ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_SA / WG2_Arch / TSGS2_145E_Electronic_2021-05 / INBOX / CCs / ID_UAS

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icon draft S2-210xxxx Clarification on terms related to UAV communication.docx 2021/04/26 16:16 219,5 KB
icon 2021/04/29 15:18 892,2 KB
icon draftS2-210xyz_flight_authorization.doc 2021/04/27 9:22 59 KB
icon ID_UAS_SA2#145E_Plan v3.doc 2021/04/27 1:04 105,5 KB
icon ID_UAS_SA2#145E_Plan v4.doc 2021/04/30 19:20 106 KB
icon S2-210abcd_23.256 General ENs cleanup.doc 2021/04/27 0:58 171 KB
icon S2-210xxxx_DP AMF Event Expsoure to UAS NF.doc 2021/04/27 1:25 333 KB
icon UAS S2-210xxxx_23.256 Clarification for UUAA Aviation Payload and UUAA Autorization Payload.doc 2021/04/27 5:24 284,5 KB

8 items.