From: Friedhelm Rodermund [Friedhelm.Rodermund@ETSI.FR] Sent: 03 July 2001 14:29 To: 3GPP_TSG_T_WG2_SWG1@LIST.ETSI.FR Subject: 23.057 v4.2.0 Dear all, Please note that I discovered two problems while creating 23.057 v4.2.0. I brought these problems to the spec rapporteur's attention and we agreed on the way forward given below: Problem 1: CR086 (T2-010405) contradicts with CR080 (T2-010382) which does changes to the same subclause. Whereas CR080 makes changes to the section "MExE device actions on removal of the (U)SIM", CR086 deletes the entire section. Way forward: In v4.2.0 I implemented only CR080 and left out CR086. A new CR can be produced in Athens to correct whatever is necessary. Problem 2: CR092 is based on 23.057 v4.0.0 instead v4.1.0. This makes the change unclear (e.g. where to put the new paragraph in subclause 8.5.4) Way forward: The CR is left out and a new CR based on the latest version should be created e.g. for the Athens meeting. The "official" version of 23.057 v.4.2.0 will appear on the 3GPP server soon. The content will be the same as the attached DRAFT version (except that CR086 and CR092 will not appear in the change history in Annex F). CR86 = T2-010405 CR92 = T2-010558 Best regards, Friedhelm -------------------------------------------- Friedhelm Rodermund European Telecommunications Standards Institute Mobile Competence Centre (MCC) Tel +33 4 92 94 43 24 Mobile +33 6 74 40 83 75 <>