ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_CT / WG3_interworking_ex-CN3 / TSGC3_109e / Inbox / Draft / Non-PCC / Vertical_LAN

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icon C3-202166_r1 Vertical_LAN 29.522 Open issue for 5GLanParametersProvisionPatch.docx 2020/04/17 5:38 31 KB
icon C3-202166_r2 Vertical_LAN 29.522 Open issue for 5GLanParametersProvisionPatch.docx 2020/04/20 2:54 31,1 KB
icon C3-202236_r1 Vertical_LAN, 29.522 Rel-16 Clarify nullable attributes used in PATCH.docx 2020/04/20 9:34 40 KB
icon draft_C3-202150 Correction to 5GLANParameterProvision API(29.522)_r1.docx 2020/04/17 8:26 38,5 KB
icon draft_C3-202150 Correction to 5GLANParameterProvision API(29.522)_r2.docx 2020/04/21 2:32 38,3 KB

5 items.