ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ct / WG4_protocollars_ex-CN4 / TSGCT4_102e_meeting / Inbox / Drafts / 6.3.8_UDICOM

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icon C4-211402-Cancellation-Type-29563-v1.docx 2021/03/04 12:34 61,7 KB
icon draftv1-C4-211350-CR0029-TEI16-23632-Cancellation Type for mobility from EPC to 5GC-r16.docx 2021/03/04 8:23 65,5 KB
icon draftv1-C4-211355-CR0019-TEI16-29563-Cancellation Type for mobility from EPC to 5GC-r16.docx 2021/03/04 8:53 55,9 KB
icon draftv2-C4-211350-CR0029-TEI16-23632-Cancellation Type for mobility from EPC to 5GC-r16.docx 2021/03/04 8:53 65,7 KB

4 items.