxxx - Distinguishing support of extended band n77_v00.docx
2021/09/14 12:51
53,3 KB
15 items.