Tdoc List

2021-02-04 23:53

Agenda Topic TDoc Title Source Type For Avail Treated Decision Wdrn Replaced-by Replaces
1 Opening of the e-meeting: Monday February 1st, at 09:00 hours CET                      
2 Approval of the agenda and registration of documents S4‑210001 Agenda for SA4#112-e Dolby Laboratories Inc. agenda Approval Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210094 Proposed meeting schedule for SA4#112-e SA4 chairman other Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210255  
    S4‑210095 Guidelines for 3GPP SA4#112-e as Electronic Meeting SA4 chair other Information Yes
noted No    
    S4‑210255 Proposed meeting schedule for SA4#112-e SA4 chairman other Agreement No
reserved No   S4‑210094
3 IPR and antitrust reminder                      
4 Approval of previous meeting report S4‑210002 Meeting Report of SA4#111-e 3GPP MCC report Approval Yes
revised No S4‑210290  
    S4‑210290 Meeting Report of SA4#111-e 3GPP MCC report Approval No
approved No   S4‑210002
5 Reports/Liaisons from other groups/meetings                      
5.1 SA4 SWG ad hoc meetings S4‑210010 LS_In 3GPP MCC LS in Discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210011 LS_In 3GPP MCC LS in Discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210016 Draft Report for MTSI SWG 2 December 2020 Teleconference #15 on ITT4RT MTSI SWG Chair report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210017 Draft Report for MTSI SWG 9 December 2020 Teleconference on FS_FLUS_NBMP MTSI SWG Chair report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210018 Draft Report for MTSI SWG 16 December 2020 Teleconference #16 on ITT4RT MTSI SWG Chair report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210019 Draft Report for MTSI SWG 20 January 2021 Teleconference #17 on ITT4RT MTSI SWG Chair report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210031 VIDEO SWG telco report 24th November 2020 VIDEO SWG Chair (Tencent) report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210032 VIDEO SWG telco report 1st December 2020 VIDEO SWG Chair (Tencent) report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210033 VIDEO SWG telco report 8th December 2020 VIDEO SWG Chair (Tencent) report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210034 VIDEO SWG telco report 15th December 2020 VIDEO SWG Chair (Tencent) report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210035 VIDEO SWG telco report 22nd December 2020 VIDEO SWG Chair (Tencent) report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210036 VIDEO SWG telco report 12th January 2021 VIDEO SWG Chair (Tencent) report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210037 VIDEO SWG telco report 19th January 2021 VIDEO SWG Chair (Tencent) report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210090 Report of SA4 MBS SWG AH Telco (3rd Dec. 2020) MBS SWG Chair report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210091 Report of SA4 MBS SWG AH Telco (10th Dec. 2020) MBS SWG Chair report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210092 Report of SA4 MBS SWG AH Telco (17th Dec. 2020) MBS SWG Chair report   Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210093 Report of SA4 MBS SWG AH Telco (21st Jan. 2021) MBS SWG Chair report Approval Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210164 3GPP SA4 SQ SWG report from teleconference on HInT (7 December 2020) SA4 SQ SWG Chair report Agreement Yes
approved No    
    S4‑210166 3GPP SA4 SQ SWG report from teleconference on ATIAS, HaNTE, HInT (18 January 2021) SA4 SQ SWG Chair report Approval Yes
approved No    
5.2 Other 3GPP groups S4‑210006 LS from 3GPP SA2 on New Standardized 5QIs for 5G-AIS (Advanced Interactive Services) 3GPP MCC LS in Action Yes
available No    
    S4‑210007 LS from 3GPP SA2 on 5MBS progress and issues to address 3GPP MCC LS in Action Yes
available No    
    S4‑210008 LS from 3GPP TSG SA on Use of Inclusive Language in 3GPP 3GPP MCC LS in Action Yes
noted No    
    S4‑210096 Brief report from SA#90-e on SA4 topics SA4 Chair report Information Yes
noted No    
    S4‑210256 Status of non-inclusive language in SA4 specifications Qualcomm Incorporated other discussion Yes
YesThomas: Presented the document. Tomas: suggested to have searches on 'black-list' with various combinations in the SA4 specifications. Chair: The plan is to do for Rel 17. Edward: Does not matter to keep it alike. Thomas: MPEG has corrected it most of the specification. Chair: To discuss with MCC on the way forward.
agreed No    
5.3 Other groups S4‑210003 Liaison from DVB on Phase I technical specification “DVB-MABR” 3GPP MCC LS in Decision Yes
NoThe discussion revolved around the use in MBMS for integrity check that it should'nt affect the backward compatibility. However, it was felt that, it could be an issue in the scope of 26.346 for MBMS deployment and if DVB was prepared to have an extention to be done by 3GPP for ths purpose. There were views on deiciding the use cases to move forward and extending the same. Hearing all the views, the Chairman felt to prepare a response to the liaison statement.
available No    
    S4‑210004 Liaison on availability of DASH 3GPP MCC LS in Presentation Yes
noted No    
    S4‑210005 LS from ISO/IEC JTC SC 29/WG 03 on OMAF 2nd edition 3GPP MCC LS in Discussion Yes
noted No    
    S4‑210009 Reply to the LS on 8K VR 360 operation point and VRIF Guidelines 2.3 3GPP MCC LS in Discussion Yes
available No    
    S4‑210293 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
agreed No   S4‑210247
6 Issues for immediate consideration                      
7 Enhanced Voice Service (EVS) SWG S4‑210099 Draft EVS SWG Agenda QUALCOMM JAPAN LLC. agenda   Yes
available No    
    S4‑210287 (reserved) EVS SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210288 (reserved) EVS SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210289 (reserved) EVS SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
7.1 Opening of the session                      
7.2 Registration of documents                      
7.3 CRs to Features in Release 16 and earlier                      
7.4 Liaisons with other groups/meetings                      
7.5 IVAS_Codec (EVS Codec Extension for Immersive Voice and Audio Services) S4‑210123 Draft IVAS codec development overview (IVAS-1) Huawei Device Co., Ltd other Agreement No
reserved No    
    S4‑210130 Schedule for planned IVAS MASA C Reference Software updates Nokia Corporation discussion Information Yes
available No    
    S4‑210133 Draft IVAS codec development overview (IVAS-1) HuaWei Technologies Co., Ltd other Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210138 Test methodologies for IVAS codec testing Dolby Laboratories Inc. discussion   Yes
available No    
    S4‑210139 Working assumptions for IVAS Codec Selection & Characterization Testing Campaigns Dolby Laboratories Inc. discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210149 IVAS test methods for stereo Ericsson LM, Fraunhofer IIS discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
    S4‑210150 Considerations for IVAS processing plans Ericsson LM discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
7.6 New Work Items and Study Items                      
7.7 Any Other Business                      
7.8 Close of the session                      
8 Multicast-Broadcast-Streaming (MBS) SWG S4‑210225 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210227 LS to ISO/JTC 1 3GPP SA4 LS out Approval Yes
NoThis LS as implications on the copyright issues that 26.244 was publicly available. MCC: this could be sent for a legal vetting inside ETSI so that, we are not bound by the copyright matters.
reserved No    
    S4‑210228 CR to TS 26.511 on various corrections Qualcomm Incorporated, BBC CR Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210246  
    S4‑210231 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210232 (reserved) MBS other discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210233 (reserved) MBS other discussion Yes
revised No S4‑210245  
    S4‑210245 (reserved) MBS other discussion Yes
reserved No   S4‑210233
    S4‑210234 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
agreed No    
    S4‑210235 (reserved) MBS other discussion Yes
NoThis doscussion revolves around the use of the domain name used by SA4. Imed: AF session in QoS has the domain name. Thorsten: Missed the domain name. Reformulation of the problem in the SA2 domain as well. More discussion on this document.
reserved No    
    S4‑210236 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210237 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210238 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210240 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210242 (reserved) MBS other discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210244 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210248 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210249 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210250 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210251 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210252 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210253 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210254 (reserved) MBS other discussion No
reserved No    
8.1 Opening of the session                      
8.2 Registration of documents S4‑210042 Proposed Corrections to TS 26.511 Qualcomm Incorporated draftCR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
8.3 Reports/Liaisons from other groups/meetings                      
8.4 Issues for immediate consideration                      
8.5 CRs to features in Release 16 and earlier S4‑210012 Essential corrections to Consumption Reporting APIs BBC, Enensys Technology, Ericsson draftCR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210038 Replacement client architecture figures BBC draftCR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210039 Corrections on Procedures and APIs for Downlink and Uplink Streaming Qualcomm Incorporated, BBC CR Agreement No
withdrawn Yes    
    S4‑210043 Proposed Corrections to TS 26.512 Qualcomm Incorporated draftCR Agreement Yes
withdrawn Yes    
    S4‑210044 3GPP DASH – More relevant than ever? Qualcomm Incorporated, Comcast, Orange, Dolby Laboratories discussion Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210140  
    S4‑210082 Removal of Editor’s notes in 5GMS3 HUAWEI Technologies Japan K.K. CR Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210230 S4‑201365
    S4‑210106 Draft LS on App ID Usage in NEF Related Service API HUAWEI Technologies Japan K.K. LS out Agreement Yes
YesDiscussion: Thorsten: if the group agrees to send the LS to ST3 and SA2, then need to phrase approproate questions. I work with my CT3 collegues to prepare a CR in CT3 to fix netwrok connections. AF up ID, AF application identifier, AF Does the group agree to send the LS, then agree to work on the payloads. Imed: don’t see the abckgroumd in the draft lS. It seems we are helping CT3 in this group. Why do we questin the Application IDs in presence. Thorsten: the domain name nees to be specific for detection. Imed: PF3 can be a domain name or the five tupple is better. Thorsten: which properties/fuctions should 5GMS3 do ? What is the mapping between the parameters inbetween the 5G management APIs. Chair: this is related to 159. keep 106 open in email discussion and there is rev 2 available.
agreed No    
    S4‑210116 Editorial Improvements Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd draftCR Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210229  
    S4‑210117 On editorial improvement on TS 26.501 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd discussion Agreement Yes
noted No    
    S4‑210134 Corrections on Procedures and APIs for Downlink and Uplink Streaming Qualcomm Incorporated, BBC, Ericsson LM draftCR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210135 Bug Fix on Main USD Schema in Annex J.1 Qualcomm Incorporated CR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210140 3GPP DASH – More relevant than ever? Qualcomm Incorporated, Comcast, Orange, Dolby Laboratories, Tencent discussion Agreement Yes
YesWE will use the publication of DASH specification / this LS asks 3GPP to adopt DASH specificcations. But we need to deliberate on the copyright issues. Gaelle: how can company put CRs to get DASh incorporated to 3GPP. Chair: it would require the contributing companies Thomas: Is JTC 1 is the right ;evel to target it Gaelle: it has to go to TMB Iraj: to send to SC 29 so that they are aware of LS of being sent to JTC 1. Gaelle: SC 29 in copy.
revised No S4‑210226 S4‑210044
    S4‑210157 M5 definition in OpenAPI 3.0 format Ericsson LM draftCR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210158 Various Corrections Ericsson LM draftCR Agreement Yes
YesThe reason of the changes in this CR are: • The specification still contains a number of Editor’s Notes, which are to a certain extend obsolete and can be removed. • The service announcement information data model contains a serverAddress property (Network Assistance), which is not following the format of the other serverAddresses properties.
revised No S4‑210241  
    S4‑210159 Discussion on PFD referencing within Dynamic Policy API Ericsson LM discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
    S4‑210174 CR on OpenAPI Implementation of m1 interface Qualcomm Wireless GmbH CR   Yes
YesImed: This is on openAPI implementation for the m1 interface in the branch m1-dev. There is a request to merge the branch in 3GPP forge. Thorsten: other CRs from Charles, Richard int eh m1 harmonization. So alignment of this CR with others is needed. Imed: as soon as the CR gets agreed, the integration can be done. Chair: Suggest to park S4-210174 to align to the content S4-210234. MCC: The author creates
revised No S4‑210292  
    S4‑210230 Removal of Editor’s notes in 5GMS3 HUAWEI Technologies Japan K.K. CR Agreement Yes
noted No   S4‑210082
    S4‑210226 3GPP DASH – More relevant than ever? Qualcomm Incorporated, Interdigital, Comcast, Orange, Dolby Laboratories, Tencent, Ericsson. BBC, Interdigital discussion Agreement Yes
agreed No   S4‑210140
    S4‑210241 Various Corrections Ericsson LM draftCR Agreement No
reserved No   S4‑210158
    S4‑210292 CR on OpenAPI Implementation of m1 interface Qualcomm Wireless GmbH CR - No
available No   S4‑210174
8.6 FS_5GMS_Multicast (Feasibility Study on Multicast Architecture Enhancements for 5GMSA) S4‑210045 [FS_5GMS_Multicast] Key issue on re-use of MBMS service layer Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement No
reserved No    
    S4‑210046 [FS_5GMS_Multicast] Client Architectures Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
Yesclause 7 of 26.347 is the reference. Should add media player in the non 5GMS case. Thomas: not sure if a media player to be added as it would load the 5GMS Cedric: Use case of no 5GMS but only a DASH player. Thomas: the first figure is independent of 5GMS, so it can be added through a separate figure. Charles: Enquires about the control asects of API. Thomas: MBS is more aligned to 26.347. Richard: is it a case where the media player requests over MBS7 and media client fails through receive it . Thomas: for hybrid, who makes the decision and redirects the requests. Richard: should not the reference architecure describes all the possibilties. Thomas: dynamic management is a challenge. There could be multicast and unicast scenarios. Richard: I agree that thre are two cases - MBSu and MBSc. There is a 3rd option where the unicast request terminates in the AS. Cedric: There is similar contribution (B2 scenario) from Thorsten on the same and not exactly aligned with the current document. Thorsten: in B2 scenario, the NEF is located a bit differently. Thomas: haven't contributed to the network side of it. Decision: The r01 of the current document is revised to S4-210236
agreed No    
    S4‑210047 [FS_5GMS_Multicast] Hybrid use case Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210048 [FS_5GMS_Multicast] Interworking with EPC and enTV Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210079 pCR TR 26.802 - key issues on MABR support in 5GMS TELUS, BBC, Qualcomm, Ericsson, Telecom Italia, Enensys pCR Agreement Yes
agreed No   S4aI201117
    S4‑210080 [FS_5GMS_Multicast] Updated time and work plan TELUS Work Plan   Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210081 draft TR 26.802 TELUS draft TR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210152 Review of xMB-C wrt User Plane properties Ericsson LM, BBC pCR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210153 New Key Issue on 'Collaboration and deployment scenarios' Ericsson LM pCR Agreement Yes
YesDiscussion during 3rd Feb online session: This document is a bit similar to the S4-210236. Thomas: the contribution has cople of client boxes included. Thorsten: to simplify the architecture. Thomas: it is important to address the level of service. Richard: Compliance with 3GPP specification is not enough to distinguish between collaboration. Thorsten: This is based on the transperent deliveries in 26.346. The revision 2 of this document was revised.
revised No S4‑210239  
    S4‑210154 Discussion on the scope of FS_5GMS-Multicast wrt 5MBS Ericsson LM discussion Agreement Yes
YesThe discussion revolves on the 1. looking on the preogress, focus on user service architecture. 2. to study more in the group before sending to SA6/SA2. Some of the MB2 should also be studied in SA4. Chiar: are we just leveraging streaming in the light of MBS. Is it is the xMB or M1. Thomas: should all service use xMB or MB2 ? Chair: with regards to service requirements, if xMB is used, then SA4 does stage 3 as well. Thorsten: It's CT3's scope. From LS from SA2, SA4 is asked to ask into the MBU. Peng: to address the key issues in MBS media streaming. Chair: the service requirements of MBS is sought after. Thorsten: the existing one from the LTE can be taken. Chair: however, it would be a strong assumption. Now that SA4 is tasked to define the MBSu, then it would be nice to ask SA6 and SA2 asking clarification. Thorsten: to draft a LS. Chair: to draft LS Qi Pan: some functionalities has been moved to 5GC. So, SA2 is requried to define the scope of MBSu. We can define the delivery regardless of the payload. Thorsten: moving to non-5GMS MBS service specification, might not loop in SA6 fot that purpose.
revised No S4‑210243  
    S4‑210239 New Key Issue on 'Collaboration and deployment scenarios' Ericsson LM pCR Agreement No
available No   S4‑210153
    S4‑210243 Discussion on the scope of FS_5GMS-Multicast wrt 5MBS Ericsson LM discussion Agreement No
noted No   S4‑210154
8.7 FS_EMSA (Feasibility Study on Streaming Architecture extensions For Edge processing) S4‑210083 Clarification of EAS discovery solutions during UE mobility in SA2 HUAWEI Technologies Japan K.K. pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210084 Overview of concluded edge application relocation solutions in SA2 HUAWEI Technologies Japan K.K. discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210085 Discussion for architecture mapping from SA6 to SA4 HUAWEI Technologies Japan K.K. discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210100 FS_EMSA: Architecture update Tencent discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210120 On EMSA architecture Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210161 EMSA architecture Qualcomm Wireless GmbH discussion   Yes
available No    
    S4‑210162 Split Rendering Use Case Walkthrough Qualcomm Wireless GmbH discussion   Yes
available No    
8.8 FS_5GMS_EXT (Study on 5G media streaming extensions) S4‑210049 [FS_5GMS-EXT] Key Topic Content Preparation Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210050 [FS_5GMS-EXT] Key Topic Traffic Identification Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210051 [FS_5GMS-EXT] Key Topic Additional / New transport protocols Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210052 [FS_5GMS-EXT] Key Topic Uplink media streaming Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210053 [FS_5GMS-EXT] Key Topic Background traffic Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210054 [FS_5GMS-EXT] Key Topic Content Aware Streaming Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210055 [FS_5GMS-EXT] Key Topic Network Event usage Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210056 [FS_5GMS-EXT] Key Topic Per-application-authorization Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210057 [FS_5GMS-EXT] Key Topic Support for encrypted and high-value content Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210058 [FS_5GMS-EXT] Key Topic Scalable distribution of unicast Live Services Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210101 FS_5GMS_EXT: Content preparation deployment scenarios and functional description Tencent discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210104 FS_5GMS_EXT: Proposed workplan Tencent, Ericsson discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210136 First version of TR 26.804 "Study on 5G media streaming extensions" Ericsson LM draft TR   Yes
available No    
    S4‑210155 Collaboration Scenarios for Uplink streaming Ericsson LM pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210156 Discussion on Traffic Identification Ericsson LM pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210163 FS_5GMS_EXT: Uplink media streaming missing features Tencent discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
8.9 New Work Items and Study Items S4‑210160 New Study Item on Media Production over 5G NPNs Ericsson LM, AT&T, BBC, B-Com, Dolby Laboratories Inc., EBU, Orange SID new Agreement Yes
available No    
8.10 Others including TEI                      
8.11 Review of the future work plan (next conf. call meeting dates, hosts)                      
8.12 Any Other Business                      
8.13 Close of the session                      
9 Speech Quality (SQ) SWG S4‑210257 (reserved) SQ other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210258 (reserved) SQ other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210259 (reserved) SQ other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210260 (reserved) SQ other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210261 (reserved) SQ other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210262 (reserved) SQ other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210263 (reserved) SQ other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210264 (reserved) SQ other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210265 (reserved) SQ other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210266 (reserved) SQ other discussion No
reserved No    
9.1 Opening of the session                      
9.2 Registration of documents                      
9.3 Liaison Statements                      
9.4 CRs to Features in Release 16 and earlier, and other contributions on terminal acoustics                      
9.5 ATIAS (Terminal Audio quality performance and Test methods for Immersive Audio Services) S4‑210137 Evaluation of simplified communication systems for ATIAS HEAD acoustics GmbH discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
9.6 HaNTE (Handsets Featuring Non-Traditional Earpieces) S4‑210089 Updated results of HaNTE round robin test HEAD acoustics GmbH discussion Information Yes
available No    
    S4‑210167 Report on HaNTE round robin test for Lab 3 Orange discussion Discussion Yes
available No    
9.7 HInT (Extension for headset interface tests of UE) S4‑210040 DraftCR TS26.132 on Headset Interface Description (update) HEAD acoustics GmbH draftCR Agreement Yes
available No   S4aQ200156
    S4‑210169 dCR 26.131 Extension for headset interface tests of UE Orange draftCR Agreement Yes
available No   S4‑201482
9.8 New Work Items and Study Items                      
9.9 Any Other Business                      
9.10 Close of the session                      
10 Video SWG S4‑210207 Draft TR26.955v0.5.0 Qualcomm Incorporated draft TR discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210211 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210215 Draft TR 26.998 v.0.4 3GP SA4 draft TR Decision Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210218 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210222 Proposed Updates to Work Plan Samsung R&D Institute UK response discussion Yes
revised No S4‑210271  
    S4‑210271 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
agreed No   S4‑210222
    S4‑210223 Video SWG Report for Block A Plenary Video SWG report Approval Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210224 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210267 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210268 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210269 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210270 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210272 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210273 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210274 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210275 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210276 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210277 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210278 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210279 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210280 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210281 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210282 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210283 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210284 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210285 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210286 (reserved) Video SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
10.1 Opening of the session                      
10.2 Registration of documents                      
10.3 Reports and liaisons from other groups                      
10.4 CRs to features in Release 16 and earlier                      
10.5 8K_VR_5G (Operation Points for 8K VR 360 Video over 5G) S4‑210027 8K_VR_5G: Proposed Time Plan v.0.1.0 Intel (Rapporteur) Work Plan Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210028 Operation Points for 8K VR 360 Video Intel draftCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210029 Decoding Capabilities and Operation Points for 8K VR 360 Video over 5GMS Intel draftCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210030 Proposed Way Forward for 8K Viewport-Independent Delivery Intel discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210059 Comments on draftCR for 8K_VR Qualcomm Incorporated draftCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210060 8K Decoding Capabilities Qualcomm Incorporated draftCR Agreement Yes
available No    
10.6 FS_VR_CoGui (Feasibility Study on VR Streaming Conformance and Guidelines)                      
10.7 FS_5GVideo (Feasibility Study on 5G Video Codec Characteristics) S4‑210061 Proposed Updated Work Plan for FS_5GVideo Qualcomm Incorporated Work Plan Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210210  
    S4‑210062 TR26.955: Proposed Editor's Update Qualcomm Incorporated draft TR Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210097  
    S4‑210063 pCR26.955: Metrics Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210064 pCR26.955: Data Management Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210065 pCR26.955: Proposed anchors for FullHD Streaming Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement No
reserved No    
    S4‑210066 pCR26.955: Proposed anchors for Messaging and Social Sharing Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement No
reserved No    
    S4‑210067 pCR26.955: Reference Sequences Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210097 TR26.955: Proposed Editor's Update Qualcomm Incorporated draft TR Agreement Yes
agreed No   S4‑210062
    S4‑210098 5GVideo-Anchor tuple Metrics InterDigital France R&D, SAS discussion   Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210105 [FS_5GVideo] pCR26.955: Updated EVC verification test results Samsung, Qualcomm pCR Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210208  
    S4‑210131 4K-HDR Test Material Selection for FS_5GVideo ATEME, InterDigital, Ericsson pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210165 Proposed updates on Gaming sequences description Tencent, InterDigital pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210168 Proposed updates on Screen Content sequences description Tencent, InterDigital pCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210210 Proposed Updated Work Plan for FS_5GVideo Qualcomm Incorporated Work Plan Agreement No
reserved No   S4‑210061
    S4‑210208 [FS_5GVideo] pCR26.955: Updated EVC verification test results Samsung, Qualcomm pCR Agreement Yes
reserved No   S4‑210105
    S4‑210205 Screen Content scenario evaluation results InterDigital France R&D, SAS discussion Discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210206 MS-SSIM Definition InterDigital France R&D, SAS discussion discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210209 4K-HDR Test Material Selection for FS_5GVideo Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Agreement Yes
reserved No    
10.8 FS_XRTraffic (Feasibility Study on Typical Traffic Characteristics for XR Services and other Media) S4‑210068 Proposed Updates to Work Plan for FS_XRTraffic Qualcomm Incorporated Work Plan Agreement No
reserved No    
    S4‑210069 [FS_XRTraffic] Proposed Updated to Work Item Description Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210070 [FS_XRTraffic] Proposed Annex to TR26.925 Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210071 [FS_XRTraffic] Proposed Additional Traffic Models Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Agreement No
reserved No    
    S4‑210072 [FS_XRTraffic] Traffic Model Overview and Status Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210073 [FS_XRTraffic] From Traces to Statisical Models Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210074 [FS_XRTraffic] Proposed Quality Evaluation Framework Qualcomm Incorporated discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210075 [FS_XRTraffic] Proposed Reply LS to SA2 (S2-2009227) Qualcomm Incorporated LS out Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210121 Proposed Content Delivery Models and Quality Evaluation for VR1 China Mobile Com. Corporation discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210122 Quality Measurement Consideration for VR1 China Mobile Com. Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    S4‑210125 [FS_XRTraffic] Proposed Update to PD Qualcomm CDMA Technologies discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210212 Discussion Paper on SA4 support for XR and other media application in 5G Qualcomm Incorporated discussion discussion Yes
reserved No    
10.9 FS_5GSTAR (Feasibility Study on 5G Glass-type AR/MR Devices) S4‑210013 Proposed Architectures for AR Conversational HiSilicon Technologies Co. Ltd pCR   No
withdrawn Yes    
    S4‑210014 Editorial corrections of the use cases on AR Conversational HiSilicon Technologies Co. Ltd pCR   Yes
revised No S4‑210214  
    S4‑210076 [FS_5GSTAR] Device Names Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
YesRyan: Not necessary to run through the previous discussion. However, the current nomenclature needs to be changed. Gabin: To find good name for glasses. Thomas: there is no proposal on 'good names' except for the ones existing. Gilles: the proposal is to agree on 'good names' and trigger email discussion to find appropriate names. Thomas: These names are requested to be taken as baseline nomenclature: - Type 1: 5G Standalone AR HMD - Type 2: 5G Standalone Smart AR glasses - Type 3: 5G Wireless Tethered AR glasses - Type 4: 5G Wired Tethered AR glasses Gilles: Agreed. Ali: Often confused by present nomenclature and there is a scope to improve this contribution. Thomas: To make this exercise sucessful, there should be more companies participating in the email discussion. Gabin: Will you have telco/email ? Gilles: Having an offline dedicated email thread. Propose to use the video swg email reflector. Mary: Significance of noting ? Gilles: If the document status is not going anyway, then the document is noted. Decision in 3rd Feb Call: No decision as of now.
noted No    
    S4‑210077 [FS_5GSTAR] Use Case to Architecture Mappings Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
Yesokia: is the aim of ht edocument is to analyse the type of delivery. What is ment by 'more simple use cases' Thomas: TO bring the architecture in a simplied model where call flows can be eased. Also, baseline usecases can be identified to get down to the call flows. Nokia: transformation of the use case is necessary to be brought up. Gilles: This contribution is more considered as the way forward.
agreed No    
    S4‑210078 [FS_5GSTAR] OpenXR and Khronos Qualcomm Incorporated pCR Agreement Yes
NoRyan: more discussion on the meaning of 'reference' OpenXR is one of the candidate for the Gilles: these documents can be the candidates technilogies to be the reference for openXR Jaeon: A study on the Khronos is necessary for making them as a reference.
available No    
    S4‑210110 FS_5GSTAR: Bidirectional media flows Samsung Electronics Iberia SA discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210111 FS_5GSTAR: Unidirectional media flow from server to UE Samsung R&D Institute UK discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210112 FS_5GSTAR: Unidirectional media flow from UE to server Samsung R&D Institute UK discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210113 Draft TR 26.998 Samsung R&D Institute UK draft TR Agreement Yes
YesThere was discussion between the other group members on the contributions added to this draft TR. Thomas: urge to publish all the agreements from the meeting. There would be one oneput document taking all the agreements in the previous adhoc meeting.
revised No S4‑210213  
    S4‑210114 FS_5STAR: Permanent Document v0.2.0 Samsung R&D Institute UK other Agreement Yes
YesComents on reference handling to be done by the rapporteur. There were no other comments and rev1 of this Tdoc has been agreed.
agreed No S4‑210214  
    S4‑210115 5GSTAR: Proposed Updates to Work Plan Samsung R&D Institute UK Work Plan Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210124 [5G_STAR] pCR Proposed architecture for streaming volumetric video Fraunhofer HHI pCR Agreement Yes
YesThomas: you render the screen which includes the volumetric video and produce the video creation of the screen. Yago,FFH: According to the Fig.2, where a volumetric video is places in a real screen. Thomas: Is there more to rendering the volumetric video. Yago, FFH: only the volumetric video. Imed, Qc: split rendering is quite complex and then getting 2D video. When tracking is done, some knowledge of local environement is needed. Yago, FFH: In this case, the instructors are rendered and it is a real screen. Imed, Qc: Not in favour of disparity because the screen camera could automatically render the video. Gilles: to have detailed discussion untill tomorrow. This document to be mapped to a permanent document. Imed: the use case can be documented because, still having reservations regarding the rendering processes. Thomas: the comments can be taken into accound before converting it into a PD. Gilles: revision suggested.
revised No S4‑210219  
    S4‑210151 Gaps and architecture extensions for conversational AR services Ericsson LM discussion Agreement Yes
YesThis document was decided to be integrated into the permanen document. Thomas: Then fate of the comments need to be decided. Gilles: propose to revise to include the comments.
revised No S4‑210220  
    S4‑210173 [FS_5GSTAR] pCR on Use case on AR IoT Beijing Xiaomi Electronics pCR Agreement Yes
YesThomas: need to clarify if there are immersive split rendering aspects are put in. Mary-Luc: it is not 'split rendering'. Relation with 5G: as there are more devices to be used in 5G, and this pCR becomes relevant.
revised No S4‑210221  
    S4‑210214 Editorial corrections of the use cases on AR Conversational HiSilicon Technologies Co. Ltd pCR - No
agreed No   S4‑210014
    S4‑210213 Draft TR 26.998 Samsung R&D Institute UK draft TR Agreement No
agreed No   S4‑210113
    S4‑210219 [5G_STAR] pCR Proposed architecture for streaming volumetric video Fraunhofer HHI pCR Agreement Yes
reserved No   S4‑210124
    S4‑210220 Gaps and architecture extensions for conversational AR services Ericsson LM discussion Agreement No
reserved No   S4‑210151
    S4‑210221 [FS_5GSTAR] pCR on Use case on AR IoT Beijing Xiaomi Electronics pCR Agreement Yes
NoIs this proposed to be a permanent document or a TR ? Gilles: a TR is proposed. We can further do the mapping to 5G device systems in future.
reserved No   S4‑210173
    S4‑210216 Unidirectional media flow from server to UE Samsung discussion discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210217 Use case to 5G system mapping template Samsung discussion discussion Yes
reserved No    
10.10 New Work Items and Study Items                      
10.11 Liaisons and Liaison Responses S4‑210086 Discussion on LS on New Standardized 5QIs for 5G-AIS(S2-2009227) Tencent discussion Decision Yes
available No    
    S4‑210087 Draft Reply LS to S2-2009227 Tencent LS out Approval Yes
available No    
10.12 Any Other Business                      
10.13 Close of the session                      
11 Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) SWG S4‑210175 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210177 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210181 Frame packing of overlays Frame packing of overlays other discussion Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210182 Draft CR Updates on Camera Calibration for Network-based Stitching Intel, Nokia Corporation draftCR Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210189  
    S4‑210189 Draft CR Updates on Camera Calibration for Network-based Stitching Intel, Nokia Corporation draftCR Agreement Yes
agreed No   S4‑210182
    S4‑210183 Improved text on SDP for ITT4RT Nokia Corporation draftCR discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210184 Introduction of pause/resume functionality Qualcomm Wireless GmbH, Intel other discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210185 Updates on Introduction of Pause/Resume in ITT4RT Qualcomm Wireless GmbH, Intel other discussion Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210186 Formats and protocols for transport of non-A/V overlays Intel, Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia Corporation, other discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210187 On SEI Messages for ITT4RT Intel other discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210188 Improved text on Overlay configuration for ITT4RT Nokia Corporation other discussion Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210190 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210191 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210192 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210193 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210194 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210195 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210196 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210197 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210198 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210199 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210200 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210201 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210202 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210203 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
    S4‑210204 (reserved) MTSI SWG other discussion No
reserved No    
11.1 Opening of the session                      
11.2 Registration of documents                      
11.3 Reports and liaisons from other groups                      
11.4 CRs to Features in Release 16 and earlier                      
11.5 ITT4RT (Support of Immersive Teleconferencing and Telepresence for Remote Terminals) S4‑210015 Frame packing of overlays Nokia Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    S4‑210020 Proposed Timeplan for ITT4RT (v0.10.0) Intel, Nokia Corporation (ITT4RT Rapporteurs) Work Plan Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210021 ITT4RT Permanent Document - Requirements, Working Assumptions and Potential Solutions (v0.10.0) Intel, Nokia Corporation (ITT4RT Rapporteurs) other Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210022 Draft CR 26.114 Video Support for ITT4RT Intel draftCR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210023 Draft CR Updates on Camera Calibration for Network-based Stitching Intel discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210024 Usage of the IMS Data Channel in ITT4RT Intel discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210025 On SEI Messages for ITT4RT Intel discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210118 Improved text on SDP for ITT4RT Draft CR Nokia Corporation discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210119 Conditional overlays for ITT4RT Nokia Corporation discussion   Yes
available No    
    S4‑210126 ITT4RT: On text for media configuration Samsung Electronics Iberia SA discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210127 ITT4RT: On viewport dependent fisheye video delivery Samsung Electronics Iberia SA discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210128 ITT4RT: On viewport independent and viewport dependent delivery Samsung Electronics Iberia SA discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210129 Update to: Audio mixing of multiple streaming in ITT4RT Tencent discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210132 Improved text on Overlays for ITT4RT Draft CR Nokia Corporation discussion Agreement Yes
reserved No    
    S4‑210141 Basic Conditional Overlay Support Qualcomm Wireless GmbH discussion   Yes
available No    
    S4‑210142 Pseudo CR on Conditional Overlays Qualcomm Wireless GmbH draftCR   Yes
available No    
    S4‑210143 HEIF Image Format for ITT4RT Qualcomm Wireless GmbH discussion   Yes
available No    
    S4‑210176 IIT4RT: Proposal for TimePlan Intel, Nokia Corporation (ITT4RT Rapporteurs) Work Plan Agreement Yes
YesOzgur: Power to agree on official CRs over adhoc telcos. Chair: Are guidelines maintained as 4 dates are consumed leaving only one session for NBMP. As there were no comments and questions, the Chair deferred it to the next plenary session. Chair: which dates will have special powers. And special power to agree on official telcos 28th Feb and 3rd March, 2021.
revised No S4‑210291  
11.6 FS_FLUS_NBMP (Feasibility Study on the use of NBMP in E_FLUS) S4‑210041 FS_FLUS_NBMP: 2nd Update to NBMP-FLUS-AF Call flow Tencent discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210102 FS_FLUS_NBMP: Proposed updates to DCR Tencent discussion Approval Yes
available No    
    S4‑210103 FS_FLUS_NBMP: Workplan update (0.6) Tencent discussion Agreement Yes
available No    
11.7 Others including TEI S4‑210026 Updates on IETF References Intel CR Agreement Yes
available No    
    S4‑210144 IETF Reference Update Ericsson LM CR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210145 IETF Reference Update Ericsson LM CR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210146 IETF Reference Update Ericsson LM CR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210147 IETF Reference Update Ericsson LM CR Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210294  
    S4‑210148 IETF Reference Update for Data Channel Media Ericsson LM CR Agreement Yes
agreed No    
    S4‑210170 IETF Reference Update for MMCMH Ericsson LM CR Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210178  
    S4‑210171 IETF Reference Update for MMCMH Ericsson LM CR Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210179  
    S4‑210172 IETF Reference Update for MMCMH Ericsson LM CR Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210180  
    S4‑210294 IETF Reference Update Ericsson LM CR Agreement No
agreed No   S4‑210147
    S4‑210179 IETF Reference Update for MMCMH Ericsson LM CR Agreement Yes
reserved No   S4‑210171
11.8 New Work Items and Study Items                      
11.9 Any Other Business                      
11.10 Close of the session                      
12 LSs received during the meeting and Postponed Liaisons (from A. I. 5)                      
13 Reports and general issues from sub-working-groups                      
13.1 EVS SWG                      
13.2 MBS SWG                      
13.3 MTSI SWG                      
13.4 SQ SWG                      
13.5 Video SWG                      
14 CRs to features in Release 16 and earlier S4‑210229 CR to TS 26.501 on clarifications and corrections (Rel-16) Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd CR Agreement Yes
agreed No   S4‑210116
    S4‑210178 IETF Reference Update for MMCMH Ericsson LM CR Agreement Yes
reserved No   S4‑210170
    S4‑210180 IETF Reference Update for MMCMH Ericsson LM CR Agreement Yes
reserved No   S4‑210172
    S4‑210246 (reserved) MBS other discussion Yes
reserved No   S4‑210228
    S4‑210247 LS to ISO/IEC JTC1 on DASH Qualcomm Incorporated LS out Agreement Yes
revised No S4‑210293  
15 Release 17 Features                      
15.1 IVAS_Codec (EVS Codec Extension for Immersive Voice and Audio Services)                      
15.2 ITT4RT (Support of Immersive Teleconferencing and Telepresence for Remote Terminals) S4‑210107 ITT4RT: On text for media configuration Samsung Electronics Iberia SA discussion Agreement No
withdrawn Yes    
    S4‑210108 ITT4RT: On viewport dependent fisheye video delivery Samsung Electronics Iberia SA discussion Agreement No
withdrawn Yes    
    S4‑210109 ITT4RT: On viewport independent and viewport dependent delivery Samsung Electronics Iberia SA discussion Agreement No
withdrawn Yes    
    S4‑210291 IIT4RT: Proposal for TimePlan Intel, Nokia Corporation (ITT4RT Rapporteurs) Work Plan Agreement Yes
reserved No   S4‑210176
15.3 ATIAS (Terminal Audio quality performance and Test methods for Immersive Audio Services)                      
15.4 HaNTE (Handsets Featuring Non-Traditional Earpieces)                      
15.5 HInT (Extension for headset interface tests of UE) S4‑210088 Time Plan for HInT, v0.3 HEAD acoustics GmbH, Orange discussion Agreement No
reserved No   S4‑201615
15.6 8K_VR_5G (Operation Points for 8K VR 360 Video over 5G)                      
15.7 TEI17 and any other Rel-17 documents                      
16 Study Items                      
16.1 FS_5GMS_Multicast (Feasibility Study on Multicast Architecture Enhancements for 5GMSA)                      
16.2 FS_XRTraffic (Feasibility Study on Typical Traffic Characteristics for XR Services and other Media)                      
16.3 FS_EMSA (Feasibility Study on Streaming Architecture extensions For Edge processing)                      
16.4 FS_VR_CoGui (Feasibility Study on VR Streaming Conformance and Guidelines)                      
16.5 FS_5GVideo (Feasibility Study on 5G Video Codec Characteristics)                      
16.6 FS_FLUS_NBMP (Feasibility Study on the use of NBMP in E_FLUS)                      
16.7 FS_5GSTAR (Feasibility Study on 5G Glass-type AR/MR Devices)                      
16.8 FS_5GMS_EXT (Study on 5G media streaming extensions)                      
17 Work Items and Study Items under the responsibility of other TSGs/WGs impacting SA4 work                      
18 New Work Items and Study Items                      
19 Postponed issues                      
20 Review of the future work plan (next meeting dates, hosts)                      
21 Any Other Business