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icon C3-220218r1 was C3-216597 Procedures to support Nnef_EASDeployment_Unsubscribe service operation.docx 2022/02/10 19:21 42,3 KB
icon C3-220219r1 was C3-216598 Procedures to support Nnef_EASDeployment_Notify service operation.docx 2022/02/10 19:21 41,6 KB
icon C3-220254r1 Rel-17 29522 Updates to URSP rule in ServiceParameter API.docx 2022/02/10 19:21 87,2 KB
icon C3-220256r1 Rel-17 29522 Resource structure and data model to support EAS Deployment information.docx 2022/02/10 19:21 100,3 KB
icon C3-220257r1 Rel-17 29522 OpenAPI for AF provisioned EAS Deployment information.docx 2022/02/10 19:21 48,7 KB
icon C3-220258r1 Rel-17 29522 Update procedures for Northbound EAS Deployment Information management.docx 2022/02/10 19:21 44,8 KB
icon C3-22xxxx eEDGE_5GC correct transaction id 29522 R17 v2.docx 2022/02/10 19:21 70,3 KB

7 items.