ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ct / WG4_protocollars_ex-CN4 / TSGCT4_98e_meeting / Inbox / Drafts / 6.1.8

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icon C4-203237v1 CR 23632-g10 SMS interfaces.docx 2020/06/03 16:33 233,8 KB
icon C4-203333-Initial-Registration-29503_v1.docx 2020/06/07 12:44 44,2 KB
icon C4-203334-Initial-Registration-29563_v1.docx 2020/06/07 12:44 37,9 KB
icon C4-203334-Initial-Registration-29563_v2.docx 2020/06/08 20:13 65,4 KB
icon C4-203334-Initial-Registration-29563_v3.docx 2020/06/09 16:58 65,6 KB
icon C4-203336-SMSoIP-29503_v1.docx 2020/06/09 11:54 190 KB
icon C4-203337-SMSoIP-29505_v1.docx 2020/06/09 17:06 288,4 KB
icon C4-203341-HSS-Event-Exposure-29563_v1.docx 2020/06/08 19:00 193,4 KB

8 items.