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icon C3-244153r1 SBIProtoc19 29565 Correction on notification URI used for termination Notification.docx 2024/08/21 21:09 58,8 KB
icon C3-244239r1_29519_Expiry-time-disambiguation.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 61,7 KB
icon C3-244261r1 SBIProtoc19_29591_Corrections Ranging support in Nnef_UEId API.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 54,1 KB
icon C3-244342r1 TEI19_29519_Corrections to data types in Application Data.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 95,1 KB
icon C3-244344r1 SBIProtoc19_29.580 Corrections in Nmbsf_MBSUserDataIngestSession API.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 60,5 KB
icon C3-244382_r1_was_4179.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 220,1 KB
icon C3-244431 was 4057 29519 VPLMN Specific URSP Rules PA1.docx 2024/08/23 8:05 152,4 KB

7 items.