ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_CT / WG3_interworking_ex-CN3 / TSGC3_136_Maastricht / Inbox / Drafts / TEI19_MINPA

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icon C3-244398 was 4331 (TEI19_MINPA) 29513 UE and AM Policy Association control PA5_r2.docx 2024/08/22 10:51 118,1 KB
icon C3-244399 was 4330 (TEI19_MINPA) 29507 UE Policy Association control PA5_r2.docx 2024/08/22 11:01 106,3 KB
icon C3-244400 was 4329 (TEI19_MINPA) 29525 UE Policy Association control r2.docx 2024/08/22 11:09 115,6 KB

3 items.