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icon C3-244120 r1 SBIProtoc19 29525 (V-)(H-) handling.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 35,9 KB
icon C3-244161r1 Ranging_SL 29522 Correction to procedure for RSLPPI Parameters Provisioning.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 38,8 KB
icon C3-244368 r1 Rel18 Ranging_SL 29522 Individual resource retrieval of UeIdMappingInfo data type handling.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 35,7 KB
icon C3-244368 r2 Rel18 Ranging_SL 29522 Individual resource retrieval of UeIdMappingInfo data type handling.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 35,3 KB

4 items.