ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_CT / WG6_Smartcard_Ex-T3 / CT6-92 / Specifications / 31 103 Rel 15

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icon 31103-f40.doc 2018/12/20 11:55 1062,5 KB
icon 31103_CR0128_(Rel-15)_C6-180614-default QoS flow usage restriction policy.doc 2018/10/31 2:15 74,5 KB
icon 31103_CR0129r2_(Rel-15)_C6-180680 New Timer for emergency call attempt in non-3GPP access.doc 2018/11/28 22:52 76 KB
icon 31103_CR0130r1_(Rel-15)_C6-180691_31103_Correction Implementation CR0125.docx 2018/11/29 19:53 78,4 KB

4 items.