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icon C4-221033_v1_pCR for Procedure for MSISDN-less MO SMS in TS23.540.docx 2022/02/18 7:09 89,7 KB
icon C4-221060-v1 draft.docx 2022/02/17 11:35 209,8 KB
icon C4-221303_v1_pCR SMS_SBI 23.540 Editor's Note.docx 2022/02/17 11:16 468,4 KB
icon C4-221360 v1 pCR SMS_SBI 23.540 SCP supported MSISDN-to-Subscription-Network resolution with MNP.docx 2022/02/24 15:15 75 KB
icon C4-221360 v2 pCR SMS_SBI 23.540 SCP supported MSISDN-to-Subscription-Network resolution with MNP.docx 2022/02/25 3:31 75,1 KB
icon C4-221361 v1 pCR SMS_SBI 23.540 SCP supported MSISDN-to-Subscription-Network resolution with NRF.docx 2022/02/24 15:20 67,1 KB
icon C4-221361 v2 pCR SMS_SBI 23.540 SCP supported MSISDN-to-Subscription-Network resolution with NRF.docx 2022/02/25 3:31 67,3 KB
icon C4-221563-Target-PLMN-From-GPSI-23540-v1.docx 2022/02/25 8:58 120,2 KB
icon C4-221572 v1 pCR SMS_SBI 23.540 SCP supported MSISDN-to-Subscription-Network resolution with MNP - 副本 - 副本.docx 2022/02/25 9:20 76,5 KB
icon C4-221572 v1 pCR SMS_SBI 23.540 SCP supported MSISDN-to-Subscription-Network resolution with MNP.docx 2022/02/25 9:21 76,5 KB

10 items.