Document List for 3GPPT3-AH#113_TS31-213
List generated on : 2004-10-26 at 11:21:05 (GMT +01:00)

Abstract: DOCUMENT: Agenda
Doc.Name T3z040560 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TB Officer
Abstract: Replace appendTLV(byte, byte) declaration with appendTLV(byte, byte, byte). DOCUMENT: ProactiveHandler appendTLV(byte, byte, byte) method conforma
nce requirement
Doc.Name T3z040561 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rapporteur
Abstract: Replace appendTLV(byte, byte) declaration with appendTLV(byte, byte, byte).
Abstract: Update test case 7 valueLength and value.length parameters, according to java source file. DOCUMENT: Correction to ProactiveHandler appendTLV(byte, byte[], short
, short) method test
Doc.Name T3z040562 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rapporteur
Abstract: Update test case 7 valueLength and value.length parameters, according to java so
urce file.
Abstract: Correction to dstBuffer length and dstLength in ProactiveResponseHandler copyChannelData() method tests. DOCUMENT: Correction in ProactiveResponseHandler copyChannelData() met
hod tests.
Doc.Name T3z040563 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rapporteur
Abstract: Correction to dstBuffer length and dstLength in ProactiveResponseHandler copyCha
nnelData() method tests.
Abstract: For test 23, change mode from SIMView.REC_ACC_MODE_ABSOLUTE_CURRENT to SIMView.REC_ACC_MODE_PREVIOUS. DOCUMENT: Correction to updateRecord() method test.
Doc.Name T3z040564 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rapporteur
Abstract: For test 23, change mode from SIMView.REC_ACC_MODE_ABSOLUTE_CURRENT to SIMView.R
Abstract: Tests on EnvelopeResponseHandler Class are missing. Tests are declared no applicable whereas they are. DOCUMENT: Addition of tests on HANDLER_NOT_AVAILABLE toolkitException
in EnvelopeResponseHandler class
Doc.Name T3z040565 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rapporteur
Abstract: Tests on EnvelopeResponseHandler Class are missing. Tests are declared no applic
able whereas they are.
Abstract: In conformance requirement of getValue(short indexMSB, short indexLSB) method, replace “” with “>=”. DOCUMENT: MEProfile getValue(short, short) method conformance requirem
Doc.Name T3z040566 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rapporteur
Abstract: In conformance requirement of getValue(short indexMSB, short indexLSB) method, r
eplace “” with “>=”.
Abstract: In Framework Proactive Command Sending by the STF part, Proactive Command Control tests, add a two new test cases and corresponding script files. DOCUMENT: Addition of tests on Proactive Command Control ‘No framework
Doc.Name T3z040567 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rapporteur
Abstract: In Framework Proactive Command Sending by the STF part, Proactive Command Contro
l tests, add a two new test cases and corresponding script files.
Abstract: Replace parameters values with values specified in TS 11.14 specification. DOCUMENT: TLVs corrections.
Doc.Name T3z040568 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rapporteur
Abstract: Replace parameters values with values specified in TS 11.14 specification.
Abstract: Change test description of case 4. DOCUMENT: Correction to EnvelopeHandler getTheHandler() method test pr
ocedure description.
Doc.Name T3z040569 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rapporteur
Abstract: Change test description of case 4.
Abstract: In test case 13 and 14, delete API expectations for Terminal Response commands. DOCUMENT: PRH getGeneralResult() method test: wrong API expectations.
Doc.Name T3z040570 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rapporteur
Abstract: In test case 13 and 14, delete API expectations for Terminal Response commands.
Abstract: In 3GPP TS 51.013 specification, in many places, cross references are missing. DOCUMENT: CR to 51.013 R5: Cross references insertion.
Doc.Name T3z040571 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Rapporteur
Abstract: In 3GPP TS 51.013 specification, in many places, cross references are missing.
Doc.Name T3z040572 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Microelectrónica Española
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