ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ct / WG4_protocollars_ex-CN4 / TSGCT4_102e_meeting / Inbox / Drafts / 7.1.9_5G_URLLC

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icon C4-211069_v1_URLLC_29244_R16_Stop of QoS Monitoring.docx 2021/03/02 9:42 59,4 KB
icon C4-211070_v1_URLLC_29502_R16_Stop of QoS Monitoring.docx 2021/03/02 9:42 51,6 KB
icon C4-211070_v2_URLLC_29502_R16_Stop of QoS Monitoring.docx 2021/03/02 9:49 51,9 KB
icon C4-211120_v1_29244_Rel16_Usage Reporting when using Redundant Transmission on N3N9 interfaces.docx 2021/03/01 16:52 41 KB
icon C4-211121_v1_29502_Rel16_RSN for Dual Connectivity based end to end Redundant User Plane Paths.docx 2021/03/01 18:09 90,6 KB

5 items.