0 | All Agenda Items | S2-140E |
1.1 | Opening of the meeting | Puneet |
2 | Agenda | Puneet |
3 | SA2#139E Meeting report | Puneet |
4 | General | Puneet |
4.1 | Common issues and Incoming LSs | Andy |
4.2 | Late incoming LS and pending issues | Puneet |
5 | Pre-Rel-17 Maintenance (excluding all 5G topics) | Tao |
5.1 | 3GPP Packet Access Maintenance | Tao |
5.2 | QoS and PCC Maintenance | Tao |
5.3 | Non-3GPP Access Maintenance | Tao |
5.4 | IMS and IMS-Related Maintenance | Tao |
7 | Rel-16 Maintenance for 5G (excluding 5GS_Ph1) | Puneet |
7.1 | Architecture enhancements for 3GPP support of advanced V2X services (eV2XARC) | Andy |
7.2 | Wireless and Wireline Convergence for the 5G system architecture (5WWC) | Andy |
7.3 | Access Traffic Steering, Switch and Splitting support in the 5G system architecture (ATSSS) | Andy |
7.4 | Cellular IoT support and evolution for the 5G System (5G_CIoT) + RAN Rel-16 alignment – MT-EDT | Andy |
7.5 | Enablers for Network Automation for 5G (eNA) | Andy |
7.6 | Enhancement to the 5GC Location Services (5G_eLCS) | Tao |
7.7 | 5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN Services (Vertical_LAN) | Puneet |
7.7.1 | 5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN Services – 5G-LAN aspects | Puneet |
7.7.2 | 5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN Services – TSN aspects | Puneet |
7.7.3 | 5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN Services – Type a/b aspects | Puneet |
7.8 | Enhancements to the Service-Based 5G System Architecture (5G_eSBA) | Tao |
7.9 | Architecture enhancements for the support of Integrated access and backhaul (IABARC) | Tao |
7.10 | Other Rel-16 WIDs | Tao |
7.10.1 | Enhancement of URLLC supporting in 5GC (5G_URLLC) | Tao |
7.10.2 | Enhancement of Network Slicing (eNS) | Tao |
7.10.3 | Optimisations on UE radio capability signalling (RACS) | Tao |
7.10.4 | Enhanced IMS to 5GC Integration (eIMS5G_SBA) | Tao |
7.10.5 | User Data Interworking and Coexistence (UDICoM) | Tao |
7.10.6 | Enhancing Topology of SMF and UPF in 5G Networks (ETSUN) | Tao |
7.10.7 | 5GS Transfer of Policies for Background Data Transfer (xBDT) | Tao |
7.10.8 | Single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3G (5G_SRVCC) | Tao |
CC#1 | S2#140E CC#1 | Puneet |
CC#2 | S2#140E CC#2 | Puneet |
8 | Rel-17 SID/WID | Puneet |
8.1 | Study on Enablers for Network Automation for 5G - phase 2 (FS_eNA_Ph2) | Andy |
8.2 | Study on enhanced support of Non-Public Networks (FS_eNPN) | Puneet |
8.3 | Study on enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5GC (FS_enh_EC) | Puneet |
8.4 | Study on Enhancement of Network Slicing Phase 2 (FS_eNS_Ph2) | Tao |
8.5 | Study on enhanced support of Industrial IoT - TSC/URLLC enhancements (FS_IIoT) | Puneet |
8.6 | Study Extended Access Traffic Steering, Switch and Splitting support in the 5G system architecture (FS_eATSSS) | Andy |
8.7 | Study on supporting UAS Connectivity, Identification, and Tracking (FS_ID_UAS-SA2) | Tao |
8.8 | Study on system enhancement for Proximity based Services in 5GS (FS_5G_ProSe) | Tao |
8.9 | Study on architectural enhancements for 5G multicast-broadcast services (FS_5MBS) | Andy |
8.10 | Study on system enablers for multi-USIM devices (FS_MUSIM) | Puneet |
8.11 | Architecture aspects for using satellite access in 5G (5GSAT_ARCH) | Tao |
8.12 | Study on architecture enhancements for 3GPP support of advanced V2X services - Phase 2 (FS_eV2XARC_Ph2) | Tao |
9 | Project Planning and Management | Puneet |
9.1 | New and Revised Work Items, Cover sheets for completed work items | Puneet |
9.2 | Review of the Work Plan | Puneet |
9.3 | Planning future meetings | Puneet |
CC#3 | S2#140E CC#3 | Puneet |
CC#4 | S2#140E CC#4 | Puneet |
11 | Close of the meeting | Puneet |
99 | Withdrawn and reserved documents | Withdrawn |