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icon S6-212224_rev2 - New SID on Service Function Chaining support for Edge Data Networks.doc 2021/10/14 19:46 126 KB
icon S6-212273 Rev2 New SID on Study on Analytics Enablement Service.doc 2021/10/13 16:47 95 KB
icon S6-212273 Rev3 New SID on Study on Analytics Enablement Service.doc 2021/10/14 16:15 95 KB
icon S6-212273_Rev1_New SID on Study on Analytics Enablement Service.doc 2021/10/12 10:28 94,5 KB
icon S6-212303_Rev1-Revised SID on Enhanced architecture for enabling Edge Applications.doc 2021/10/13 12:16 89,5 KB
icon S6-212304_Rev1-eSEAL2 WID proposal.doc 2021/10/13 19:47 88 KB
icon S6-212304_Rev2-eSEAL2 WID proposal.doc 2021/10/15 11:51 88,5 KB
icon S6-212324_Rev1-New WID on MCOver5GProSe.docx 2021/10/13 22:36 23,2 KB

8 items.