ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_SA / WG2_Arch / TSGS2_163_Jeju_2024-05 / INBOX / e-mail_Approval / Revisions / Discarded

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icon S2-2406142r02_Presentation of TR23.700-59 V0.x.x to TSG and 2024/06/04 14:36 11,7 KB
icon S2-2406344r01 NG_RTC_Ph2 WID.docx 2024/06/03 1:59 37,9 KB
icon S2-2406345r01 Cover sheet of TR 23.700-77 for approval.docx 2024/06/03 1:59 21,4 KB
icon S2-2407286 draft1 was S2-2406646 AIML_CN WID-r04.docx 2024/06/04 4:46 46,5 KB

4 items.