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C3-234074r2 XRM Introduction of new features for PDU set handle and RT latency 29.122 Rel-18.docx
2023/10/12 10:27
65,6 KB
C3-234074r3 XRM Introduction of new features for PDU set handle and RT latency 29.122 Rel-18.docx
2023/10/12 11:06
58,5 KB
C3-234075r2 XRM Introduction of new features for PDU set handle and RT latency 29.512 Rel-18.doc
2023/10/12 10:32
467 KB
C3-234075r3 XRM Introduction of new features for PDU set handle and RT latency 29.512 Rel-18.doc
2023/10/12 11:05
469 KB
C3-234076r1 XRM Introduction of new features for PDU set handle and RT latency 29.514 Rel-18.docx
2023/10/12 10:37
122,1 KB
C3-234076r2 XRM Introduction of new features for PDU set handle and RT latency 29.514 Rel-18.docx
2023/10/12 11:05
149,4 KB
C3-234077r1 XRM Introduction of new features for PDU set handle and RT latency 29.522 Rel-18.docx
2023/10/12 10:38
58,7 KB
C3-234077r2 XRM Introduction of new features for PDU set handle and RT latency 29.522 Rel-18.docx
2023/10/12 11:05
58,7 KB
C3-234328 r1 XRM_29514 PdvMonitoringReport Clarification.docx
2023/10/12 6:51
38,2 KB
C3-234336 r1 XRM_29122_Feature granularity and definition for MultiModal & PowerSaving.docx
2023/10/12 7:24
76 KB
C3-234336 r2 XRM_29122_Feature granularity and definition for MultiModal & PowerSaving.docx
2023/10/12 7:24
76,5 KB
C3-234337 r1 XRM_29522_Feature granularity and definition for MultiModal & PowerSaving.docx
2023/10/12 7:24
56,4 KB
C3-234610 was 4074.docx
2023/10/12 16:24
58,6 KB
C3-234611 was 4075.doc
2023/10/12 16:24
469 KB
C3-234612 was 4076.docx
2023/10/12 16:24
149,9 KB
C3-234613 was 4077.docx
2023/10/12 16:24
59,4 KB
16 items.