ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_CT / WG3_interworking_ex-CN3 / TSGC3_109e / Inbox / Draft / PCC / 5G_URLLC

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icon C3-20xxxx was2312 URLLC, Correct QoS monitoring 29512 R16 v1.doc 2020/04/20 10:16 79,5 KB
icon draft C3-202243_r1.doc 2020/04/22 21:37 175,5 KB
icon draft_C3-202107 Procedure of policy provisioning of QoS monitoring control(29.512)_r1.docx 2020/04/21 6:02 36,1 KB
icon draft_C3-202108 QoS Monitoring Control Data correction (29.512)_r1.docx 2020/04/21 6:08 59,2 KB

4 items.