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icon C3-244008_DAD at end of Day 4 for CT3#136.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 280,3 KB
icon C3-244122 r1 XRM 29122 QoS monitoring report update.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 37,1 KB
icon C3-244128r1 XRM 29522 Corrections related to EnQoSMon feature.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 59,5 KB
icon C3-244359 r1 XRM Corrections on the Protocol Description 29.522 Rel-18.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 59,2 KB
icon 2024/08/26 7:02 32,7 KB
icon C3-24468 was 4338 Rel-18 29.522 Correction to L4S support.docx 2024/08/22 5:51 78,4 KB
icon C3-24468 was 4338 Rel-18 29.522 Correction to L4S support_r2.docx 2024/08/23 9:02 79,3 KB
icon C3-24468 was 4338 Rel-18 29.522 Correction to L4S support_r3.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 79,3 KB
icon C3-24469 was 4337 Rel-18 29.122 Correction to L4S support.docx 2024/08/22 5:51 75,6 KB
icon C3-24469 was 4337 Rel-18 29.122 Correction to L4S support_r2.docx 2024/08/23 8:58 75,6 KB

10 items.