ETSI logo / ftp / specs / zItuInfo / M.[IMT-NTN.SPECS]

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icon 2024-09 2025/01/15 13:26
icon 5G-NTN-RIT_FullGCSList.xlsx 2025/01/15 13:26 15,3 KB
icon 5G-NTN-RIT_ITU-R_M.[IMT-NTN].xlsx 2025/01/15 13:26 12,4 KB
icon 5G-NTN-SRIT_FullGCSList.xlsx 2025/02/12 18:11 21,1 KB
icon 5G-NTN-SRIT_ITU-R_M.[IMT-NTN].xlsx 2025/02/12 18:11 15,9 KB

5 items.