ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_CT / WG4_protocollars_ex-CN4 / TSGCT4_108e_meeting / Inbox / Drafts / 7.1.2_[ETSUN]

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icon C4-221133_v1_29502_Rel17_Inter-PLMN mobility of PDU sessions.docx 2022/02/21 9:16 135,3 KB
icon C4-221133_v2_29502_Rel17_Inter-PLMN mobility of PDU sessions.docx 2022/02/21 9:45 134,8 KB
icon C4-221133_v3_29502_Rel17_Inter-PLMN mobility of PDU sessions.docx 2022/02/22 17:52 132 KB
icon C4-221133_v4_29502_Rel17_Inter-PLMN mobility of PDU sessions.docx 2022/02/23 14:59 135,1 KB
icon C4-221134_v1_29518_Rel17_Inter-PLMN mobility of PDU sessions.docx 2022/02/21 9:35 49,5 KB
icon C4-221160_v1_29502_Rel16_Handover of a PDU Session from 3GPP to untrusted non-3GPP access (I-SMF case).docx 2022/02/22 16:15 108 KB
icon C4-221160_v2_29502_Rel16_Handover of a PDU Session from 3GPP to untrusted non-3GPP access (I-SMF case).docx 2022/02/23 14:45 108 KB
icon C4-221161_v1_29502_Rel17_Handover of a PDU Session from 3GPP to untrusted non-3GPP access (I-SMF case).docx 2022/02/22 16:21 108 KB
icon C4-221161_v2_29502_Rel17_Handover of a PDU Session from 3GPP to untrusted non-3GPP access (I-SMF case).docx 2022/02/23 14:46 108,2 KB
icon C4-221279_v1_SBIProtoc17 29.502 SMF PLMN R17.docx 2022/02/19 6:59 67,7 KB
icon C4-221279_v2_SBIProtoc17 29.502 SMF PLMN R17.docx 2022/02/22 7:00 68,8 KB
icon C4-221279_v3_SBIProtoc17 29.502 SMF PLMN R17.docx 2022/02/23 3:14 69 KB
icon C4-221281_v1_SBIProtoc17 29.502 ServingNetwork R17.docx 2022/02/19 7:16 65,8 KB
icon C4-221281_v2_SBIProtoc17 29.502 ServingNetwork R17.docx 2022/02/22 7:33 66,9 KB
icon C4-221281_v3_SBIProtoc17 29.502 ServingNetwork R17.docx 2022/02/23 2:44 67 KB

15 items.