Tdoc List
2017-04-04 14:57
Agenda | Topic | TDoc | Title | Source | Type | For | Avail | Treated | Decision | Wdrn | Replaced-by | Replaces |
1 | Opening of the Meeting | |||||||||||
2 | Approval of Agenda and Meeting Objectives | S3‑170600 | Agenda | SA WG3 Chair | agenda | Yes |
YesDK Lee from Samsung welcomed the delegates. Chair introduced the agenda. First the chair would like to do the questions for SA2, then open the LS and then taken 5.1.1 to 5.1.4 and followed by 5.1.8. SA2 will prepare questions for joint meeting. Tomorrow morning will look at SA2 questions before Mission Critical. Joint meeting will be 6pm for at most 1.5 hours. Wednesday evening will be an informal session on NB-IoT RLF (with no decision power) chaired by Alf. Thursday output will start with non-5G topics. Chair went through IT courtsey and IPR reminder. There was discussion on the progress of 5G in SA3 and the need to make decision to ensure progress. NSA deadline is December 2017 and March 2018 for SA. The need for a July meeting was discussed with the conclusion that it depends on progress. The general preference would be to not have the meeting. An electronic meeting will be organised for NB-IoT RLF. The chair reminded everyone that he will use informal vote to help make progress and if there is no progress and then there wil need to be a technical vote. There was some agreement that we need to prioritize Option 3 work (the new WID agreed in plenary in SP-17xxxx). Adrian (rapporteur) will prepare a doc order for these documents for discussion later in the week.
| approved | No | |||
3 | IPR Reminder | |||||||||||
4 | Work Areas | |||||||||||
4.1 | Security of the Mission Critical Service (MCSec) | S3‑170606 | Temporary Group call – user regroup security | S6-170203 | LS in | Yes |
YesWaiting for SA6 progress - Noted
| noted | No | |||
S3‑170856 | [MCSEC] Clean up of clause 5.2.2 and Annex D in TS 33.180 | NCSC | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesOffline comments were given -> 881
| revised | No | S3‑170881 | |||
S3‑170881 | [MCSEC] Clean up of clause 5.2.2 and Annex D in TS 33.180 | NCSC | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170856 | |||
S3‑170674 | 33.180 pCR identity scope | Motorola Solutions Danmark A/S | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesAirbus asked if there was a KMS per service. Motorola answered that this was architecturally possible, so was allowed for - approved
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170675 | 33.180 pCR Inter-domain IdM | Motorola Solutions Danmark A/S | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesOffline comments were given -> 892
| revised | No | S3‑170892 | |||
S3‑170892 | 33.180 pCR Inter-domain IdM | Motorola Solutions Danmark A/S | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesNokia queried the reference [bb] in C2 step 8a. Motorola thought it was correct but would confirm offline. Once this point is agreed the document will be brought to plenary again to be approved - approved
| approved | No | S3‑170675 | |||
S3‑170676 | 33.180 pCR Inter-domain IdM profile | Motorola Solutions Danmark A/S | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesFormat of two tokens were confimed to be the same - approved
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170857 | [MCSEC] Support for multiple security domains within TS 33.180 | NCSC | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesOffline comments were given -> 894
| revised | No | S3‑170894 | |||
S3‑170894 | [MCSEC] Support for multiple security domains within TS 33.180 | NCSC | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170857 | |||
S3‑170858 | LS on addition of KMS URI to configuration parameters | NCSC | LS out | Approval | Yes |
| revised | No | S3‑170895 | |||
S3‑170895 | LS on addition of KMS URI to configuration parameters | NCSC | LS out | Approval | Yes |
YesThis will be revised to include Morpho's suggestion made during discussion on 893. Also the attachment document numbers need to be specified. Approved
| approved | No | S3‑170858 | |||
S3‑170860 | [MCSEC] Implementation of Solution #1.2 in TS 33.180 | NCSC | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesEricsson said he was fine with this in principle but he wanted to discuss offline with NCSC some feedback he'd had on the MBMS case. Vice-chair pointed out that MSK is an abbreviation which is already used in EAP. NCSC (Peter) agreed to come up with a new abbreviation. Airbus was also fine with the document in principle but thought it could be reformatted to split out the Signalling Protection and Floor Control sections. -> 913
| revised | No | S3‑170913 | |||
S3‑170913 | [MCSEC] Implementation of Solution #1.2 in TS 33.180 | NCSC | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170860 | |||
S3‑170861 | LS on update to key management for application signalling | NCSC | LS out | Approval | Yes |
YesRevised based on offline discussions -> 884
| revised | No | S3‑170884 | |||
S3‑170884 | LS on update to key management for application signalling | NCSC | LS out | Approval | Yes |
YesNCSC presents.
The major features for MCPTT and MCVideo have been completed, however a feature ‘temporary group call – user regroup’ has not been addressed as we are waiting on information from SA6. Work on MCData is only partially completed. We are waiting on the choice of protocol from CT1 before defining the security mechanism
| approved | No | S3‑170861 | |||
S3‑170899 | [MCSec] 33.180 first to answer call security | Motorola Solutions Danmark A/S | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170914 | Draft TS 33.880 | NCSC | draft TS | Approval | No |
| approved | No | ||||
4.2 | Battery Efficient Security for very low Throughput Machine Type Communication Devices (BEST_MTC_Sec) (Rel-15) | S3‑170725 | CR to TS 33.401 adding BEST functionality | VODAFONE Group Plc, KPN, Juniper, Nokia | CR | Agreement | Yes |
YesThis is a major re-write of the CR
Use of X for a new section and the new Annex will be avoided.
LI issues were raised - it was suggested that an LS will be sent if some text gets approved
It was questioned whether these would be better as a new TS - this was agreed
The changes will be incorporated in a draft TS -> 916
| not pursued | No | S3‑170173 | |
S3‑170869 | Comments-on S3-170725 CR to TS 33.401 adding BEST functionality | Juniper Networks, KPN | other | Approval | Yes |
YesThis is mostly editoiral corrections and corrceting error names.
A more substantial re-ordering of text in X.5 was proposed - >917
| revised | No | S3‑170917 | |||
S3‑170917 | Comments-on S3-170725 CR to TS 33.401 adding BEST functionality | Juniper Networks, KPN | other | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170869 | |||
S3‑170874 | Comments on S3-170725 Adding BEST functionality to TS 33.401 | Nokia | other | Approval | Yes |
YesDuring the discussion the use of the S6a name for HSE to EMKS and EMKS to HSS was raised.
It was agreed to add a UP and CP interface between the UE and HSE
in Annex X.2.1, it will be claried that there is data over DoNAS and no impact on NAS
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170918 | Comment on S3-170874 | Ericsson | other | discussion | Yes |
YesThe contents of the tdoc will be used to modify the TS after the meeting. Noted
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170670 | Allocation of FC values for BEST | KPN, Vodafone | CR | Agreement | Yes |
YesThis needs to be updated once there is a TS number for the BEST TS. It was postponed.
| postponed | No | S3‑170183 | |||
S3‑170941 | WID update for BEST | Vodafone | WID revised | Agreement | Yes |
YesVF presents
E//: architecture needs to be updated, so remove UTRAN
TIM: any other changes to other TS?
VF: no
Huawei: why is 5G in justification
VF: NBIoT is 5G technology
Huawei: remove 5G
CMCC: also support this WID
| agreed | No | ||||
S3‑170916 | Draft TS BEST | Vodafone | other | discussion | Yes |
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170671 | proposed LS to CT4 on extension of the S6a interface for BEST | KPN | LS out | Approval | Yes |
YesThis needs to be updated to reflect the decision that the interface will be renamed and not propose the use of the S6a interface.
Ericsson: Should CT1 be asked to do the stage 3 protocol specification
KPN: Agree
New content is inform CT1 and CT4 and cc:SA2 and for CT4 to specifiy the new interface and ask CT1 to take the information into account
The LS will also inform SA3-LI about creation of the TS
| revised | No | S3‑170956 | S3‑170176 | ||
S3‑170956 | LS to CT4 on extension of the S6a interface for BEST | KPN | LS out | Approval | Yes |
YesVF presents
Orange: creation of interface of by SA2
ATT: CT groups own the stage 2 of interfaces, if they don't create a new interface, then SA2 doesn't get involved
Nokia: new SA2 action: review interface between HSE and EAS
VF: ok
| approved | No | S3‑170671 | |||
S3‑170750 | BEST: Update on Key synchronization in Solution #10 | Nokia | CR | Agreement | Yes |
| agreed | No | ||||
S3‑170756 | BEST: Update on key uniqueness per EMSE in Solution #10 | Nokia | CR | Agreement | Yes |
| agreed | No | ||||
S3‑170743 | BEST: Update on key synchronization in Solution #10 | Nokia France | CR | Agreement | No |
| withdrawn | Yes | ||||
5 | Studies | |||||||||||
5.1 | Study on Architecture and Security for Next Generation System (FS_NSA) (Rel-14) | |||||||||||
5.1.1 | Security architecture | S3‑170865 | ToC for 5G TS | NTT DOCOMO INC. | draft TS | Yes |
YesDoCoMo presented the tdoc. It provides a first pass at the table of content for the 5G security architcture. Vdf raised issue of 402 in 501 (it was clarified that 33.402-like text will be in 33.501), where does BEST go. Huwaei raised the issue of sliicng. Its location would depend on whether there was slicing specific securiy or if it was NAS or otherwise. Option 3 was agreed to be specified initially in TS 33.401, but with the NR part to be moved to TS 33.501 later. Service based security was questioned. It was proposed to moved the security visibility to clause 5.3. It was agreed to move it to 5.3 and rephrase the headings to 'Security Indicators' and 'Security configurability'. Elements were changed to Functions. It was questioned why security requirment and features are kept together. In LTE, it was kept together to avoid repitition.
Tim: interworking with 4G, should that go into 501, the non-interworking
IDCC: network elements -> functions
Nokia: in 23.501 there is talk about network function services, so document security for services
Orange: in SA2, these are empty for now, so wait
Oberthur: non standalone aspects in this spec?
QC: should be in 401 in the beginning, then potentially ported to 501
agreement: putting ENDC in 401 at the start, implications on gNB and UE in 501
QC: 6 as subsection of 5
Huawei: add network slicing security
IDCC: agree
Orange: add when content is there
Nokia: agree
QC: remove 6.2
Nokia: change titles (agreed)
TIM: not lump together requirement and features
Nokia: put together because requirements and features because requirements give rise to features
agreement: network element -> network functions
agreement: move clause 6 under 5
agreement: 6.1 security indicators, 6.2 security configurability
-> 903 approved
| revised | No | S3‑170903 | ||
S3‑170903 | ToC for 5G TS | NTT DOCOMO INC. | draft TS | - | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170865 | |||
S3‑170866 | Scope for TS33.501 | NTT DOCOMO INC. | pCR | Yes |
YesVF: change next gen to 5G
VF: 4G radio to 4G core in this document?
QC: in the beginning, put everything of ENDC to 401, then move to 501 when 501 is stable, turn into reference
Dragan: 5G NR or only NR?
replace next generation by 5G
-> approved as 904
| revised | No | S3‑170904 | ||||
S3‑170904 | Scope for TS33.501 | NTT DOCOMO INC. | pCR | - | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170866 | |||
S3‑170723 | Adding EN to declar the ambiguity of AMF in TR33.899 | Huawei, Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
YesHuawei presented.This is a typo in editor's note and it should be acronym not defintion. SA2 have already responded that they will not change. Add other AMF and a 'Note: Acronym is used with both different meanings but it is clear from the contxet which one is meant'
It was proposed in 33.501 to use acmf instead of SA2-type amf
-> approved as 905
| revised | No | S3‑170905 | ||||
S3‑170905 | Adding EN to declar the ambiguity of AMF in TR33.899 | Huawei, Hisilicon | pCR | - | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170723 | |||
S3‑170811 | Discussion of denial of service requirements in 5G | KPN | discussion | Yes |
YesSeveral points were raised and many of those were agreed by KPN. Some of these comments will make changes to later documents
It was taken with 872
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170872 | Comments to S3-170811_Denial_of_Service_in_FS_NSA-2 | China Mobile Com. Corporation | other | Agreement | Yes |
YesCMCC presents
TNO: comments valid, solution would work against random attach requests, implications on later documents
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170822 | Late: Adding detection and reaction layer to 5G | KPN | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia: how can this be prevented; should this be protection layer
KPN responded: A UE is deliberately attacking the network - will it go away - yes if application is the problem with working basedband, but not if baseband is compromised. Maybe easier to compromise application then baseband.
KPN keen to hear what vendors think can be done, e..g new layers.
IDCC: Back-off messages are DoS attacks in their own right. Jamming attacks are not generally delat with and this is only a jamming attack.
Compared to 2.11, this is a generic approach.
BT like the paper, but what happens if the malware is faking an emergnecy call which can not be blocked. Proposal is block a specific UE and not a general group of UEs.
QC: should tell the UE to detach
VF: reword: nextgen not 5G
E//: agree with QC, more like an implementation
Huawei: same like 2.11, make it more generic, get the network to block
QC: add editor's note, check whether this is also the case if the baseband is compromised
agreement: add editor's note, -> 906
| revised | No | S3‑170906 | ||||
S3‑170906 | Late: Adding detection and reaction layer to 5G | KPN | pCR | - | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170822 | |||
S3‑170816 | Adding interim question on NAS integrity protection without security context | KPN | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesNokia: the question seems contradictory: integrity protection without security context
TNO: sounds strange, so can be noted
Intel: overlap with fake eNB threat
TNO: note it
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170820 | Evaluation of solution 2.5, 2.11, 7.9 and 7.10 | KPN | pCR | Yes |
YesTNO: will be revised based on CMCC comments
| revised | No | S3‑170907 | ||||
S3‑170907 | Evaluation of solution 2.5, 2.11, 7.9 and 7.10 | KPN | pCR | - | Yes |
YesKPN presents
Huawei: were comments on 2.11 captured
KPN: will be done
| approved | No | S3‑170820 | |||
S3‑170873 | Comments to S3-170820_evaluation of solutions 25 211 79 710-2 | China Mobile Com. Corporation | pCR | Agreement | Yes |
YesSome comments from this contribution will be taken into account in a revision of S3-170820.
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170634 | Overview of proposed interim agreements on security architecture for 5G phase | Nokia | discussion | Yes |
YesThis provides an overview of the proposed conclusions.
Nokia presents
TIM: 1.16-1.18 do they have companion CR
Nokia: not from Nokia
VF: does security in RAN include separated out RAN
Nokia: yes
DCM: does this mean: non- treated areas should be in phase 2
Nokia: only prioritization
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170688 | pCR for adding details for key issue #1.1 Overview of NextGen security architecture | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesHuawei presents
E//: this is a solution to key issue, some things are not generic
Nokia: deprioritize for now, is this still the right picture?
Huawei: currently the decisions can't be reflected in image, useful to visualize
TIM: some numbers are not visisble in picture: e.g 7, what are the security features shouldn't be mentioned
Huawei: even in LTE 7 is not visible
Orange: do this later
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170635 | Proposed interim agreements on co-locating SEAF-AMF for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
together with 636
| revised | No | S3‑170908 | ||||
S3‑170908 | Proposed interim agreements on co-locating SEAF-AMF for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | - | Yes |
YesNokia presents
| approved | No | S3‑170635 | |||
S3‑170636 | Evolution scenario for AMF and SEAF from 5G phase 1 to later phases | Nokia | discussion | Yes |
YesGünther presents
potentially to be turned into pCR
TIM: in 3.1, not talk about KUPenc in AN keys
Nokia: if decision is made, then it is more like in figure 3.
TIM: almost everything is in phase 1
Orange: massive IoT is in phase 2
VF: on 635: argument about about secure AMF/SEAF location needs to be captured, add to first agreement
Nokia: add to second agreement
DCM: common one for all access networks?
Nokia: yes
QC: different in roaming scenario, one in serving network and one in home network
Nokia: single security anchor per PLMN, used for all kinds of access networks.
Huawei: in case of un-trusted 3GPP access, in same PLMN does authentication go to same security anchor
Nokia: yes
QC: if anchor key is thrown away, there is no way of reusing it for authentication
Nokia: all accesses are below the AMF key
?: access keys should be derived from anchor key
Nokia: this is like a standalone SEAF, with separate interfaces
agreed with interim agreement: e. modified as "single security anchore per PLMN used for all kinds of…"
explanation ---- for non 3gpp the untrusted access is in different plmn then there is different security anchor if they go to same core network then they have same anchor
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170843 | Proposed conclusion for standalone SEAF | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesAdrian presents
E//: first two paras of rationale seem to point at only advantage with 3GPP in visited network, non-3GPP in home
QC: architecture would allow future enhancement
Nokia: also have a discussion paper on having home SEAF
E//: home SEAF not required, as connection to home is with home AMF
Nokia: how to handle connection to two different network connections
QC: yes, could have
E//: security termination in home network not used
E//: not in phase 1
DCM: take long term view
Orange: AMF would become slice specific
QC: a paper submitted to this SA2 to do this
Nokia: allowed is wrong word, seems like not trusted
QC: could be, or not trusted
Nokia: what is our trust model for phase 1, NOkias view is all tennants trust the operator,
Orange: not talking about slices not operated by operators.
QC: all slices could still be managed by operator, but comprimises should be contained
E//: could we keep EPS-AKA with this agreement
Orange: this is only about H-SEAF
Nokia: so for this role, the H-SEAF is not needed (agreed)
Nokia: E2.1.4.2 overlaps with Nokia 649
taken with 649
agreement: E. first sentence keep and 2nd sentence for this role home seaf is not needed (Nokia)
after this use 649 on last interim agreement
e. stays open with 908
e. 2nd para is open for discussion: In addition if UE to UPF security is supported, then this will likely require an H-SEAF as the key from the home network may be used for this security, e.g., terminating UP security at HPLMN.
| revised | No | S3‑170910 | |||
S3‑170910 | Proposed conclusion for standalone SEAF | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170843 | |||
S3‑170773 | Trust model and key hierarchy discussion for Next Generation systems | Ericsson LM | discussion | Approval | Yes |
YesNoamen presents
QC: consequence of horizontal key derivation is running a SMC to refresh NAS security
E//: yes, same with SEAF key
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170778 | Update of solution #1.36 for SEAF realization via AMF | Ericsson LM | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170839 | pCR to provide an update to the solution #1.6 to specify the interface between SEAF and AMF | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170685 | A security solution for SMS over NAS | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170805 | pCR to TR 33.899: Update of Solution #1.31 | NEC EUROPE LTD | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170807 | pCR to TR 33.899: Update of Solution #1.32 | NEC EUROPE LTD | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170821 | pCR to TR 33.899: Update of solution #1.30 | NEC EUROPE LTD | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170637 | Proposed interim agreement on integrity and confidentiality between UE and network for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
Yeshis level of granularity of the negotiation was challenged, as the full impact of the decision on the ability of RAN to handle traffic. It was also questioned whether confidentiality shudl be applied across all bearers uniformally. There was also a discussion ion whether it makes sense for EN-DC UEs that support only option 3.
QC: can't PDU sessions involve different types of data?
E//: should be one PDU session for one type of flow, so it should be per flow
Broadcom: should be on level per IP flow, so using granularity per PDU session doesn't make sense.
E//: doesn't want to limit RAN in their decision
DT: granularity not required to that extend, there is not sufficient gain
Huawei: also has proposals
Broadcom: UPF needs to support multiple access, do you assume buffer reordering in the UE side?
Nokia: this is in RAN only
E//: granularity for normative phase
Samsung: open 792
on 792:
E//: support integrity, consider
Juniper: support integrity
DCM: support
TIM: support
792 is noted
back to 637
agreement: DRB granularity goes away
Huawei: related to 678
on 678
Nokia: already covered in 1.3
678 noted
back to 637
Huawei: related to 700
on 700
E//: what is extendability
VF: same problem
Huawei: extend to the core
E//: why is this brought up here, should be in different location
TIM: not clear enough for wording
700 noted
back to 637
Huawei: related to 679
on 679
Nokia: agree with that some CP messages need to be integrity protected
VF: agree with Günther, change to next gen
take 679, modify sentence except for a well defined list of procedures, remove Note merge into update of 637
back to 637
Huawei: related to 681
DCM: which places do not permit confidentiality on CP?
VF: lots of places
681 noted
back to 637
e1412 not agreed
e1312 optional for scenario 3 and mandatory for other --> offline Adrian, Alf, Guenther
e1322 last sentence goes away
e1512 take from 679
e1612 ok -- except for well defined exceptions
| revised | No | S3‑170911 | ||||
S3‑170911 | Proposed interim agreement on integrity and confidentiality between UE and network for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | - | Yes |
YesThis level of granularity of the negotiation was challenged, as the full impact of the decision on the ability of RAN to handle traffic. It was also questioned whether confidentiality should be applied across all bearers uniformally. There was also a discussion on whether it makes sense for EN-DC UEs that support only option 3.
| approved | No | S3‑170637 | |||
S3‑170677 | Interim agreement for support of user plane integrity between UE and network | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
YesHuawei presents
QC: could be useful for option 3
DCM: key hierarchy might not be ready in time, so key might not be ready
E//: UE will NR anyways
Nokia: difference should be minimized, maintain option to integrity protect
DCM: mandate implementation
QC: eNB doesn't have the information
Nokia: UE will not be confused
QC: why implement for option 3
Nokia: will there be option 3 only gNB and UEs, mandate except for option 3 only
E//: for option 3 LTE doesn't support, so can be disabled
DCM: mandate implementation from day 1
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170792 | Updates to Questions and Interim Agreements on Key Issue # 1.3: Support of User plane integrity between UE and network | Samsung | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170658 | Update to KI on UP Integrity and requirements | Nokia | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170659 | Solution for per DRB UP integrity | Nokia | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170678 | Interim agreement for Support of UP confidentiality protection in the UE and the Network | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
YesThere was no support for this. It was noted.
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170700 | pCR for questions and interim agreement for UP confidentiality of Key issue 1.4 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170638 | Single NAS security termination - resolution of Editor’s Notes | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesThe trust model that the SMF fully trusts the AMF was questioned. In particular whether the home operators would fully trust the serving operator. The issue of a lack of understanding of how a premuim rate slice may be used for fraud was raised. It was agreed to raise some questions of SA2 to try to understand the model.
Gemalto: who has agreed to the trust model that all tenants shall trust the operator
Nokia: SA2 has said there is only one AMF
DCM: does this mean it is trusting the operator
Nokia: it is only about session management, what is confidential there?
QC: is it also when roaming? there is also integrity to be considered
E//: support Nokia
DCM: integrity is important, especially in case of premium rate sessions
Nokia: will there be home SMF with visited AMF
DCM: yes, via visited SMF
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170639 | Proposed interim agreements on NAS security termination for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
QC: at least for integrity, that should be separated
E//: is there scenario where NAS messages are sent to home?
QC: protect all the way to the home network
TIM: is the termination in the RAN?
Nokia: this is NAS
Orange: why hop by hop is not enough
QC: if premium session is negotiated, and then charge more for billing
Orange: but there is trust due to roaming agreement
DT: there is interoperator fraud existing
Orange: involve GMSA fraud group
DCM: yes, but what is response timein GSMA
Nokia: ask SA2
DCM: business relationship questions
NEC: support slice interim agreement discussion with SA2
Nokia: communication to home SMF should be discussed with SA2
QC: send LS to SA1
DT: approve this one wait for response to LS
Huawei: is this for single slice or multiple slice case
QC: both
Huawei: in case of multiple slices, then don't agree with this
Orange: what is use case
Huawei: one slice compromise can't affect other slice
DT: attack not applicable
Huawei: compare to forward security in eNB handovers
DCM: for phase 1, do single termination point, but prepare key hierarchy and a transparent container so there is no bidding down attack possible in phase 2
Huawei: depending on slicing issue
Gemalto: need to take slicing into consideration for this
QC: 2 separate issues: slicing isolation and integrity protection
Gemalto: what is the definition of single termination point
Nokia: AMF removes the protection, then hop by hop
QC: other interpretation: do all UEs use the AMF?
Huawei: issues themselves are independent
QC: treat them separately, see if they converge
Orange: DT proposal was to have a prelimary agreement, come back with threat analysis
Huawei: if only for single slice, then ok
back to agreement
DCM: be clear: agreement can be changed if threats are shown
agreement: agreed in principle, send LS to SA1, SA2, SA5, but keep open until network slicing
LS: 912 Anand
Ensure that the key hierarchy has the necessary hooks to potentially add keys for separate NAS security points in Phase 2 if needed so.
Based on the response to LS S3-170XXX, SA3 may need to consider additional mitigations. These potential mitigations shall not modify the agreement in 639.
| approved | No | |||||
S3‑170912 | LS on fraud potential in NAS to SMF | Qualcomm | LS out | Approval | Yes |
YesQC presents
Nokia: more difficult case is local breakout, so also include this
BT: need to make choice: trust roaming partner, do we need to worry about fraud in general?
E//: not related to NAS messages
QC: correct, NAS terminates in visited SMF, so NAS can be removed
DCM: integrity to home could entail changes in key hierarchy
Nokia: signalling to home SMF (NAS or not) is undecided
QC: acknowledge scenario by Nokia
DCM: deal with fraud as it is important
BT: ask GSMA about inter operator fraud scenarios
Nokia: what is the braoder picture, how much is being lost
E//: LS should help to agree if single termination for NAS or not?
QC: agree, but need to check if this should be done
QC: fraud is important, could be handled separately
BT: threat predicated on assumption that roaming partners defraud each other
QC presents
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170679 | Interim agreement for CP integrity protection | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
YesThis proposes an answer to CP integrity. It was agreed to make it clear that integirty is not applied in some document cases. Merged into S3-170911.
| merged | No | S3‑170911 | ||||
S3‑170681 | Interim agreement for CP confidentiality protection | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170684 | Clarification for solution #1.13 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170834 | pCR: Solution for UE-UPF security setup | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170840 | pCR to provide an update to the Key Issue #1.5 to add NAS SM signalling protection | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170698 | pCR for question and interim agreement on key hierarchy | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesHuawei presents
E//: too early to agree on key hierarchy, e.g. CK/IK not always there
Huawei: but that applies to all type of agreements
Nokia: this is very solution dependent
Huawei: still some open issues
DCM: don't understand the question, is the hierarchy or what kind of keys are required
VF: question is what is the key hierarchy?
DCM: or what are the required leaf keys?
Nokia: prefer VF question
agreement: agreements don't go in?
VF: introduce question on how the keys are related, how do the keys translate to other 3GPP technology
Nokia: E.1.7.0 related is incomplete, prefer to note document
VF: prefer to note, because question is obvious
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170699 | pCR for updating the solution1.9 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170775 | New key hierarchy proposal for Next Generation systems | Ericsson LM | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesEricsson presents
Nokia: new key hierarchy proposals could wait.
Stays open
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170788 | pCR to justify the need to extend the usage scope of PKI in 5G | China Mobile Com. Corporation | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170640 | Proposed interim agreement on integrity and confidentiality between AN and CN for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
TIM: finalize UP plane discussion first
DCM: make it independent: when termination point is not in secure location and N3 is not physically secured
agreement: sentence massaging
taken together with 680
E1.9.1.2 agreed with wording update
Nokia: how is it implemented, refer to 401?
TIM: wait for the decision on UP termination point
->922 approved
| revised | No | S3‑170922 | ||||
S3‑170922 | Proposed interim agreement on integrity and confidentiality between AN and CN for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | - | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170640 | |||
S3‑170680 | Interim agreement for AN-CN control plane | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
YesHuawei presents
E//: formulation is confusing
Huawei: this is related to RAN architecture
Nokia: protocol split is confusing
Huawei: change protocol split to N2 interface
Chair: on separate level
DCM: first agreement: change is used to supported, refer to NDS/IP instead
TIM: make sentences consistent
Nokia: other two agreements: split is still being discussed, so not do this for now
Nokia: use implies support
DT: not refer to 401, because it implies IPsec gateways
DCM: certificate enrolment is independent of protocol split,
Nokia: agree
agreement: it is mandatory to support cert enrolment
merged in 922
| merged | No | S3‑170922 | ||||
S3‑170786 | Resolution of ENs in solutions 1.23 and 1.24 | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170831 | Proposed target architecture for 5G | Qualcomm Incorporated | other | Approval | Yes |
YesQC presents
VF: what are the two green lines
QC: two different options for U-plane security
Nokia: does this have to be added in phase 1? SA2 doesn't yet have a target architecture.
QC: it is only the target security architecture.
TIM: uplane security termination in UPF for phase 2 is not a good idea, some use cases would not be secure enough in phase 1, termination in RAN is not acceptable in phase 1
E//: service mobility why is this a security problem
QC: UE may be allocated to different AMFs depending on requested NSSAIs
Nokia: risk of putting too much complication on the security architecture
Nokia: possible evolution scenario in 636
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170641 | Proposed interim agreement on integrity and confidentiality between CN and CN for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
E1.11 ok
TIM: does this also apply to N9
Nokia: yes
TIM: maybe for N9 standardization is needed
DCM: why would that be in issue
TIM: just asking
DCM on 1.11: would that preclude diameter security
Nokia: no, could still be done in sec area 10
| approved | No | |||||
S3‑170642 | Proposed interim agreements on security implications of low latency | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
TIM: so in practice, SA3 is not doing anything to reduce latency
Nokia: nothing dedicated to achieve lower latency, there have been no contributions
TIM: should document why we don't do it
Nokia: agree, there was no contribution from anyone
Samsung: RAN considering 0ms latency handover
VF: not aware of any requirements in phase 1
TIM: no feature has been studied
E//: some RAN key issues on low latency have been studied, but nothing extra has been done
BT: other issue: attacks that would relate to timing, by introducing higher latency
E//: modify name of key issue
agreement: change title E1.13.1.1
agreement: add sentence on use cases
->923 approved
| revised | No | S3‑170923 | ||||
S3‑170923 | Proposed interim agreements on security implications of low latency | Nokia | pCR | - | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170642 | |||
S3‑170643 | Proposed interim agreements on serving functions in a less secure location | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
TIM: wait for what SA2 will say
IDCC: in virtualized environment, there is no perimeter and no secure location
Nokia: operator should have the assurance of physical accessibility
Huawei: SA2 considers local breakout, where UPF is in RAN
BT: support partly both Nokia and IDCC
QC: operator will control information
ATT: danger of putting security requirements to service providers, not all service providers are trustworthy
BT: state, in relation to NFV, the claim is based on current technology
TIM: regardless of NFV, how is this in relation to local breakout
DCM: control plane serving network functions
Nokia: yes, and add BT's statement
TIM: separate control and user plane?
Gemalto: operator should be asked for security, so we should have requirement
DT: BTs proposal would be good, this agreement is whether we will do something, in essence, we won#t do anything in phase 1
TIM: different from saying, in phase 1, local breakout doesn't exist, we need to start from the given scenario, or we have to say we don'T want it in phase 1
NTSC: in 23.502, SA2 is dealing with edge computing, e.g. mobility manamement,
agreement: it is assumed, that in 5G phase 1, serving core control plane functions reside in a secure location based oncurrent technology.
| revised | No | S3‑170924 | ||||
S3‑170924 | Proposed interim agreements on serving functions in a less secure location | Nokia | pCR | - | Yes |
YesNokia presents
TIM: consider separately for control and user plane
DT: don't limit to control plane
Orange: agree
TIM: not good, because of local breakout
TIM: add sentence agreement for user plane function needs to be added
DT: remove less in "less secure location"
| approved | No | S3‑170643 | |||
S3‑170644 | Proposed interim agreement on user plane security termination for 5G phase 1 | Nokia, Ericsson, Orange, AT&T, Broadcom, Samsung, Intel | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
KPN: only acceptable if VF solution is selected in RAN
VF: VF solution narrows down the solution
DT: support KPN, RAN needs to define delay tolerant solution for CU-DU split
VF same
TNO: this is for PDCP-U
TIM: not support this proposal to terminate
BT: support KPN position, make note in TR that there is no security reason not to terminate in the RAN, therefore going for less secure decision for performance reasons
Nokia: not fair summary, because CN function would sit in the same datacenter
DCM: need to make sure this is predicated on RAN decision
Huawei: agreements need to speak about phase 1
Nokia: ok
offline discussion
Nokia: propsoal add sentence This assumes having a gNB split such that the CU resides in a physically secure location.
TIM: in case of flexibility that is not true
Nokia, agreed, but still sentence is ok
QC: clarify that PDCP terminates security
DCM: support this
DT: make the dependency clear
Orange keep reference to solution
QC: yes, keep dependency
DCM: remove the only
TIM: add sentence what will happen if this approach is not confirmed by RAN
Orange: then the whole interim agreement is gone
DT: don't just say we assume, send LS to say we are ok with PDCP termination only if it terminates in secure location
Orange: agree
Nokia: wording
QC: ensure PDCP is a termination point
TIM: all of the interim agreement should be dependent on split being possible
Nokia: prefer QC proposal,
TIM: remove the reference to phase1
ATT: disagree on with TIM: keep phase 1 in
Intel: agree with ATT
KPN: if the agreement of E. is falls, then both the agreements of E. is revised
agreed, TIM asks for this statement to be minuted
if the precondition (i.e. CU-DU split can work) of E. is untrue, then both the agreements of E. and E. is revised
Nokia: proposed a second sentence: solution should not preclude a second termination point in 5G phase 2
NEC: agreement
TIM: what are the additional measures in phase 1 if RAN doesn't agree
Nokia: formulation from QC, agreed by ATT and Intel
TIM: the complete solution should be reconsidered
DCM: PDCP security has to be there for EN-DC case
->943 approved
LS to RAN2/3 -> 944, DT
| revised | No | S3‑170943 | ||||
S3‑170943 | Proposed interim agreement on user plane security termination for 5G phase 1 | Nokia, Ericsson, Orange, AT&T, Broadcom, Samsung, Intel | pCR | - | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170644 | |||
S3‑170825 | Proposed conclusions on the termination points of user plane security in the 5G network | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesQC presents
DCM: this decision needs to be made in phase 1
VF: what is the solution above PDCP
QC: needs to be implemented directly above PDCP
Nokia: why does this layer have to be put in in phase 1 if not used
DCM: deployment would always require IPsec if there are UEs not supporting from the beginning, so decision is necessary for phase 1
Nokia: moving to CU DU will provide the benefit later
QC: discussion needs to be on where is PDCP placed, do we need additional security layer
Nokia: if the IPsec is deployed in phase 1, additional UEs wouldn't use the already deployed IPsec
DT: this solution would work for any access network, even non-3GPP networks, e.g. fixed mobile convergence
VF: need to convince SA2
QC: inline with SA2, keep PDCP security
Orange: does this mean double encryption
QC: select only one
Orange: who selects
QC: network selects
Orange: problem with low latency
QC: user selection
Nokia: in phase 1 there will be untrusted non-3GPP access
VF: does the new sec layer get skipped for low latency
Noamen: new layer terminate in home in case of home routed
KPN: there shouldn't be any change of latency
VF: argument was about how traffic to be routed
Orange: is this conflicting with RAN?
QC: no, because PDCP encryption is there, this is only in addition to add flexibility
Nokia: but there wouldn't be visibility
QC: flow id is still visisble
Orange: low latency use would force to disable
E//: RAN said fine with proposal 1, so not argue about this
QC: proposal 4 wouldn't be conflicting
DCM: could be implemented on top CU DU, even if doesn't make sense, this is an alternative to CU DU on per flow basis
Orange: what are the security benefits besides not requiring backhaul IPsec
KPN: not trusting RAN, firewall it off, therefore CU-DU split wouldn't allow femtocells
Nokia: so we have untrusted 3GPP access
Chair: have PDCP
TIM: postpone to RAN meeting,
ATT: postponing got us where SA2 was delivering 6 months behind
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170787 | Flexible UP security termination | TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A., KPN, Telia Sonera | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesTIM presents
VF: UP-STF in visited or home
KPN: in visited
Orange: additional scenarios, factory deployment would be completely separate from network deployment
E//: ok with the solution going in, but not addressing RAN concerns,
DCM: similar to VF proposal, UP sec layer moving to gNB and UPF like PDCP terminiation
QC: more like QC solution, in QC this is implemented in two different layers
TIM: statically configured
DCM: per flow configuration?
TIM: per flow
Nokia: contradiction between TIM and QC solution, is there an additional layer in gNB required
QC: in QC solution not required
on proposal
Orange: first req: reword, second requirement remove RAN and UPF, 3 and 4 should go away
E//: ok with Orange proposals
Nokia: remove also second proposal
TIM: statically was to avoid negotiation
DCM: then defined by network operator
Orange: threat: first: LTE RAN, remove second
TIM: second is true
Orange: deployment option, so not a threat
Orange: 3rd should go out
DCM: valid threat, CU-DU split could be considered as hardening
Orange: what is fourth
TIM: assume user is not using ott security
DCM: change sentence, to say assume, delete first part
->942 approved
| revised | No | S3‑170942 | |||
S3‑170942 | Flexible UP security termination | TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A., KPN, Telia Sonera | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170787 | |||
S3‑170867 | discussion on flexible UP termination point | VODAFONE Group Plc | discussion | Information | Yes |
YesDT: what is the state of discussion in RAN on this proposal
VF: PDCP split still unclear
E//: VF is still in line with RAN terminating security
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170610 | Key hierarchy when using UPSF | ZTE Corporation | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| revised | No | S3‑170697 | |||
S3‑170697 | Key hierarchy when using UP security function | ZTE Corporation | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170610 | |||
S3‑170785 | pCR to 33.899 - Addition of solution to KI#1.15 UP Termination Point | VODAFONE Group Plc | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesVF presents
Nokia: 785 is only about dual connecitvity with core network as EPC, so no general solution
VF: correct, but can be applied to 5G core
Nokia: not visible from tdoc
Nokia: still allows CU-DU split
Juniper: will it be generalized
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170779 | Discussion on the feasibility of the support and negotiation of a PDU Session-specific security features | Ericsson LM | discussion | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170780 | Questions and interim agreements on the granularity of the UP protection negotiation | Ericsson LM | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesE// propose to note
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170781 | Solution for a PDU session-specific security negotiation | Ericsson LM | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170701 | pCR for questions and interim agreement for key issue 1.17 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesHuawei presents
VF: what is on demand security
Huawei: key issue 1.17, sometimes certain security mechanisms are required, sometimes not, eg secondary auth
Orange: what is meant by secondary authentication
VF: not clear where policies are coming from
Huawei: control plane: auth methods
Orange: should be about user plane according to key issue
Huawei: if are there problems with key issue the bring papers to fix those
VF: ???
Orange: this is on security to UPF, which is ruled out
DCM: against on demand for control plane
BT: is phase 1, rewording is required with it is suggested
QC: do we need a separate interface if there is an interface already agreed
Orange: not ready to agree on this, visitor control needs to stay
TIM: why is control plane there
Huawei: control plane can be deleted
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170683 | Clarification for KDF negotiation | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170645 | Proposed interim agreements on untrusted and trusted non-3GPP access | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
DCM: numbering needs fixing, agree all but E. right now
VF: agree with DCM
QC: agree that solution will based on these 5 contributions
TIM: see final document to close
Nokia: 663 is the solution, others are giving call flows
Broadcom: agree with what is currently proposed, but there may be an LS from SA2, some proposals send the NAS directly, some have N3IWF construct it.
VF: approve without interim agreement,
chair: try to combine at this meeting 663, 665, 682, 835
| revised | No | S3‑170945 | ||||
S3‑170945 | Proposed interim agreements on untrusted and trusted non-3GPP access | Nokia | pCR | - | Yes |
YesNokia presents
Nokia: merger has not yet happened, so refer to tdocs, put in EN that this will be fixed in the next meeting
TIM: then don't put anything in the agreement
DCM: put agreement into minutes
chair: should be in TR
approved with EN
| approved | No | S3‑170645 | |||
S3‑170663 | Updates to n3gpp solution detail | Nokia | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170664 | n3gpp initial attach and authentication | Nokia, Intel, Broadcom, Motorola Mobility, Lenova | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170665 | Subsequent access over untrusted n3gpp | Nokia | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170682 | Reuse anchor key for fasting untrusted non-3GPP access | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170835 | pCR to update solution #1.26 to include a call flow for untrusted non-3GPP access | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170626 | Background to proposed handling of LS on middlebox security from ETSI TC CYBER | Home Office | discussion | Discussion | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170627 | Introduction of new Key Issue in response to work in ETSI TC CYBER on middlebox security | Home Office | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170628 | Introduction of new Solution in response to LS IN from ETSI TC CYBER | Home Office | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170630 | Draft reply to LS from TC CYBER on middlebox security | Home Office | LS out | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170944 | LS on security termination for the User Plane in 5G | Deutsche Telekom | LS out | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170901 | Questions for SA2 joint meeting | WG Chair | discussion | Endorsement | Yes |
YesQuestions are discussed. The questions(that were sent on the e-mail) were modified slightly to improve the phrasing, but kept esssentially the same meaning, except the last one which was deleted. It was approved.
| endorsed | No | ||||
5.1.2 | Authentication | S3‑170646 | Overview of proposed interim agreements on authentication for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presented the document which is an overview of the Nokia proposed conclusions for the authentication security area. It was noted.
| noted | No | |||
S3‑170686 | pCR Update question E2.1.1 for key issue 2.1 Authentication Framework | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| merged | No | S3‑170947 | ||||
S3‑170651 | Proposed interim agreement on SEAF in the home network for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
QC: is this not already agreed in 843?
Nokia: first sentence not covered
VF: unbalancing of visited and home network
Nokia: mention roaming explicitly?
QC: outstanding issue: RAN reply for UP security termination, protection of SM messages
Orange: no agreement for User plane security termination in home
QC: depending on RAN CU-DU split,
DCM: keep in mind key hierarchy aspects
Nokia: no need for security to home network, e.g. for LI purpose
E//: support Nokia
BT: agree with Nokia
Orange: support Nokia
DCM: ok with phase 1, BEST like key comes automatic with h-SEAF, but consider bidding down for future phases
Nokia: solution should not preclude a h-SEAF in phase 2
QC: also consider RAN result
VF: apllies to everything, they are interim agreements, not put into the TS
QC: so if a functionality proposal comes which requires a h-SEAF, this shouldn't be ruled out
-> 946
| revised | No | S3‑170946 | ||||
S3‑170946 | Proposed interim agreement on SEAF in the home network for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | - | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170651 | |||
S3‑170622 | pCR to Question No. 1 Key issue 2.1 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170623 | MASA primary authentication | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170648 | Proposed interim agreement on support for AKA variants for 5G phase 1 | Nokia, Verizon UK Ltd | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
VF: not have shall support for network
Nokia: at least one needs to be supported by network, requirement is on AUSF
ZTE: too early to only consider these two AKA variations, consider also other solutions, disagree second sentence, first is ok
Nokia: this is an at least, so doesn't rule out others
ZTE: these seem to have more priority, so add e.g.
Nokia: mandate support, especailly for this auth. method
E//: have contribution with different wording for same thing, need to decide at this meeting
E//: on second sentence on choice of optimization: should be based on EAP, not support EPS AKA
Huawei: comments in 927, with this proposal there are two AKA based variants, good: agree all methods at once, Huawei is proposing EAP MASA.
VF: not only use EAP, also use 4G protocols
Nokia: comment is not on EAP method, but on use of EAP in general (a different paper)
Nokia: EAP AKA', then choose an optimization
QC: EAP AKA' doesn't rule IMSI privacy solution
Nokia: correct
QC: how can EAP AKA* over untrusted non 3GPP access?
Nokia: no, can't be fix formulation
Broadcom: EAP solves the roundtrip problem by FILS
VF: change question: where the EAP protocol is supported, ...
taken together with ...,623, 813,
VF: not ready to go to EAP completely
Orange: prefer to keep some EPS, structure discussion
DCM: would EAP over the air be a problem
Nokia: EAP over NAS shouldn't be a problem
VF: EAP as transport over the air
Orange: EPS AKA and EAP AKA'/*
CMCC: same
DCM: is it about transport or method being used
Orange: both
DT: for NR with 4G core, then EPS, for 5G core different discussion
VF: don't want to be trapped in EAP only
Nokia: how to carry EPS AKA over NR, transport question goes away, and vice versa, so more can't be concluded from transport question. Operator question
Orange: prefer to have the option to do both, home network needs to choose
DCM: if home network chooses one, visited chooses the other, then can there be compatibility issues
Nokia: vendors need to support both anyways
Broadcom: there might be an issue with fixed operators
KPN: settling on EAP only, so what is the problem?
Orange: EPS AKA created and maintained by 3GPP
E//: vendor specific EAP methods are allowed, so no problem
Huawei: EPS AKA* has problem
QC: ok with supporting EPS AKA* and EAP AKA'
DT: ok with EAP only as well as with both
VF: in line with Orange
TIM: EPS AKA* would only be applicable to 3GPP access, EAP AKA' is applicable to both?
E//: yes
TIM: what is the benefit of supporting both, if one could be applied to both accesses
Orange: to give operators choice
Gemalto: if an operator implements EPS version in the 5G core, he will also need to implement the other version?
E//: serving network will need to support both, but home only needs one
TIM: because all networks can be visited, then all networks need to implement both
Nokia: but only AMF/SEAF would be impacted in visited
DCM: what is the impact on home network
VF: there will be some translation in the visited network, and should stay with existing UICC
Gemalto: new UICC could be mandated
TIM: that is unrealistic
Huawei: there is an open issue in EPS AKA*, so that needs to be looked at, iterim agreement
| revised | No | S3‑170947 | ||||
S3‑170947 | Proposed interim agreement on support for AKA variants for 5G phase 1 | Nokia, Verizon UK Ltd | pCR | - | Yes |
YesNokia presents
Huawei: 686 adds EAP-MASA in the list, support EAP-AKA', not EPS-AKA*
Huawei object to EPS-AKA*, for primary authentication over 5G NR acceess for the reasons described in S3-170927
E//: Ericsson doesn't support EPS AKA*
merge 686 with this
Orange: 5G UE and the serving network shall support EPS AKA
DCM: new discussion
TIM: include note EPS AKA support for backward compatibility
Huawei: why the home network doesn't have to support EPS AKA*
Orange: would is supporting
VF also supporting
QC: the agreement shouldn't preclude to support anchor keys
QC: should still comply with all other interim agreements
Nokia: this is a general requirement for all the agreements
QC: This agreement should not conflict with other requirements, especially the key hierarchy
| approved | No | S3‑170648 | |||
S3‑170871 | Comments on Nokia “Proposed interim agreement on support for AKA variants for 5G” | Huawei, Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
YesHuawei presents
Nokia: MASA doesn't do the optimization of EPS AKA* / EAP AKA*
Huawei: MASA only has one round trip
Orange: delivery of serving network public key is part of solution
Huawei: doesn't have to be done
Orange: do we need the public key?
Huawei: not necessary
Nokia: MASA is not just a variant of EPS AKA, because different infrastructure is required
DT: where is the added benefit if MASA is only used in initial authentication
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170927 | Comments on Nokia “Proposed interim agreement on support for AKA variants for 5G” | Huawei,HiSilicon | other | Agreement | Yes |
YesNoted without presentation because submitted too late, instead 871 was treated
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170813 | Proposed agreement for support of EAP-AKA for primary authentication | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| merged | No | S3‑170947 | |||
S3‑170647 | Proposed interim agreement on EAP framework for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
treated together with 687 and 844
on 647
Orange: should say EPA AKA' only
Nokia: that was not agreed so far
Huawei: agree with Nokia
VF: word the sentence positively, not double negatively
DT: the previous decision allowed for the home network to only support EPS
VF: the quesiton doesn't differentiate the serving and the home part
Huawei: no reason to mention EPS AKA*
QC: first sentence is agreeable, second sentence is a problem
Orange: had DT comment on first sentence
QC: EPS AKA' is the only non-EAP method to be supported in 5G
Nokia: is always possible that the operator only buys part of the features
DT: problem with non-standard always exists
DCM: problem especially on roaming interface
Nokia: it is all under home network control
Orange: decision is taken already, so this can be deleted
Heiko: agree
Tim: separate out the serving and home network
Orange: only serving network part needs to be in
Nokia: add in 647 5G UE and 5G serving network
DCM: this makes home network control serving network
ATT: seems weird
Nokia: ottherwise there is no serving network EAP method control
647->948 approved
on 687
spelling taken care of in 891
on 844
| revised | No | S3‑170948 | ||||
S3‑170948 | Proposed interim agreement on EAP framework for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | - | Yes |
YesNokia presents
VF: not have shall support for network
Nokia: at least one needs to be supported by network, requirement is on AUSF
ZTE: too early to only consider these two AKA variations, consider also other solutions, disagree second sentence, first is ok
Nokia: this is an at least, so doesn't rule out others
ZTE: these seem to have more priority, so add e.g.
Nokia: mandate support, especailly for this auth. method
E//: have contribution with different wording for same thing, need to decide at this meeting
E//: on second sentence on choice of optimization: should be based on EAP, not support EPS AKA
Huawei: comments in 927, with this proposal there are two AKA based variants, good: agree all methods at once, Huawei is proposing EAP MASA.
VF: not only use EAP, also use 4G protocols
Nokia: comment is not on EAP method, but on use of EAP in general (a different paper)
Nokia: EAP AKA', then choose an optimization
QC: EAP AKA' doesn't rule IMSI privacy solution
Nokia: correct
QC: how can EAP AKA* over untrusted non 3GPP access?
Nokia: no, can't be fix formulation
Broadcom: EAP solves the roundtrip problem by FILS
VF: change question: where the EAP protocol is supported, ...
taken together with ...,623, 813,
VF: not ready to go to EAP completely
Orange: prefer to keep some EPS, structure discussion
DCM: would EAP over the air be a problem
Nokia: EAP over NAS shouldn't be a problem
VF: EAP as transport over the air
Orange: EPS AKA and EAP AKA'/*
CMCC: same
DCM: is it about transport or method being used
Orange: both
DT: for NR with 4G core, then EPS, for 5G core different discussion
VF: don't want to be trapped in EAP only
Nokia: how to carry EPS AKA over NR, transport question goes away, and vice versa, so more can't be concluded from transport question. Operator question
Orange: prefer to have the option to do both, home network needs to choose
DCM: if home network chooses one, visited chooses the other, then can there be compatibility issues
Nokia: vendors need to support both anyways
Broadcom: there might be an issue with fixed operators
KPN: settling on EAP only, so what is the problem?
Orange: EPS AKA created and maintained by 3GPP
E//: vendor specific EAP methods are allowed, so no problem
Huawei: EPS AKA* has problem
QC: ok with supporting EPS AKA* and EAP AKA'
DT: ok with EAP only as well as with both
VF: in line with Orange
TIM: EPS AKA* would only be applicable to 3GPP access, EAP AKA' is applicable to both?
E//: yes
TIM: what is the benefit of supporting both, if one could be applied to both accesses
Orange: to give operators choice
Gemalto: if an operator implements EPS version in the 5G core, he will also need to implement the other version?
E//: serving network will need to support both, but home only needs one
TIM: because all networks can be visited, then all networks need to implement both
Nokia: but only AMF/SEAF would be impacted in visited
DCM: what is the impact on home network
VF: there will be some translation in the visited network, and should stay with existing UICC
Gemalto: new UICC could be mandated
TIM: that is unrealistic
Huawei: there is an open issue in EPS AKA*, so that needs to be looked at, iterim agreement
| approved | No | S3‑170647 | |||
S3‑170687 | Interim agreement for EAP framework for primary authentication | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
Yeskept open and then noted - see discussion of 813
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170844 | Proposed conclusion for EAP support in 5G System | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170709 | Interim Agreement for non-AKA Authentication-for-Primary-Authentication-EAP-TLS | Huawei, Hisilicon, China Mobile | pCR | Approval | Yes |
Yestreated together with 719, 864
Huawei presents
Orange: does SA1 explicitely request an alternative to AKA?
TIM: does this speak about primary authentication?
E//: 891 deals with this as well
on 891 (revision of 864)
E// presents
on 925 (revision of 719)
Huawei presents
Orange: support should stay optional, needs to be stated this is for private networks
E//: not completely agrees, also for isolated networks
VF: requirement is IoT only, prefer not to have standardized methods
Oberthur: intensively discussed in SA1, result: only IoT in isolated private network, no PLMN interaction
KPN: agree with VF, prefer to exclude a list of options
E//: benefit of standardizing at least one method to avoid market fragmentation
Orange: to support all possible industries, with their different credentials and protocols, don't specify anything here
Broadcom: no need to limit use cases, make it optional
Gemalto: not limited for type of authentication, so not specify
Huawei: also useful for operator use cases, but optional to use and implement
TIM: SA1 requirements are restricted, but this isn't
CMCC: support standardization psk and tls
QC: shouldn't be madatory, benefit in standardizing one method
DCM: what needs to be standardized
E//: privacy and network binding as examples
DT: just describe one method like TLS
VF: can this be pushed to phase 2?
Orange: what should we select
Nokia: understand the problems of DT and Orange, but wants to have annex how IMSI privacy and SN authentication is addressed
Huawei: worries are unneccessary
Orange: put this in phase 2
Huawei: object
BT: put informative annex in the back of TS
Orange: capture this
agreement: there will be an informative annex outlining how one of the methods can be implemented, with informative example, and also information what will be the use cases
TIM: cases restricted to specific use cases, primary auth, private networks
CMCC: also IoT use case
BT: it is only informative
TIM: content of informative annex has one sentence on use cases
Gemalto: for the reader, such a rationale is required
891 is revised as draft. to capture agrement and EAP AKA'
| revised | No | S3‑170900 | |||
S3‑170900 | Interim Agreement for non-AKA Authentication-for-Primary-Authentication-EAP-TLS | Huawei, Hisilicon, China Mobile | pCR | Approval | No |
| noted | No | S3‑170709 | |||
S3‑170719 | Interim Agreement for non-AKA Authentication-for-Primary-Authentication-EAP-PSK | Huawei, Hisilicon, China Mobile | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| revised | No | S3‑170925 | |||
S3‑170925 | Interim Agreement for non-AKA Authentication-for-Primary-Authentication-EAP-PSK | Huawei, Hisilicon, China Mobile | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| noted | No | S3‑170719 | |||
S3‑170864 | Proposed agreement for the choice of EAP methods | Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| revised | No | S3‑170891 | |||
S3‑170891 | Proposed agreement for the choice of EAP methods | Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesE// presents
VF: remove example
Orange: describe only EAP TLS in rest of paragraph, add for isolated deployment
Huawei: IoT devices for factory automation, described in SA1
Orange: put like in SA1 requirement
Oberthur: for network without interaction with public network
BT: an additional method was described in an informative annex, but which one is up for companies to decide
Orange: put explicit reference to SA1
TIM: the informative annex is in the TS?
BT: it is suggested the companies interested in specifying the additional method agree in advance to the meeting which method will be proposed
agreed: the companies interested in specifying the additional method agree in advance to the meeting which method will be proposed
| approved | No | S3‑170864 | |||
S3‑170649 | Proposed interim agreement on anchor key for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
QC: is this also covering roaming in non-3GPP network with home N3IWF
Nokia: yes, serving network is identical with home network.
QC: not obvious from text
Nokia: Note on that
QC: Note: serving network can also be the home network
agreement: Note certain cases serving netwokr can be home network discussed offline
| revised | No | S3‑170909 | ||||
S3‑170909 | Proposed interim agreement on anchor key for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | - | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170649 | |||
S3‑170650 | Proposed interim agreement on secondary authentication for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
YesNokia presents
Nokia: fix typo, refer to solution in 745
QC: normative work will be based on the solution in 745
agreement: add sentence: the normative work will be based on the solution in S3-170745
-> 921 approved
| revised | No | S3‑170921 | ||||
S3‑170921 | Proposed interim agreement on secondary authentication for 5G phase 1 | Nokia | pCR | - | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170650 | |||
S3‑170702 | pCR for question and interim agreement on secondary authentication | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesHuawei presents
DT: shall to might is a big change, why do binding?
Nokia: only external data network needs to be supported, reject the document
DT: reject the shall - might change
Nokia: same view
Huawei: doesn't see why shall be transparent to 3GPP operator
Orange: stay with what we have in LTE
BT: delete the bit about the transparency, shall be run independent of primary auth
Nokia: against slice access auth
E//: because shall stays, so no binding is possible
TIM: same understanding, so note contribution
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170608 | EPS Authentication with hiding keys assisted by UE - EPS AKA+ | ZTE Corporation | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170074 | |||
S3‑170744 | Removing ENs in Section 2.26 - EAP based secondary authentication | Nokia France | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170745 | Merge of EAP based Secondary authentication proposals | Nokia, Ericsson, Qualcomm | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170749 | EAP based secondary authentication with an external authenticator | Nokia | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170612 | MASA handling Privacy & LI requirements in all scenarios | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170613 | MASA Update | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170614 | MASA support 4G USIM Update | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170615 | MASA handling out of sequence scenario | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170616 | MASA Modular Approach | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170617 | MASA response to Evaluation#2 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170621 | MASA crypto analysis conclusion | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170689 | A question for KI #2.2 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
YesHuawei presents
DCM: usage is unclear, unclear where it is supposed to be used
Nokia: should be in KI 2.2. and 3.1, unclear where exactly this is used, propose to rule out DH for every connection and keep the rest open
Orange: leave open
VF: strong supporter of DH to HSS, not so strong about to other cases
CMCC: support this contribution, DH to visited network
DCM: decision needs to be done early
Nokia: DH to RAN needs early decision, to HSS can be modularized
Huawei: two different problems
Orange: be very specific
Huawei: should be general question first
Orange: but not if people understand different issues
E//: there are other solutions with DH
IDCC: question is too specific to solution, break down to two, first: whether to support secret key leakage, second how to support, solution shouldn't be solution specifc
Nokia: prefer to spell out the trade off by including the solution
Orange: does this have to be in phase 1
VF: support this strongly, even possible backport to LTE and 3G, 2G
QC: ???
Orange: prefer a new study item, not include this is 5G
VF willing to bring a WID
Nokia: with WID, this is only necessary for interaction with serving network, too costly for interaction with visited network
Orange: support Nokia
DT: not put this away so quickly
DCM: also not make this decision now
QC: agree on question now
Orange: be specific
Nokia: see VF WID, then formulate question
DT: WID will be about key update, so discuss the serving network question
Nokia: WID or SID?
Orange: SID more appropriate
focus on the question in 949, no agreement in this meeting
-> 949
| revised | No | S3‑170949 | ||||
S3‑170949 | A question for KI #2.2 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | - | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170689 | |||
S3‑170842 | Further details on bidding down attack risk for EIAuth Key Issue | Qualcomm Incorporated | other | Approval | Yes |
YesQC presents
DCM: doesn't seem to be a bidding down issue, what is the security risk
QC: then it is not possible to netork operator can't enforce device authentication across all Ues
Orange: maybe considered a missing feature, no security rik, so not necessary in phase 1
Nokia: also doesn't see problem, no bidding down risk when UE lies about its phase, lying UE simply would be reclassed as lower phase, not necessary for phase 1, not required for eMBB use case
QC: MFF LS said they wanted this feature
VF: IMEI cloning was an issue, for system on chip UICC identity is device identity, how is IMEI privacy related to authentication
QC: acknowledge IMEI cloning, can be addressed with non-removable UICC, but for eMBB UICC is removable, IMEI privacy issue is not clear
VF: if IMEI is encrypted, then authentication is implicit
DT: not necessary in phase 1
Nokia: not required in phase 1 because bidding down argument is not required
Orange: support DT
not for phase 1
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170708 | Add evaluation for solution non-AKA Authentication-basedon IBS | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170704 | pCR for question and Interim agreement for securing the interface between NextGen network and 3rd party service provider for key issue #2.9 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesHuawei presents
Nokia: disagree with slice seocndary auth, security on interface already in CN-CN control plane agreement
Orange: secondary slice authentication not relevant
Huawei: would make this more important
E//: wait for SA2 to decide on existence of this interface
Nokia: what is the interface
Huawei: to UPF or SMF
Nokia: no difference to UPF, there is no interface between SMF and data network
TIM: title and text are relating to other clauses are not aligned
E.2.9.0 not acceptable
Nokia: replace authentication related function be UPF
Huawei: ok
Nokia: it is EAP messages which are self securing, except for EAP CHAP/PAP
Orange: don't want to secure just because external network is weak, disagree with question
TIM: why do we care about secondary authentication
QC: authentication is required
kept open
| revised | No | S3‑170965 | |||
S3‑170965 | pCR for question and Interim agreement for securing the interface between NextGen network and 3rd party service provider for key issue #2.9 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesE//: includes new threats
Orange: remove content of 2.9.0, for authentication to external DN
Nokia: this is on key issue 2.10 is only related to secondary authentication to network slice access, but that doesn't apply any more, the problem needs to be addressed, but at next meeting
965 noted
| noted | No | S3‑170704 | |||
S3‑170690 | pCR for adding an alternative option in solution2.13 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170703 | pCR for Editorial update of solution 2.13 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170618 | MASA IMSI Privacy solution | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | No |
| withdrawn | Yes | |||||
5.1.3 | Security context and key management | S3‑170841 | NAS security contexts for N1 | Qualcomm Incorporated | other | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||
S3‑170717 | Question and Interim Agreement for Key Sharing Among Different Access Technology | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesThe term key sharing was not clear - it should say something like using the anchor key to derive keys for 3GPP and non-3GPP access. It was challenged whether the agreement in S3-170909 covered this text.
QC: key sharing is that only anchor key, or sharing access network key?
Huawei: yes
QC: then it is agreed already
VF: will there be similar level of security
Nokia: this is not needed any more
E//: related to EAP re-authentication
QC: not necessarily EAP
E//: anchor concept is sufficient
VF: shared keys need to be in secure locations, otherwise they have to be derived
DCM: what is the difference to anchor key concept
Huawei: can anchor key be used for re-auth?
DCM: yes.
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170720 | Key Issue Update #3.4 Security Context Sharing | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170710 | Add Evaluation to Solution #3.3 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170718 | Solution Update #3.2 Security Context Sharing | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170692 | Add Security threats of key issue #3.3 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170611 | Hiding keys exchanged between serving network nodes | ZTE Corporation | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170711 | Add Evaluation to Solution #3.1 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170691 | Update Solution 3.8 and resolve ENs | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| withdrawn | Yes | |||||
5.1.4 | RAN security | S3‑170827 | Proposed inputs to the security algorithms at PDCP layer | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesQC presents
Nokia: agre only for option 3, could change for option 4 and 4a
QC: send to RAN2
Nokia: are proposing different key derivations for different DRBs
QC: can still have different keys, then bearer ID will be redundant
Nokia: can be made more clear
Nokia: integrity takes the integrity key
QC: yes, change the text accordingly
E//: message needs to be included when doing integrity, reference to time is strange,
QC: copy from 401, but ok
Huawei: is this only for enB and gNB
QC: for option 3 only, not much time, no new algorithms need to be defined
QC: include this part of question to RAN2 in LS 951 to RAN2, focus the question to RAN2
QC: can this be taken as working assumption
Nokia: this needs to be clarified that this is for option 3 only,
Nokia: check with RAN if this could also be applied to cases beyond option 3
| revised | No | S3‑170954 | |
S3‑170954 | Proposed inputs to the security algorithms at PDCP layer | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170827 | |||
S3‑170662 | Avoid IMSI Paging | Nokia | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170741 | Resolving Editors Notes in Security requirements on gNB Potential security requirements | Huawei, Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170926 | Resolving Editors Notes in Security requirements on gNB Potential security requirements | Huawei, Hisilicon | pCR | - | No |
| withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S3‑170732 | Conclusion and interim agreements for KI #4.1 | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| revised | No | S3‑170885 | |||
S3‑170885 | Conclusion and interim agreements for KI #4.1 | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesE// presents 885
VF: is this related to IMSI catching with WIFI
Nokia: key issue is different
Intel: first paragraph refers 4.8, this doesn't support idle mode
QC: E.x.a.1.2: is that relating to other 3GPP working groups
Nokia: 3GPP
QC: add this
Nokia: ok
QC: if proven useful is not an agreement
Nokia: Ue should log measurements, and how it can be derived
QC: would it be better not to have an interim agreement?
Nokia: propose to send an LS to RAN2/RAN4 asking for details, no agreement on that yet
Huawei: agree with waiting for another cycle
DCM: privacy implication like in MDT
E//: not valid concern
DCM: without agreement contribution is ok
E//: there is a mechanism for detection
-> remove agreements in 885
| approved | No | S3‑170732 | |||
S3‑170876 | Nokia comments on S3-170732-conclusion and agreements_RAN_#4.1 | Nokia | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170795 | Questions and Interim Agreements on Key Issue # 4.1: AS security during RRC idle mode | Samsung | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| merged | No | S3‑170885 | |||
S3‑170818 | Adding question on RRC integrity protection in RRC idle | KPN | pCR | Yes |
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170633 | Comparison of Solution proposals to determine authenticity of the cell in idle mode | Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd | discussion | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170875 | Nokia comments on S3-170633 fakegnb-comp-04 | Nokia | discussion | Discussion | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170793 | Resolving Editor’s notes in Solution #4.2 | Samsung | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170794 | Evaluation of Solution #4.2 | Samsung | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170729 | Requirements on gNB | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170660 | Discussion on R2 LS on NR Dual Connectivity | Nokia | discussion | Yes |
YesNokia presents
QC: has contribution along 830 those line, conclusion should be different on NR security algorithms
E//: introducing RRC might introduce new threats, needs to be studied
Huawei: support E//, need to figure out what RRC is needed for
QC: in case of LS back, ask for what RRC procedures are supported by SgNB
agreement: that should be asked
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170694 | Questions for security of EN-DC | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
YesQC: general process, take results on draft CR not in interim agreements
Chair: where to put those decisions with 5G core impact
QC: capture those in the TR as well
Nokia: CR against what?
QC: CR against 33.401
Huawei: first capture EN-DC in TR
QC: already have conclusions on some questions, may have to be revised
DCM: prefer to move to draft CR, but is it ready for this meeting
chair: capture in TR if agreement is on ENDC or 5G in general, put those into draft CR to see how it would look like, draft CR is living document
Huawei: can be noted
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170830 | Updates to solution 4.12 and the related conclusions | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesQC presents
Nokia: why can EN be deleted
QC: EN can be deleted, as all options in RAN impact in eNB
E//: ok, but keep two aspects open and ask RAN2: is it ok to assume to derive the keys from the S_KNB, get a list of procedures to be supported by these bearers, try to investigate to not use these bearers to request the UE capabilities; in line with Huawei interim agreement
QC: ok to ask procedures, othe question fine as well, important: avoid impact on MME
agreement: LS to RAN2, include CT1 to ask about MME impact
Nokia: if RRC is only for control of DRBs to SgNB, how is that impacting MME?
E//: sending NR UE capabilities should not have impact to MME, ask this to CT1
Nokia: ok
E//: also introducing a new variant, could be merged
chair: any specific comments on solution
Nokia: should the key be called differently
QC: using the same derivation, so could be called the same
Nokia: preference to call SGNB key
chair: conclusions: what is agreed
E//: merge offlne, ed note comes back with CT1 in it
-> 950
| revised | No | S3‑170950 | |||
S3‑170950 | Updates to solution 4.12 and the related conclusions | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170830 | |||
S3‑170661 | Update to DC solution based on offload counter | Nokia | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesNokia presents
E//: EN to say it is ffs whether to add RRC functions will introduce new security problems
QC: this applies to other options, e.g. 7, as well
->952 approved
| revised | No | S3‑170952 | |||
S3‑170952 | Update to DC solution based on offload counter | Nokia | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170661 | |||
S3‑170693 | Security capability negotiation for SCG bearer and SCG split bearer in EN-DC | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
YesHuawei presents
QC: if the eNB is a legacy eNB, then it may not understand the new IE, and if then there is subsequent handovers between eNBs, would the context be available in eNB that does ENDC
Nokia: split figure
DCM: problem is between 5 and 6
QC: EN between 5 and 6
Huawei: this is another solution
Nokia: NR context shouldn't be lost on handovers
E//: QC/DCM scenario is valid, this is EN, then ask in LS
Nokia: ok
agreement: EN between 5 and 6
-> merge with 950
| merged | No | S3‑170950 | ||||
S3‑170731 | Solution on Dual Connectivity | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesE// presents
-> merge with 950
| merged | No | S3‑170950 | |||
S3‑170951 | Reply LS on security in E-UTRA-NR Dual Connectivit | Ericsson | LS out | Approval | Yes |
Yesresponse in 951 based on EN DC discussion
To RAN2 and CT1
E// presents
Nokia: want set of RRC procedures, rather than control functions, in order to understand the threat model
QC: need to revise second paragraph, didn't agree on variant 2
E//: change sentence accordingly
DCM: be more clear which kind of feedback
E//: list of RRC procedures
Nokia: refer to 950
QC: add in phase 1, make clear there are 2 variants, feedback from CT 1 is only on variant 2
QC: should we ask for teh PDCP algorithm inputs?
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170829 | Some proposed text for supporting Option 3 | Qualcomm Incorporated | other | Discussion | Yes |
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170695 | Add a NOTE to KI4.4 and KI4.7 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170739 | Mobility in RRC_inactive state | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170738 | Key handling in RRC inactive to connected | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170740 | Backward security for RRC inactive state to RRC active state | Huawei, Hisilicone | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170733 | Questions and interim agreements for KI #4.10 | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesE// should be presented
QC: does this include user plane?
E//: yes
DCM: this also for option 3, so rapporteur of ENDC should remember
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170734 | Conclusion and interim agreements for KI #4.11 | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesE// presents
agreement stay at yes only
Huawei: have no conclusion section
E//: come back next meeting with conclusions
->958 approved
| revised | No | S3‑170958 | |||
S3‑170958 | Conclusion and interim agreements for KI #4.11 | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170734 | |||
S3‑170728 | Flexibile mechanism for AS key-change | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesE// presents
DCM: how do we avoid reuse of bearers, more details missing
E//: applies to all solutions
DT: does this mean we don't have forward key derivation
E//: only when there are intra eNB handovers
QC: why change the key when PDCP stays
E//: it is not changed
Nokia: does the UE decide on the security
E//: unclear at this moment if step 7 is required, keep flexibility
Nokia: there is a key issue on UE requesting key refresh
Huawei: key issue is 4.7 with forward security? delay interim agreement
DCM: with CU-DU split as in VF proposal with RRC in DU, this could become difficult. keep only high level agreement
NEC: support DCM
Huawei: applicable to option 3
editor's notes will be added with specific issues to be solved
| revised | No | S3‑170957 | |||
S3‑170957 | Flexibile mechanism for AS key-change | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170728 | |||
S3‑170735 | Conclusion and interim agreements for KI #4.13 | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesHuawei: not SA3 scope
Nokia: agree
DCM: need to document our decision
IDCC: normally not adressed
DCM: document the decision, change agreement to no
E//: ok
Huawei: not for SA3 in phase I
-> 959 approved
| revised | No | S3‑170959 | |||
S3‑170959 | Conclusion and interim agreements for KI #4.13 | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170735 | |||
S3‑170730 | Detecting radio jamming | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170736 | Questions and interim agreements for KI #4.14 | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesE// presents
additional proposal: no need to address privacy concerns with RAN level identifiers
IDCC: there was some work arguing that there is an issue
E//: not valid claims
IDCC: tracking of P-TMSI is clear
QC: we are not working on this in phase 1
Nokia: is this referring to identifiers being not linkable
E//: it is agreed that this issue is not addressed in phase 1
-> 960 approved
| revised | No | S3‑170960 | |||
S3‑170960 | Questions and interim agreements for KI #4.14 | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170736 | |||
S3‑170737 | Minor clarification on KI #4.14 regarding constant RAN level identifiers | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170808 | pCR to TR 33.899: Inter NG (R)AN handover with Xn interface | NEC EUROPE LTD | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170812 | pCR to TR 33.899: Intra AMF, Intra SMF, Inter NG RAN handover without Xn interface | NEC EUROPE LTD | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170815 | pCR to TR 33.899: Intra AMF, Inter SMF, Inter NG RAN handover without Xn interface | NEC EUROPE LTD | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170817 | pCR to TR 33.899: Inter AMF, Intra SMF, Inter NG RAN handover without Xn interface | NEC EUROPE LTD | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170819 | pCR to TR 33.899: Inter AMF, Inter SMF, Inter NG RAN handover without Xn interface | NEC EUROPE LTD | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
5.1.5 | Security within NG-UE | S3‑170803 | Device security interim agreement | Gemalto N.V. | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesVF: not CT6 responsibility to determine that sec requirement are met
Oberthur: seems to give work to CT6 before the requirements are started
Orange: there is an LS to CT6, SA1 informing of our requirements, so CT6 is involved
E//: this is about storage, not about application,
Orange: add note CT6 needs to be involved
QC: CT6 is defining the network access application
Gemalto: at the moment CT6 work is being bypassed
Orange: ok with this note
Oberthur: use 3GPP term, such as next gen USIM
Gemalto: what does it mean to say on the UICC and the SSP
Orange: both are possibilities
E//: this interim agreement is late, so propose to postpone, because there are other interesting proposals as well.
E//: is against this proposal
Orange: HW is difficult, so this agrement is for phase 1 only, no alternative will be available for phase 1
E//: only include question
Orange: will there be another solution until may
Morpho: CT6 is stalling work already
VF: none of any of the other solutions will be agreed
E// formal request not to treat this document becaus it was late
offline discussion with interested companies
E// withdrew the formal request
803 merged into 883
Orange: added phase 1, Note 2, Note 3
Morpho: currently study item deals with non-security issue
E//: Note 3 is not necessary
Orange: come from Gemalto
E//: sentence only up to USIM
Gemalto: needs to be included
E//: CT6 only does non-security requirements
Samsung: what is SSP
Orange: smart secure platform, add full form here
| merged | No | S3‑170883 | |
S3‑170809 | Interim Agreement on Key Issue 5.1 | ORANGE | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| revised | No | S3‑170882 | |||
S3‑170882 | Interim Agreement on Key Issue 5.1 | ORANGE | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesOrange presents
Gemalto: cosigns
E//: access -> authenticate
Orange: ok, authenticate between UE and 5G network
Huawei: what means processing, they are only stored
Orange: agreement from last time
Huawei: interim agreement different to 809
Orange: repeated the question
| approved | No | S3‑170809 | |||
S3‑170814 | Interim Agreement on Key Issue 5.1 - Solution | ORANGE | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| revised | No | S3‑170883 | |||
S3‑170883 | Interim Agreement on Key Issue 5.1 - Solution | ORANGE | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesOrange presents
Orange: same change about access ok here as well
Gemalto: ovelap with Gemalto proposal in 803
E//: this contribution was late submission
taken with 803
| approved | No | S3‑170814 | |||
S3‑170789 | Device security solution and conclusion | Gemalto N.V. | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170806 | LS on secure storage and processing of subscription credentials within the NG UE | ORANGE | LS out | Approval | Yes |
YesOrange presents
Orange: add that requirements are also for the normative phase
E//: already sent LS to one of the groups on this topic, we requested them to keep us updated, keep request to keep us updated
Orange: not required
E//: ETSI SCP solution is referred without seeing it,
DCM: need to have more information on ETSI SCP SSP requirements
E//: text proposal for title
Orange: key issue title
E// not necessary to send to SA1
Orange: was discussed
E//: action repeat request to update us including timeline for TC SCP SSP
Nokia: SA1 in CC
Orange: not ok, they have an action
Nokia: need to attach 883
Orange: attach 882, 883
DCM: include ETSI SCP TEC and REQ in To field
| revised | No | S3‑170963 | |||
S3‑170963 | LS on secure storage and processing of subscription credentials within the NG UE | ORANGE | LS out | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170806 | |||
5.1.6 | Authorization | S3‑170603 | Section, Key Issue Details. | InterDigital Communications | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||
S3‑170601 | Section - Resolution of Editor’s Notes. | InterDigital Communications | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170602 | Section - Resolution of Editor’s Notes. | InterDigital Communications | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170783 | Resolution of the editor’s notes in solution #6.4 | Ericsson LM | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170281 | |||
5.1.7 | Subscription privacy | S3‑170625 | pCR to TR 33.899 – evaluations and conclusions in clause 7 (Revision of S3-170437, which was in turn a revision of A3-170076) | VODAFONE Group Plc | pCR | Agreement | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3c0001 | |
S3‑170877 | Comments to “pCR to TR 33.899 – evaluations and conclusions in clause 7” | TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A. | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170878 | Commenting contribution to S3-170625 – conclusions of security area 7 | Nokia Germany | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170879 | Commenting S3-170878 (Comment on comment) | Ericsson AB | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170838 | pCR to provide an evaluation on the solutions for identity privacy | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170295 | |||
S3‑170742 | Key issue on location information protection | China Unicom | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170748 | Privacy aspects of MCC and MNC | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170758 | was 458 Key issues on identity probing | Nokia | pCR | Decision | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170458 | |||
S3‑170774 | pCR to adding new key issue User location confidentiality | China Mobile Com. Corporation | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170761 | was 454 Questions related to PKI | Nokia | pCR | Decision | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170454 | |||
S3‑170762 | was 198 Questions related to asym vs sym crypto | Nokia | pCR | Decision | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170198 | |||
S3‑170763 | was 455 Question to concealment of identifiers OTA | Nokia | pCR | Decision | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170455 | |||
S3‑170764 | was 498 Question on synchronization and recovery | Nokia | pCR | Decision | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170498 | |||
S3‑170765 | was 456 Question to concealment of temporary identifiers | Nokia | pCR | Decision | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170456 | |||
S3‑170766 | was 203 Question to full protection of permanent identifier | Nokia | pCR | Decision | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170203 | |||
S3‑170767 | was 204 Question to slice identifier protection | Nokia | pCR | Decision | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170204 | |||
S3‑170721 | pCR_Solution Upate #7.11 Resolve the editor note and add evaluation | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170757 | Solution variant to 7.3 based on encrypted IMSI only | Nokia | pCR | Decision | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170771 | Remove the editor's note in solution #7.10 | China Mobile Com. Corporation | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170772 | Update the solution #7.10 | China Mobile Com. Corporation | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170776 | Updating solution #7.3 | Vodafone, Telecom Italia, Ericsson | pCR | Agreement | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170080 | |||
S3‑170784 | Updating solution #7.14 “Privacy protection of permanent or long-term subscription identifier using ABE” | TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A. | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170832 | pCR to update solution #7.4: Privacy enhanced Mobile Subscriber Identifier (PMSI) | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170293 | |||
S3‑170833 | PMSI usage in EAP-AKA’ | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170294 | |||
S3‑170836 | pCR to update solution #7.4: Privacy enhanced Mobile Subscriber Identifier (PMSI) to clarify the PMSI synchronization | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170837 | pCR to provide an evaluation on the solution #7.4 Privacy enhanced Mobile Subscription Identifier (PMSI) | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170629 | pCR to TR 33.899 – UE sends IMSI to serving network | VODAFONE Group Plc | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170672 | Adding sol 7-7C: Using IMSI in calculation of VPLMN RES | KPN | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170747 | Addressing LI aspects | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| revised | No | S3‑170896 | |||
S3‑170896 | Addressing LI aspects | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170747 | |||
S3‑170619 | MASA IMSI Privacy solution | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170620 | MASA IMEI Privacy solution | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170632 | pCR to TR 33.899: Securing and refreshing the temporary subscriber identifiers. | Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170759 | was 452 Solution - Research Paper - Using pools of IMSIs and indicate in RAND | Nokia | pCR | Decision | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170452 | |||
S3‑170760 | was 453 Solution - Research Paper - Encrypted pseudonym transported in RAND | Nokia | pCR | Decision | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170453 | |||
S3‑170746 | Evaluations of two new privacy solutions | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170824 | pCR to TR 33.899 – DoS protection when IMSI is encrypted to home network | VODAFONE Group Plc | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
5.1.8 | Network slicing security | S3‑170666 | Discussion paper on Network Slice isolation | Nokia, Ericsson | discussion | Discussion | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||
S3‑170706 | Slice Isolation discussion | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170777 | Discussion on network slice isolation | Ericsson LM, Nokia | discussion | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170810 | Additional slice isolation requirements | Gemalto N.V., Huawei | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170667 | Corrections to Network Slice | Nokia, Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170705 | Conclusion for slice specific NAS keys | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesHuawei presents
Nokia: there is only one NAS termination
Huawei: ?
E//: what are we trying to protect against
Huawei: there are three discussion papers, requirement is slice isolation, one compromised slice would not affect other slices
Nokia: 0639 is agreed
Huawei: not agreed
Gemalto: 639 open until presentation of this document
DT: threat is similar described by QC, so similar consideration: separate keys wouldn't help
Huawei: trust between tenants, main issue if one slice is compromised, how to conatin the issue without affecting the other slice
E//: slice compromise is not a problem, as there is no access to other NG11
DT: slice isolation doesn't require UE specific keys, so compromis inside the UE is not an issue
Huawei: per slice IPsec wouldn't be good a solution, IPsec tunnel inside the slices
Nokia: look at threat documents by Huawei and commenting contributions
E//: what is the solution
Orange: assumptions are more relevant to protection done by infrastructure
Huawei: open the threat documents
Orange: if the infrastructure of operator is subverted, then all keys are visisble
Huawei: open the threat paper
Nokia: would be deviating from general principle, why would one SMF be able to attack another one
Huawei: confidentiality not guaranteed
Nokia: use IPsec
Huawei: one possibility, one IP tunnel per slice,
Nokia: or physical security
Gemalto: have also a paper, if there are different slices, instantiated, security enclave, different keys
DCM: UE side?
Gemalto: both sides
Orange: what is the relationship to this paper
IDCC: look at NGMN requirement on isolation
Orange: isolation based on infrastructure
Nokia: there will be NDS between the machine
DCM: NDS is not always possible, confidentiality and integrity need to be looked at separately
KPN: if one SMF is hacked, then the other one as well
E//: doesn't justify NAS slice specific keys
Gemalto: there are multiple tenants
Orange: this is not relevant for phase 1
Orange: deployment model not aligend with SA2
Huawei: security issue should be determined in SA3
IDCC: also saying this is to be handled
Nokia: attack model is dubious
DT: separating keys could be one way of instances
IDCC: one function of one slice instance is in one cirtual machine
Nokia: solution is not complete, even if the threat were valid
KPN: attack not clear
DCM: threat not relevant for phase 1, maybe in phase 2, but then only look at potential bidding down attack
Nokia: agree with KPN; the attack is not clear
Huawei: agree no slice specific keys available in phase 1, but may revisit in phase 2
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170707 | Definition of Security isolation of slices | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170712 | Questions for KI8.1 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170782 | Questions and interim agreements on Network Slice-sepcific keys | Ericsson LM, Nokia | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170668 | Corrections to Network slice | Nokia, Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170713 | Questions for KI8.2 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170716 | Removal of ENs in KI 8 3 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170714 | Questions for KI8.3 | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170669 | Corrections to network slice clause | Nokia, Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170609 | Update of solution 8.5 | ZTE Corporation | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170073 | |||
S3‑170768 | Network Slicing Security Architecture and General Procedure | CATT | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170770 | Evaluation for Network Slicing Security Solution | CATT | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170863 | pCR to TR 33.899: Removal of Editor’s Notes of Solution 8.1 | NEC EUROPE LTD | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170769 | Evaluation for Network Slicing Security Solution | CATT | pCR | No |
| withdrawn | Yes | |||||
5.1.9 | Relay security | |||||||||||
5.1.10 | Network domain security | S3‑170652 | Key issue details for clause | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||
S3‑170653 | Threats alignment between and | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170654 | Addition of requirements for | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
S3‑170655 | Enhancing solution 10.1 | Nokia | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||||
5.1.11 | Security visibility and configurability | S3‑170846 | Update of key issues of security area #11 Security visibility and configurability | LG Electronics | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||
S3‑170847 | Update of solution #11.2 Security visibility solution | LG Electronics | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170848 | Update of solution #11.3 Security configurability solution | LG Electronics | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170849 | Update of solution #11.4 UE trigger of key and ID refresh | LG Electronics | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170850 | Procedure for UE security indication and configuration | LG Electronics | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| revised | No | S3‑170868 | |||
S3‑170868 | Procedure for UE security indication and configuration | LG Electronics | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | S3‑170850 | |||
S3‑170851 | Conclusion for Security area #11: Security visibility and configurability | LG Electronics | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170852 | Questions for Security area #11: Security visibility and configurability | LG Electronics | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
5.1.12 | Credential provisioning | S3‑170753 | Evaluation of solutions and conclusion for credentials provisioning | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesE// presents
VF: credential provisioning out of scope of 3GPP
Orange: agree with VF
E//: proposal is to have process outside of 3GPP, but network access is in scope
VF: unauthenticated access not required, opposes unauth access to the network
Samsung: there are requirements, highlighted in 802
Orange: that requirement is not that there is no 3GPP credential, SA1 req completely fulfilled by GSMA spec
Samsung: based on operator policy, build on demand sec policy
Intel: agree with Samsung, same interpretation of SA1 document, may not have default provisioning profile
Oberthur: SA1 requirement changed when moving to TS phase
Orange: IoT aspect is out of phase 1
Samsung: only massive IoT aspects are out of scope
E//: only the radio aspect is out of scope
Orange: requirement came out of mIoT use case
Samsung: MBB use case, thus included in phase 1
KPN: stay with requirement in the TS, but KPN won't put in phase 1
DCM: not in phase 1
E//: there needs to be some things in phase 1, becuse policy decisisons need to be done
VF: no non-authenticated bearer is acceptable, can also be done with an authenticated bearer
Samsung: 5G system should support IP-connectivity
Orange: provisioning profile provides IP connectivity
Heiko: direct connectivity is only with 3GPP subscription in SA1 TS
Gemalto: ok with being in phase 2
conclusions go away, keep open
VF: all access is by USIM for phase 1
E//: could keep possible way forward,
Orange disagree
VF: credential provisioning not in phase 1 at all
samsung: 802 for agreements
| noted | No | ||
S3‑170802 | Questions and Interim Agreements on Key Issue # 12.1 and 12.2: Credentials provisioning | Samsung, Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesSamsung presents
Orange: first part of interim agreement is not answering the question
VF: disagree with question, SA1 only considered push provisioning, pleased with authentcated, but disagree because not narrowed down enough.
Oberthur: Samsung is trying to push here what wasn't agreed in SA1, agree on Note
VF: clarification required: credential is a USIM
DT: not essential for phase 1, minute this for phase 2
VF: discuss in phase 2, not automatically agree in phase 2
Orange: agree with VF
Chair: what happens with these documents
Gemalto: should be treated because weren't treated
Nokia: treat only if time is there in this meeting, then have conf call
Orange: only solutions to be discussed
agreement: credential provisioning is for phase 2
E//: record in table in annex of 33.899
Orange: phase 2 in first column, "credential provisioning will be discussed in phase 2" in comment column
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170631 | pCR to TR 33.899: Remote credential provisioning – using Attach Procedure | Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S3‑170724 | pCR to TR 33.899: Remote credential provisioning – using Attach Procedure | Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170751 | Authorisation of network access for credentials provisioning | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170752 | Solution: Network access for credentials provisioning using external AUSF/ARPF | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170797 | Updates to Solution#12.4 | Samsung | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170798 | Support for Provisioning Profile for credential provisioning | Samsung | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170799 | Updates to Solution#12.4 to support eUICC-ID privacy | Samsung | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170801 | Evaluation of Solution #12.4 | Samsung | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170804 | Initial attach for remote provisioning | Gemalto N.V. | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170870 | Initial attach for remote provisioning | Gemalto N.V. | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170853 | pCR to 33.899 - Addition of new credential provisioning solutions | VODAFONE Group Plc | pCR | Approval | No |
| withdrawn | Yes | ||||
5.1.13 | Interworking and migration | S3‑170754 | Update of introduction to Security area #13 Security for Interworking and Migration | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||
S3‑170790 | KI for HO between 5GC and EPC | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170791 | Solution for HO between 5GC and EPC | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170823 | pCR to TR 33.899: Solution for key issue #13.1 | NEC EUROPE LTD | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170755 | Update of Key issue #13.2 Security for Idle Mode Mobility | Ericsson | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
5.1.14 | Small data | |||||||||||
5.1.15 | Broadcast/Multicast security | S3‑170624 | CR to TS 33.401 for BEST | VODAFONE Group Plc | CR | Agreement | No |
| withdrawn | Yes | S3‑170173 | |
5.1.16 | Management Security | S3‑170696 | Automatic certificate enrolment for the gNB | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Yes |
| not treated | No | |||
S3‑170722 | Network slice life-cycle security | Huawei & Hisilicon | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
5.1.17 | Cryptographic algorithms | S3‑170826 | Starting the discussion on security algorithms support for 5G | Qualcomm Incorporated | discussion | Decision | Yes |
YesQC presents
Orange: for option 3 and 5G?
QC: yes
ATT: ok with proposal, but what is later for effective key length, phase 2 would be preferable
QC: it is copy from 401
DCM: this relates to over the algorithms, later they can become 256 EEA/EIA
Nokia: put this in TR as well
CATT: has contribution 727
endorsing the contribution
QC: LS to SAGE as heads up
Nokia: not much to tell to SAGE, we don't know about the inputs to algorithms
kept open
-> merged into 953
| merged | No | S3‑170953 | |
S3‑170657 | Support of 256-bit Keys and Algorithms | AT&T | discussion | Approval | Yes |
YesDCM: TUAK already supports 256, does 256 bit keys for RAN security provide sufficient benefit?
IDCC: part of layered approach
Orange: 4G or 5G
ATT: this for phase 2
QC: consider 256 bit algorithms in phase 2?
ATT: yes
DCM: MAC is too short, LI is everywhere, so may give a false sense of security
DT: agree, who will pay for this
DCM: can endorse this
Nokia: proposals are too vague, second proposal is done already
agreement: further details on the proposals and implications of the changes are requested
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170726 | Questions and Interim agreements for 256-bit cryptographic algorithms | CATR, CATT, China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, Hisilicon, ZTE Corporation | pCR | Yes |
YesCATT presents
DCM: is it realistic to get feedback on the algorithms in that time frame
Orange: differs from ATT, as ATT is talking about phase 2
Gemalto: same objective, for Qantum safe crypto it is required
Nokia: for quantum safe, doubling of keys not required
Gemalto: not clear when quantum crypto becomes available, so asymmetric schemes currently are weaker, start studying now
Nokia: necessity doubling of key length or not is still under discussion
BT: TC cyber says quantum safe is not required for another 20 years, in phase 1 extendability
Orange: Quantum safe is only for asymmetric, so is this proposal for symmetric or asymmetric crypto
DCM: only integrity protection would be interesting for phase 1 due to integrity protection
BT: 20 years in research lab
Nokia: time window for breaking key in bidding down attack is only a few seconds
NCSC: convenor or ETSI quantum safe group, no hurry for now
Morpho: already agreed to support 256 bits in protocols
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170727 | Questions and Interim agreements for 128-bit cryptographic algorithms | CATR, CATT, China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, Hisilicon, ZTE Corporation | pCR | Yes |
YesCATT presents
Orange: fine with proposal, keeping the same optionality and mandatory algorithms as in 33.401
Orange: make more precise: these algorithms are decided for NG, with the same text as in 33.401
Nokia: merge with QC contribution (826)
QC: ok
-> 953
| revised | No | S3‑170953 | ||||
S3‑170953 | Questions and Interim agreements for 128-bit cryptographic algorithms | CATR, CATT, China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, Hisilicon, ZTE Corporation | pCR | - | Yes |
YesCATT presents
E//: there might be new names for the 5G algorithms
QC: Note on that
Nokia: no support for 256bit algorithms for phase 1
Morpho: agreement was not to define 256 bit algorithms in phase 1
Nokia: text proposal …
E//: LS to ETSI SAGE, agree this from meeting?
Nokia: VF will take an action to talk SAGE chair about the algorithms
agreed Action on VF
| revised | No | S3‑170886 | S3‑170727 | ||
S3‑170886 | Questions and Interim agreements for 128-bit cryptographic algorithms | CATR, CATT, China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, Hisilicon, ZTE Corporation | pCR | - | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170953 | |||
S3‑170828 | Proposed inputs to the key derivation of ciphering and integrity keys | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesQC presents
Nokia: add EN: it is FFS if it required to have a different parameter to distinguish whether
Nokia: add EN: master key definition is FFS
-> 955
| revised | No | S3‑170955 | |||
S3‑170955 | Proposed inputs to the key derivation of ciphering and integrity keys | Qualcomm Incorporated | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | S3‑170828 | |||
5.1.18 | Other | S3‑170604 | LS to SA WG3 on privacy of registration and slice selection information | S2-170687 | LS in | Yes |
YesQualcomm presented the LS. SA2 is asking SA3 on the privacy implications of including slice specific information in the clear in either RRC or NAS signalling.
VF: in 4G, integrity protetion is mandatory for NAS, so this needs to stay for 5G
taken together with 845
| replied to | No | |||
S3‑170902 | Reply to: LS to SA WG3 on privacy of registration and slice selection information | Qualcomm | LS out | approval | Yes |
YesQC presents
Nokia: if NSSAI is not included, this is an indication that it is to be concealed
QC: agree, what is alternative proposal
Nokia: no optimal solution
QC: only alternative never to include this is RRC
Nokia: how could the NSSAI be selected
QC: after NAS security setup this is protected
Huawei: what are the information in setup, why this "e.g." in second paragraph, in MASA this could be protected - the wording is indicating there is no solution
QC: UE identifier can be sent with protection even without security context setup
Huawei: make this clear. more details
QC: no solution chosen yet, so can't give more details
Huawei: add sentence to note that UE identifier may be privacy protected
on Nokia Comment: Nokia: no solution is there
Orange: who decides that a slice is privacy sensitive
Huawei: some solutions in SA2 say that home network does that
BT: home network needs a strong control, but if home network is in low privacy state, then in roaming scenario this may compromise the roaming country's view
IDCC: may be illegal when roaming in the other direction
Nokia: shouldn't be an issue in either way, because one way privacy is simply not protected, in other way the idnetifier is and NSSAI is not encrypted
Nokia: resolved by adding sentence in the end to point this out
Nokia: GUTI may include slice type information
QC: point out that GUTI shouldn't include such type of information
DCM: UE identifier -> subscription identifier
Nokia: UE identifier used in SA2
Orange: use subscribtion identifier
DCM: make clearer that bit about GUTI
QC: ok, copy that sentence into action
Orange: change UE temp identifier to temp subscription identifier
DCM: no, here it is UE temp identifier
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170845 | Privacy & security of registration and slice selection information | Qualcomm Incorporated | other | Approval | Yes |
YesAnand (Qualcomm) presented the document. The document proposed a solution for carrying NSSAIs in NAS messages and comments on the privacy implications of including this in the RAN. Nokia commented that SA2 seem to want to include the NSSAI information in the temporay identity.
QC: ask if they can include temp ID without such information
VF: shouldn't the slice information be protected by the control slice, only what is needed for auth in unprotected messages
QC: performance optimization, so no AMF relocation is required
Nokia: message 4 would reveal
QC: that is protected
VF: LS is not clear this is only sent confidetniality protected, limit message 1 to protected messges
E//: keep response generic
DCM: If privacy is not an issue, NSSAI could be sent
Tim: not integrity protected
QC: can be protected in SMC
response in 902
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170605 | LS on N2 and N3 reference points for 5G system | S2-171611 | LS in | Yes |
YesNokia presented the LS. It informs many groups about the status on N2 and N3. It was noted.
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170607 | Reply to LS on user plane security termination | R2-1702368 | LS in | Yes |
YesNokia presented the LS. It responds to the SA3 questions on UP security termination points. It was kept open to be part of the discusison on UP security termination. Noted
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170796 | LS on security in E-UTRA-NR Dual Connectivity | R2-1702442 | LS in | Yes |
YesEricsson presented the LS. It informs SA3 of the status of the dual connectivity. It was noted.
| noted | No | |||||
S3‑170800 | Middlebox security protocol | ETSI TC CYBER | LS in | Yes |
YesAlex (BT) presented the LS. It asks SA3 and SA3-LI about the implications of using middleboxes in 3GPP. Diego Lopez is working on a draft of MCTLS in the IRTF. The relationship between this work and 5G, as it seems to discuss oer the top applications, was questioned. The response was that it could be a base cyber/fraud mechanism that can be called from the application layer. It was kept open.
| postponed | No | |||||
S3‑170656 | Support of PKI for NodeB Authentication | AT&T, MITRE, Interdigital | other | Decision | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170715 | New SID on security aspect of Management and Orchestration of Network Slicing | Huawei, Hisilicon, Gemalto | SID new | Approval | Yes |
| not treated | No | ||||
S3‑170919 | 5GS Security aspects seeking resolution | SA2 | other | discussion | Yes |
YesSA3 discussed the response and came to the conclusion that are shown in S3-170920
SA2 later informed, that the incoming document was not an approved SA2 document.
| noted | No | ||||
S3‑170920 | Responses to S3-170919 | WG Chair | discussion | discussion | Yes |
| endorsed | No | ||||
S3‑170962 | Draft TR 33.899 | Ericsson | draft TR | Approval | No |
Nofor email approval
available 7 April
comments 11 April
approved 13 April
| reserved | No | ||||
S3‑170964 | Draft TR 33.501 | NCSC | draft TR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | ||||
5.2 | Study on Mission Critical Security Enhancements (FS_MC_Sec) (Rel-14) | S3‑170859 | [MCSEC] Update to Solution #1.2 in TR 33.880 | NCSC | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | ||
S3‑170862 | [MCSEC] Solution to protect entire XML signalling content | NCSC | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| revised | No | S3‑170880 | |||
S3‑170854 | [MCSEC] Solution adding of KMS URI information to configuration parameters | NCSC | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| revised | No | S3‑170893 | |||
S3‑170893 | [MCSEC] Solution adding of KMS URI information to configuration parameters | NCSC | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesMorpho queried whether there could be a separate list of KMSUris which could be linked to for efficiency reasons. Motorola said this would only be needed for the partner domain. NCSC said this idea could be included in the LS to SA6 (895). Nokia asked how the solution would work with dynamic groups. NCSC said that there isn't a solution yet for dynamic groups, but SA6 have been asked and had responded in 606. Approved
| approved | No | S3‑170854 | |||
S3‑170855 | [MCSEC] Evaluation of solutions for supporting multiple security domains. | NCSC | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170673 | 33.880 pCR Inter-domain IdM eval | Motorola Solutions Danmark A/S | pCR | Agreement | Yes |
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170880 | [MCSEC] Clean-up of S3-170862: Solution to protect entire XML signalling content | NCSC | pCR | Approval | Yes |
YesNokia asked about the rationale for encrypting the entire payload. NCSC explained it was to reduce the overheadApproved
| approved | No | S3‑170862 | |||
S3‑170898 | [FS_MC_SEC] 33.880 first to answer evaluation | Motorola Solutions | pCR | Approval | Yes |
| approved | No | ||||
S3‑170915 | Draft TR 33.880 | NCSC | draft TR | Approval | Yes |
YesNCSC presents
new acronym for MSK (multicast signalling key) is MUSIK
Motorola: new documents: 0898, 0899, request to review
on 898
Motorola presents
898 approved
on 899
Motorola presents
899 approved
915 approved
| approved | No | ||||
6 | Any other business | |||||||||||
7 | Close |