ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_CT / WG6_Smartcard_Ex-T3 / CT6-92 / Specifications / 31 111 Rel 15

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icon 31111-f50.doc 2018/12/20 11:55 2074 KB
icon 31111_CR0706r3_(Rel-15)_C6-180702 Routing ID data update using SMS-PP ENVELOPE_31111.docx 2018/11/30 21:50 63 KB
icon 31111_CR0707r1_(Rel-15)_C6-180672-5G Call Control by USIM impacted by SM PDU DN container size.docx 2018/11/28 14:46 36,1 KB
icon 31111_CR0708_(Rel-15)_C6-180625-Update ARFCN-NR length in NMR For E-UTRAN inter RAT with NR_31111.docx 2018/11/19 22:39 34,4 KB
icon 31111_CR0710r1_(Rel-15)_C6-180675 was0630 [31111] correction for PDU session.doc 2018/11/29 10:20 202 KB
icon 31111_CR0711r1_(Rel-15)_C6-180676 [31111] wrong 24.501 subclause.doc 2018/11/28 19:45 73,5 KB
icon 31111_CR0713r1_(Rel-15)_C6-180677 [31111] sms address data.doc 2018/11/28 20:33 84 KB

7 items.