ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_CT / WG3_interworking_ex-CN3 / TSGC3_136_Maastricht / Inbox / Drafts / AIMLsys

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icon C3-244116 r1 Rel18 AIMLsys 29543 Clarification on PDTQ selection procedures.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 57,7 KB
icon C3-244116 r2 Rel18 AIMLsys 29543 Clarification on PDTQ selection procedures.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 57,9 KB
icon C3-244157r1 AIMLsys 29.122 Correction of data model for Consolidated Data Rate monitoring.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 51,6 KB
icon C3-244377r1_AIMLsys_29520_Corrections to E2E data volume transfer time analytics.docx 2024/08/26 7:02 210,2 KB

4 items.