List for Meeting: S2-108
Last Allocated Document: S2-151431
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Created: 2015-04-24 07:54 START OF LIST
AI | TD# | Type | Title | Source | Rel | Work Item | Comments | Result |
2 | - | - | Approval of the agenda | {Erik} | - | - | - | - |
2 | S2-150699 | AGENDA | Draft Agenda for SA WG2#108 | SA WG2 Chairman | - | - | Revised to S2-151307. | Revised |
2 | S2-151307 | AGENDA | Draft Agenda for SA WG2#108 | SA WG2 Chairman | - | - | Revision of S2-150699. Approved | Approved |
3 | - | - | Meeting reports | {Erik} | - | - | - | - |
3 | S2-150700 | REPORT | SA WG2 Chairman's Report on TSG SA#67 | SA WG2 Chairman | - | - | Noted | Noted |
3 | S2-150703 | REPORT | TD Handling Report of SA WG2 meeting #107E | SA WG2 Secretary | - | - | Noted | Noted |
3 | S2-150702 | REPORT | Draft Report of SA WG2 meeting #107 | SA WG2 Secretary | - | - | Approved | Approved |
4 | - | - | General | {Erik} | - | - | - | - |
4 | S2-150746 | OTHER | Tutorial for use of the 3G Ultimate TD allocation tools | SA WG2 Secretary | - | - | Noted | Noted |
4.1 | - | - | Common issues and Incoming LSs | {Erik} | - | - | - | - |
4.1 | S2-150714 | LS In | LS from TSG GERAN: LS on New WID on RAN aspects for improvements to CS/PS coordination in GERAN Shared Networks | TSG GERAN (GP-150278) | - | - | Action to SA WG2 = notice GERAN has a work item for CSPS_Coord, recommend to NOTE Noted | Noted |
4.1 | S2-150713 | LS In | LS from CT WG3: Reply LS on End-to-end QoS handling of MTSI | CT WG3 (C3-150450) | - | QOSE2EMTSI-CT | No action for SA WG2, recommended to NOTE Noted | Noted |
4.1 | S2-150733 | LS In | LS from SA WG1: Reply LS on eCall implementation in IMS | SA WG1 (S1-150001) | Rel-13 | - | No action for SA WG2, recommended to NOTE Noted | Noted |
4.1 | S2-150740 | LS In | LS from SA WG4: LS on TR 26.924 Study on improved end-to-end QoS handling | SA WG4 (S4-150163) | Rel-13 | QOSE2EMTSI | Response drafted in S2-150751, revised in S2-151308. Final response in S2-151425 | Response in S2-151425 |
4.1 | S2-150751 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on Study on improved end-to-end QoS handling | Ericsson | Rel-13 | QOSE2EMTSI | Response to S2-150740. Revised to S2-151308 | Revised |
4.1 | S2-151308 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on Study on improved end-to-end QoS handling | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | QOSE2EMTSI | Revision of S2-150751. Revised to S2-151425. | Revised |
4.1 | S2-151425 | LS OUT | Reply LS on Study on improved end-to-end QoS handling | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | QOSE2EMTSI | Revision of S2-151308. Approved | Approved |
4.1 | S2-150729 | LS In | LS from RAN WG3: Response LS on Support of a mix of IPv4 and IPv6 eNBs and Backhauls in eMBMS | RAN WG3 (R3-150489) | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Noted | Noted |
4.1 | S2-150728 | LS In | LS from RAN WG3: Response LS on Paging Optimization | RAN WG3 (R3-150461) | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Noted | Noted |
4.1 | S2-150719 | LS In | LS from GERAN WG2: Response LS on work split for Study on Cellular IoT | GERAN WG2 (GPC150122) | Rel-13 | FS_IoT_LC | No action for SA WG2 Noted | Noted |
4.1 | S2-150739 | LS In | LS from SA WG3: LS on work split for Study on Cellular IoT | SA WG3 (S3-151201) | - | - | No action for SA WG2 Noted | Noted |
4.1 | S2-150745 | LS In | LS from TSG SA: Reply LS on work split for Study on Cellular IoT | TSG SA (SP-150170) | Rel-13 | - | FS_AE_CIoT WID for SA WG2 included! Noted | Noted |
4.1 | S2-150738 | LS In | LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on Security Framework for Cellular IoT | SA WG3 (S3-151198) | Rel-13 | FS_IoT_LC | questions for SA WG2 Response drafted in S2-151077, revised to S2-151311. Final response in S2-151382 | Response in S2-151382 |
4.1 | S2-150718 | LS In | LS from GERAN WG2: Reply LS on Security Framework for Cellular IoT | GERAN WG2 (GPC150120) | Rel-13 | FS_IoT_LC | No action for SA WG2 Noted | Noted |
4.1 | S2-151077 | LS OUT | Draft Response to Reply LS on Security Framework for Cellular IoT | VODAFONE Group Plc | Rel-13 | FS_IoT_LC | Response to S2-150738. Revised to S2-151311. | Revised |
4.1 | S2-151311 | LS OUT | Draft Response to Reply LS on Security Framework for Cellular IoT | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | FS_IoT_LC | Revision of S2-151077. Revised to S2-151382. | Revised |
4.1 | S2-151382 | LS OUT | Response to Reply LS on Security Framework for Cellular IoT | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | FS_IoT_LC | Revision of S2-151311. Approved | Approved |
4.1 | S2-150716 | LS In | LS from TSG GERAN: Reply LS on paging for MTC | TSG GERAN (GP-150312) | Rel-13 | FS_IoT_LC | Postpone to SA WG2#109? Responses drafted in S2-151091 (revised to S2-151354) and S2-151093. Final response in S2-151383. | Response in S2-151383 |
4.1 | S2-150720 | LS In | LS from RAN WG1: Reply LS on Paging for MTC | RAN WG1 (R1-190924) | Rel-13 | LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core | Postpone to SA WG2#109? Response drafted in S2-151091 (revised to S2-151354). Final response in S2-151383. | Response in S2-151383 |
4.1 | S2-151091 | LS OUT | Draft Response to Reply LS on paging for MTC | VODAFONE Group Plc | Rel-13 | FS_IoT_LC | Postpone to SA WG2#109? Response to S2-150716 and S2-150720. Revised to S2-151354. | Revised |
4.1 | S2-151354 | LS OUT | Draft Response to Reply LS on paging for MTC | VODAFONE Group Plc | Rel-13 | FS_IoT_LC | Revision of S2-151091. Revised to S2-151370. | Revised |
4.1 | S2-151370 | LS OUT | Draft Response to Reply LS on paging for MTC | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | FS_IoT_LC | Revision of S2-151354. Revised to S2-151383. | Revised |
4.1 | S2-151383 | LS OUT | Response to Reply LS on paging for MTC | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | FS_IoT_LC | Revision of S2-151370. Approved | Approved |
4.1 | S2-151093 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on paging for MTC | Samsung | Rel-13 | FS_IoT_LC | Postpone to SA WG2#109? Response to S2-150716. Not Handled | Not Handled |
4.2 | - | - | LS (S2-150704) on VoLTE Roaming and Replies | {Krisztian} | - | - | - | - |
4.2 | S2-150704 | LS In | LS from GSMA PSMC: LS on VoLTE Roaming Architecture | GSMA PSMC (PSMC 131 Doc 201) | - | - | Response drafted in S2-150986, revised in S2-151121 (withdrawn). This LS was postponed to SA WG2 meeting #109 | Postponed |
4.2 | S2-151015 | LS In | LS from GSMA RAG: LS on VoLTE Roaming Architecture (Reply to 'LS related to Mobile VoIP IMS Roaming' / S3i150073) | GSMA RAG (RAG 14 Doc 003) | - | - | Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #109 | Postponed |
4.2 | S2-150710 | LS In | LS from CT WG3: LS Reply to LS related to Mobile VoIP IMS Roaming | CT WG3 (C3-150256) | Rel-12 | - | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
4.2 | S2-150985 | OTHER | Discussion on _x00B_S8HR VoLTE Roaming | NTT DOCOMO INC. | - | - | Noted | Noted |
4.2 | S2-150986 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on VoLTE Roaming Architecture | NTT DOCOMO INC. | - | - | Response to S2-150704. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151121. | Revised |
4.2 | S2-151121 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on VoLTE Roaming Architecture | NTT DOCOMO INC. | - | - | Revision of S2-150986. WITHDRAWN | Withdrawn |
4.2 | S2-150989 | OTHER | Discussion on unauthenticated IMS Emergency Call | NTT DOCOMO INC. | Rel-9 | - | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
4.2 | S2-150992 | CR | 23.167 CR0277: Correction of IMS Emergency Call without IMS emergency registration | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-9 | IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS | Not handled. No mirror CRs? Not Handled | - |
4.2 | S2-150993 | CR | 23.167 CR0278: Per-PLMN configuration in P-CSCF for Non UE Detectable Emergency Call Handling | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Not handled. Not Handled | - |
4.2 | S2-150997 | CR | 23.237 CR0482: Supporting a roaming scenario where ATCF/ATGW in HPLMN | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Not handled. Not Handled | - |
4.2 | S2-150999 | CR | 23.401 CR2854: Clarification of the meaning of 'VPLMN Address Allowed' flag | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Not handled. Not Handled | - |
4.2 | S2-151000 | CR | 23.228 CR1127: Netloc for IMS Registration | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Not handled. Not Handled | - |
4.2 | S2-150854 | CR | 23.228 CR1108: AS allowing non-international format Request-URI when RAVEL is used | China Mobile | Rel-11 | RAVEL | Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
4.2 | S2-150884 | CR | 23.228 CR1114: Clarification on geo-local number handling | China Mobile, NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151122. | Revised |
4.2 | S2-151122 | CR | 23.228 CR1114R1: Clarification on geo-local number handling | China Mobile, NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Revision of S2-150884 (not provided, withdrawn). | Withdrawn |
4.2 | S2-150856 | CR | 23.228 CR1109: AS allowing non-international format Request-URI when RAVEL is used | China Mobile | Rel-12 | RAVEL | Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
4.2 | S2-150857 | CR | 23.228 CR1110: AS allowing non-international format Request-URI when RAVEL is used | China Mobile | Rel-13 | RAVEL | Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
4.2 | S2-150858 | CR | 23.228 CR1111: TRF supporting geo-local service number normalization | China Mobile | Rel-11 | RAVEL | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151123. | Revised |
4.2 | S2-151123 | CR | 23.228 CR1111R1: TRF supporting geo-local service number normalization | China Mobile | Rel-11 | RAVEL | Revision of S2-150858. Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
4.2 | S2-150859 | CR | 23.228 CR1112: TRF supporting geo-local service number normalization | China Mobile | Rel-12 | RAVEL | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151124. | Revised |
4.2 | S2-151124 | CR | 23.228 CR1112R1: TRF supporting geo-local service number normalization | China Mobile | Rel-12 | RAVEL | Revision of S2-150859. Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
4.2 | S2-150860 | CR | 23.228 CR1113: TRF supporting geo-local service number normalization | China Mobile | Rel-13 | RAVEL | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151125. | Revised |
4.2 | S2-151125 | CR | 23.228 CR1113R1: TRF supporting geo-local service number normalization | China Mobile | Rel-13 | RAVEL | Revision of S2-150860. Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.1 | - | - | 3GPP Packet Access Maintenance | {Puneet} | - | - | - | - |
5.1 | S2-150711 | LS In | LS from CT WG3: LS on Enable MB2 authorization | CT WG3 (C3-150424) | Rel-12 | GCSE_LTE-CT | Recommend to NOTE Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #109 | Postponed |
5.1 | S2-150708 | LS In | LS from CT WG1: Clarification regarding change of active time value and periodic TAU or RAU timer value for UE supporting PSM | CT WG1 (C1-150880) | Rel-12 | MTCe-UEPCOP-CT | Responses drafted in S2-150901 and S2-150981. Response revised in S2-151133. Final response in S2-151384 | Response in S2-151384 |
5.1 | S2-150981 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on Clarification regarding change of active time value and periodic TAU or RAU timer value for UE supporting PSM | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-12 | - | Response to S2-150708. Revised to S2-151133. | Revised |
5.1 | S2-151133 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on Clarification regarding change of active time value and periodic TAU or RAU timer value for UE supporting PSM | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-12 | - | Revision of S2-150981. Revised to S2-151384. | Revised |
5.1 | S2-151384 | LS OUT | Reply LS on Clarification regarding change of active time value and periodic TAU or RAU timer value for UE supporting PSM | SA WG2 | Rel-12 | - | Revision of S2-151133. Approved | Approved |
5.1 | S2-150730 | LS In | LS from RAN WG4: LS on impact of optional preconfigured parameters for D2D out of Network coverage mode | RAN WG4 (R4-151170) | Rel-12 | LTE_D2D_Prox-Core | Noted | Noted |
5.1 | S2-150732 | LS In | LS from TSG RAN: LS on D2D off network operations | TSG RAN (RP-150516) | Rel-12 | LTE_D2D_Prox-Core | Noted | Noted |
5.1 | S2-150750 | CR | 23.303 CR0158: Mandatory use of Geographical Areas | Ericsson, Sprint, Qualcomm Incorporated, LG Electronics, U.S. Department of Commerce, Home Office | Rel-12 | ProSe | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151324. | Revised |
5.1 | S2-151324 | CR | 23.303 CR0158R1: Mandatory use of Geographical Areas | Ericsson, Sprint, Qualcomm Incorporated, LG Electronics, U.S. Department of Commerce, Home Office, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-12 | ProSe | Revision of S2-150750. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.1 | S2-150709 | LS In | LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on PLMN reselection for ProSe | CT WG1 (C1-150886) | Rel-12 | ProSe | Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #109 | Postponed |
5.1 | S2-150724 | LS In | LS from RAN WG2: LS reply on PLMN reselection for ProSe | RAN WG2 (R2-150695) | Rel-12 | LTE_D2D_Prox-Core | Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #109. | Postponed |
5.1 | S2-150888 | CR | 23.303 CR0151R1: Support for ProSe in multicarrier across PLMNs | Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson | Rel-12 | ProSe | Revision of S2-150123. Revised in S2-151139. | Revised |
5.1 | S2-151139 | CR | 23.303 CR0151R2: Support for ProSe in multicarrier across PLMNs | Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson | Rel-12 | ProSe | Revision of S2-150888. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151325. | Revised |
5.1 | S2-151325 | CR | 23.303 CR0151R3: Support for ProSe in multicarrier across PLMNs | Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson | Rel-12 | ProSe | Revision of S2-151139. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.1 | S2-150725 | LS In | LS from RAN WG2: LS on ProSe direct discovery announcements | RAN WG2 (R2-150696) | Rel-12 | LTE_D2D_Prox-Core | Noted | Noted |
5.1 | S2-150707 | LS In | LS from CT WG1: LS on Addition of proximity services group identifier | CT WG1 (C1-150879) | Rel-12 | ProSe-CT | Response drafted in S2-150909. Final response in S2-151326 | Response in S2-151326 |
5.1 | S2-150909 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on addition of proximity services group identifier | QUALCOMM UK Ltd | Rel-12 | - | Response to S2-150707. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151326. | Revised |
5.1 | S2-151326 | LS OUT | Reply LS on addition of proximity services group identifier | SA WG2 | Rel-12 | - | Revision of S2-150909. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
5.1 | S2-150918 | OTHER | ProSe APN Configuration | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-12 | ProSe | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.1 | S2-150919 | CR | 23.303 CR0159: ProSe APN Configuration | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-12 | ProSe | WI Code should be ProSe. Not Handled | - |
5.1 | S2-151051 | OTHER | On ProSe UE ID and ProSe Layer-2 Group ID format (preventing future backwards compatibility issues) | Intel | Rel-12 | - | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.1 | S2-151056 | CR | 23.303 CR0161: Clarification on ProSe UE ID and ProSe Layer-2 Group ID | Intel | Rel-12 | ProSe | Not Handled | - |
5.1 | S2-150935 | CR | 23.002 CR0282: Adding ProSe related introductions and definitions | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-12 | ProSe | Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.1 | S2-151023 | CR | 23.303 CR0160: Clarification of ProSe Layer 2 Group ID provisioning | Samsung | Rel-12 | TEI12, ProSe | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151327. | Revised |
5.1 | S2-151327 | CR | 23.303 CR0160R1: Clarification of ProSe Layer 2 Group ID provisioning | Samsung | Rel-12 | TEI12, ProSe | Revision of S2-151023. Revised to S2-151373. | Revised |
5.1 | S2-151373 | CR | 23.303 CR0160R2: Clarification of ProSe Layer 2 Group ID provisioning | Samsung | Rel-12 | TEI12, ProSe | Revision of S2-151327. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.1 | S2-151062 | OTHER | Permission of location reporting | NEC | Rel-12 | ProSe | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.1 | S2-151063 | CR | 23.303 CR0162: User consent handling during UE Registration | NEC | Rel-12 | ProSe | Not Handled | - |
5.1 | S2-150723 | LS In | LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on eMPS-eMLPP in CSFB to GERAN | RAN WG2 (R2-150691) | Rel-11 | eMPS | Noted | Noted |
5.1 | S2-150901 | LS OUT | Draft Reply LS on 'Clarification regarding change of active time value and periodic TAU or RAU timer value for UE supporting PSM' | LG Electronics Inc. | Rel-12 | - | Noted | Noted |
5.1 | S2-150910 | CR | 23.682 CR0101: Handling of PSM timer | HTC | Rel-12 | MTCe-UEPCOP | Related to S2-150708 Revised to S2-151131. | Revised |
5.1 | S2-151131 | CR | 23.682 CR0101R1: Handling of PSM timer | HTC | Rel-12 | MTCe-UEPCOP | Revision of S2-150910. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.1 | S2-150911 | CR | 23.682 CR0102: Handling of PSM timer | HTC | Rel-13 | MTCe-UEPCOP | Related to S2-150708 Revised to S2-151132. | Revised |
5.1 | S2-151132 | CR | 23.682 CR0102R1: Handling of PSM timer | HTC | Rel-13 | MTCe-UEPCOP | Revision of S2-150911.. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.1 | S2-150793 | CR | 23.401 CR2845: Add Location report action into delete bearer procedure | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-12 | SAES, TEI12 | WI Code should be TEI12, SAES Noted | Noted |
5.1 | S2-150794 | CR | 23.401 CR2846: Add Location report action into delete bearer procedure | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | TEI12 | WI Code should be TEI12, SAES Source to WG incorrect. Revised to S2-151134. | Revised |
5.1 | S2-151134 | CR | 23.401 CR2846R1: Add Location report action into delete bearer procedure | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | TEI12 | Revision of S2-150794. Noted | Noted |
5.1 | S2-150801 | CR | 23.060 CR1950R1: Correcting SM re-activation attempts at PLMN change when only one IP version is supported by the network. | TeliaSonera, Ericsson | Rel-12 | TEI12 | Revision of S2-150163 Approved | Agreed |
5.1 | S2-150802 | CR | 23.060 CR1951R1: Correcting SM re-activation attempts at PLMN change when only one IP version is supported by the network. | TeliaSonera, Ericsson | Rel-13 | TEI12 | Revision of S2-150164 Approved | Agreed |
5.1 | S2-150803 | CR | 23.401 CR2830R1: Correcting SM re-activation attempts at PLMN change when only one IP version is supported by the network. | TeliaSonera, Ericsson | Rel-12 | TEI12 | Revision of S2-150165 Approved | Agreed |
5.1 | S2-150804 | CR | 23.401 CR2831R1: Correcting SM re-activation attempts at PLMN change when only one IP version is supported by the network. | TeliaSonera, Ericsson | Rel-13 | TEI12 | Revision of S2-150166 Approved | Agreed |
5.2 | - | - | QoS and PCC Maintenance | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
5.2 | S2-150754 | CR | 23.203 CR0940R3: Clarifications for QoS change of default bearer | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-12 | TEI12, SAES | Revision of S2-150383. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151206. | Revised |
5.2 | S2-151206 | CR | 23.203 CR0940R4: Clarifications for QoS change of default bearer | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-12 | TEI12, SAES | Revision of S2-150754, merging S2-150771. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151266 | Revised |
5.2 | S2-151266 | CR | 23.203 CR0940R5: Clarifications for QoS change of default bearer | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-12 | TEI12, SAES | Revision of S2-151206. Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.2 | S2-150755 | CR | 23.203 CR0941R3: Clarifications for QoS change of default bearer | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | TEI12, SAES | Revision of S2-150384. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151207. | Revised |
5.2 | S2-151207 | CR | 23.203 CR0941R4: Clarifications for QoS change of default bearer | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | TEI12, SAES | Revision of S2-150755. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151267. | Revised |
5.2 | S2-151267 | CR | 23.203 CR0941R5: Clarifications for QoS change of default bearer | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | TEI12, SAES | Revision of S2-151207. Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.2 | S2-150756 | CR | 23.203 CR0890R7: Priority of Default Bearer | Huawei, Hisilicon, Applied Communication Sciences, OEC | Rel-12 | TEI12, eMPS | different options to consider: use different APNs so that coexistence needs not to be considered, co [...] Revision of S2-150385. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151268. | Revised |
5.2 | S2-151268 | CR | 23.203 CR0890R8: Priority of Default Bearer | Huawei, Hisilicon, Applied Communication Sciences, OEC | Rel-12 | TEI12, eMPS | Revision of S2-150756.. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.2 | S2-150757 | CR | 23.203 CR0905R5: Priority of Default Bearer | Huawei, Hisilicon, Applied Communication Sciences, OEC | Rel-13 | TEI12, eMPS | Revision of S2-150386. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151269. | Revised |
5.2 | S2-151269 | CR | 23.203 CR0905R6: Priority of Default Bearer | Huawei, Hisilicon, Applied Communication Sciences, OEC | Rel-13 | TEI12, eMPS | Revision of S2-150757. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.2 | S2-150771 | CR | 23.203 CR0973: PCRF obligations at Default EPS Bearer QoS change | Ericsson | Rel-12 | TEI12, SAES | Merged into S2-151206 Merged into S2-151206 | Merged |
5.2 | S2-150772 | CR | 23.203 CR0974: PCRF obligations at Default EPS Bearer QoS change | Ericsson | Rel-12 | TEI12, SAES | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.2 | S2-151088 | CR | 23.401 CR2860: MS Info Change Reporting Action at change of Serving Node (MME ?? SGSN): Update of call Flows. | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-12 | CNO_ULI | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151208. | Revised |
5.2 | S2-151208 | CR | 23.401 CR2860R1: MS Info Change Reporting Action at change of Serving Node (MME ?? SGSN): Update of call Flows. | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-12 | CNO_ULI | Revision of S2-151088. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151264. | Revised |
5.2 | S2-151264 | CR | 23.401 CR2860R2: MS Info Change Reporting Action at change of Serving Node (MME ?? SGSN): Update of call Flows. | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-12 | CNO_ULI | Revision of S2-151208. Agreed in parallel sessions. Revised to S2-151416. | Revised |
5.2 | S2-151416 | CR | 23.401 CR2860R3: MS Info Change Reporting Action at change of Serving Node (MME ?? SGSN): Update of call Flows. | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-12 | CNO_ULI | Revision of S2-151264. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.2 | S2-151089 | CR | 23.401 CR2861: MS Info Change Reporting Action at change of Serving Node (MME ?? SGSN): Update of call Flows. | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-13 | CNO_ULI | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151209. | Revised |
5.2 | S2-151209 | CR | 23.401 CR2861R1: MS Info Change Reporting Action at change of Serving Node (MME ?? SGSN): Update of call Flows. | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-13 | CNO_ULI | Revision of S2-151089. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151265. | Revised |
5.2 | S2-151265 | CR | 23.401 CR2861R2: MS Info Change Reporting Action at change of Serving Node (MME ?? SGSN): Update of call Flows. | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-13 | CNO_ULI | Revision of S2-151209. Agreed in parallel sessions. Revised to S2-151417. | Revised |
5.2 | S2-151417 | CR | 23.401 CR2861R3: MS Info Change Reporting Action at change of Serving Node (MME ?? SGSN): Update of call Flows. | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-13 | CNO_ULI | Revision of S2-151265. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.3 | - | - | Non-3GPP Access Maintenance | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
5.3 | S2-150744 | LS In | LS from TSG SA: LS on I-WLAN specification maintenance | TSG SA (SP-150158) | Rel-12 | - | 3GPP webpage shoes action for SA2 that may need a clarification or update Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.3 | S2-150722 | LS In | LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on provision of WLAN identifiers for RAN rule | RAN WG2 (R2-150684) | Rel-12 | UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw-Core | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.3 | S2-150706 | LS In | LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on provision of WLAN identifiers for RAN rule | CT WG1 (C1-150841) | Rel-12 | UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.3 | S2-150819 | CR | 23.402 CR1357: Adding Architecture alternative for S2a | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-12 | WLAN_NS, TEI12 | meeting prefers to do a systematic analysis, which of the theorically possible sceanrios are needed [...] Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.3 | S2-150820 | CR | 23.402 CR1358: Adding Architecture alternative for S2a | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | WLAN_NS, TEI12 | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.4 | - | - | IMS-Related Maintenance | {Gyuri} | - | - | - | - |
5.4 | S2-150741 | LS In | LS from SA WG4: LS reply on codec support in IMS-WebRTC | SA WG4 (S4-150224) | Rel-12 | IMS-WebRTC | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.4 | S2-151306 | LS In | LS from SA WG4: LS on codec support in IMS-WebRTC for WLAN and fixed access | SA WG4 (S4-150401) | Rel-12 | IMS-WebRTC | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.4 | S2-150830 | OTHER | Discussion on Shortening SRVCC HO voice interruption | Huawei, HiSilicon, China Unicom, Intel | Rel-12 | TEI12 | This topic will be further discussed at the next meeting. Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.4 | S2-150831 | CR | 23.216 CR0331: Clarification of CS user plane restoration during SRVCC HO | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel, China Unicom | Rel-12 | TEI12 | Not Handled | - |
5.4 | S2-150889 | CR | 23.216 CR0332: Updating SRVCC operation possible in E-UTRAN | Qualcomm Incorporated, Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151110. | Revised |
5.4 | S2-151110 | CR | 23.216 CR0332R1: Updating SRVCC operation possible in E-UTRAN | Qualcomm Incorporated, Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Revision of S2-150889. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151114. | Revised |
5.4 | S2-151114 | CR | 23.216 CR0332R2: Updating SRVCC operation possible in E-UTRAN | Qualcomm Incorporated, Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Revision of S2-151110. Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.4 | S2-150890 | CR | 23.228 CR1115: Codecs for WebRTC | Qualcomm Incorporated, Telecom Italia, BlackBerry UK Limited, Nokia Networks | Rel-12 | IMS_WebRTC | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151106. | Revised |
5.4 | S2-151106 | CR | 23.228 CR1115R1: Codecs for WebRTC | Qualcomm Incorporated, Telecom Italia, BlackBerry UK Limited, Nokia Networks | Rel-12 | IMS_WebRTC | Revision of S2-150890.. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.4 | S2-150891 | CR | 23.228 CR1116: Codecs for WebRTC | Qualcomm Incorporated, Telecom Italia, BlackBerry UK Limited, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | IMS_WebRTC | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151107. | Revised |
5.4 | S2-151107 | CR | 23.228 CR1116R1: Codecs for WebRTC | Qualcomm Incorporated, Telecom Italia, BlackBerry UK Limited, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | IMS_WebRTC | Revision of S2-150891.. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.4 | S2-150894 | OTHER | Update of SRVCC capability | Qualcomm Incorporated, Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-12 | TEI13 | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.4 | S2-150899 | CR | 23.228 CR1121: Correction of WIC definition | BlackBerry UK Limited | Rel-12 | IMS_WebRTC | Withdrawn in parallel sessions | Withdrawn |
5.4 | S2-150900 | CR | 23.228 CR1122: Correction of WIC definition | BlackBerry UK Limited | Rel-13 | IMS_WebRTC | Withdrawn in parallel sessions | Withdrawn |
5.4 | S2-150952 | CR | 23.228 CR1123: OMR handling of SDP offer-answer exchanges after media path has been selected | Nokia Networks, Ericsson | Rel-10 | OMR | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
5.4 | S2-150953 | CR | 23.228 CR1124: OMR handling of SDP offer-answer exchanges after media path has been selected | Nokia Networks, Ericsson | Rel-11 | OMR | Not Handled | - |
5.4 | S2-150954 | CR | 23.228 CR1125: OMR handling of SDP offer-answer exchanges after media path has been selected | Nokia Networks, Ericsson | Rel-12 | OMR | Not Handled | - |
5.4 | S2-150955 | CR | 23.228 CR1126: OMR handling of SDP offer-answer exchanges after media path has been selected | Nokia Networks, Ericsson | Rel-13 | OMR | Not Handled | - |
5.4 | S2-151082 | CR | 23.228 CR1128: Stage 2 cleanup regarding the WIC registration with a security token | Samsung | Rel-12 | TEI12, IMS_WebRTC | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151108. | Revised |
5.4 | S2-151108 | CR | 23.228 CR1128R1: Stage 2 cleanup regarding the WIC registration with a security token | Samsung | Rel-12 | TEI12, IMS_WebRTC | Revision of S2-151082. Revised to S2-151388. | Revised |
5.4 | S2-151388 | CR | 23.228 CR1128R2: Stage 2 cleanup regarding the WIC registration with a security token | Samsung | Rel-12 | TEI12, IMS_WebRTC | Revision of S2-151108. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.4 | S2-151084 | CR | 23.228 CR1129: Stage 2 cleanup regarding the WIC registration with a security token | Samsung | Rel-13 | TEI12, IMS_WebRTC | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151109. | Revised |
5.4 | S2-151109 | CR | 23.228 CR1129R1: Stage 2 cleanup regarding the WIC registration with a security token | Samsung | Rel-13 | TEI12, IMS_WebRTC | Revision of S2-151084. Revised to S2-151389. | Revised |
5.4 | S2-151389 | CR | 23.228 CR1129R2: Stage 2 cleanup regarding the WIC registration with a security token | Samsung | Rel-13 | TEI12, IMS_WebRTC | Revision of S2-151109. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.5 | - | - | IMS Maintenance | {Gyuri} | - | - | - | - |
5.5 | S2-150833 | CR | 23.292 CR0228: Notify UE conference event package after SRVCC TS 23.292 | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | TEI13, IMS_SCC | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151111. | Revised |
5.5 | S2-151111 | CR | 23.292 CR0228R1: Notify UE conference event package after SRVCC TS 23.292 | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | TEI13, IMS_SCC | Revision of S2-150833. Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.5 | S2-150855 | CR | 23.237 CR0481: Notify UE conference event package after SRVCC TS 23237 | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | TEI13, IMS_SCC | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151112. | Revised |
5.5 | S2-151112 | CR | 23.237 CR0481R1: Notify UE conference event package after SRVCC TS 23237 | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | TEI13, IMS_SCC | Revision of S2-150855. Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.5 | S2-150895 | CR | 23.228 CR1117: Removal of long expired reference to draft-kaplan-enum-sip-routing | BlackBerry | Rel-10 | TEI10 | Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.5 | S2-150896 | CR | 23.228 CR1118: Removal of long expired reference to draft-kaplan-enum-sip-routing | BlackBerry | Rel-11 | TEI10 | Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.5 | S2-150897 | CR | 23.228 CR1119: Removal of long expired reference to draft-kaplan-enum-sip-routing | BlackBerry | Rel-12 | TEI10 | Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
5.5 | S2-150898 | CR | 23.228 CR1120: Removal of long expired reference to draft-kaplan-enum-sip-routing | BlackBerry | Rel-13 | TEI10 | Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.1.1 | - | - | Rel-13 3GPP Pkt Access Maintenance | {Puneet} | - | - | - | - |
6.1.1 | S2-150951 | CR | 23.246 CR0392: MBMS Session Start procedure correction and editorial corrections | China Telecom | Rel-13 | TEI13, MBMS_enh | Revised to S2-151138. | Revised |
6.1.1 | S2-151138 | CR | 23.246 CR0392R1: MBMS Session Start procedure correction and editorial corrections | China Telecom | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Revision of S2-150951. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.1.2 | - | - | Rel-13 PCC/QoS Maintenance | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
6.1.2 | S2-150731 | LS In | LS from TSG RAN: LS on Consequence of RAN WI prioritisation for UPCON work in SA2 | TSG RAN (RP-150514) | Rel-13 | User Plane Congestion management | Recommend to NOTE Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.1.3 | - | - | Rel-13 Non-3GPP Access Maintenance | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
6.1.3 | S2-151095 | LS In | LS from GSMA RiLTE: LS on ePDG selection when UE is roaming | GSMA RiLTE (RILTE 45 Doc_112) | - | Response drafted in S2-151210. Final response in S2-151395 | Response in S2-151395 | |
6.1.3 | S2-151210 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply to LS on ePDG selection when UE is roaming | SA WG2 | - | Response to S2-151095. Revised to S2-151395. | Revised | |
6.1.3 | S2-151395 | LS OUT | Reply LS on ePDG selection | SA WG2 | - | Revision of S2-151210. Approved | Approved | |
6.1.3 | S2-150821 | CR | 23.402 CR1359: Clarification of ePDG selection function | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.1.3 | S2-150849 | CR | 23.402 CR1360: Clarification of Impacts when Gxx is not used for eHRPD Access | China Telecom, Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151211. | Revised |
6.1.3 | S2-151211 | CR | 23.402 CR1360R1: Clarification of Impacts when Gxx is not used for eHRPD Access | China Telecom, Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Revision of S2-150849. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.2 | - | - | Mission Critical Push-to-Talk over LTE (MCPTT) | {Erik} | - | - | - | - |
6.2 | S2-150727 | LS In | LS from RAN WG2: LS reply on support for ProSe one-to-one communication in Release 13 | RAN WG2 (R2-150710) | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-150742 | LS In | LS from SA WG6: LS on support for ProSe one-to-one communication in Release 13 | SA WG6 (S6-150076) | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-150743 | LS In | LS from SA WG6: LS on service continuity | SA WG6 (S6-150100) | Rel-13 | MCPTT, eProSe-Ext | Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-150735 | LS In | LS from SA WG1: LS reply on service continuity | SA WG1 (S1-150296) | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext, MCPTT | Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-151320 | P-CR | Way Forward on service continuity | T-Mobile Austria | - | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-151333. | Revised |
6.2 | S2-151333 | P-CR | Way Forward on service continuity | T-Mobile Austria | - | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-151320. Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-150736 | LS In | LS from SA WG1: LS on MCPTT core items selection | SA WG1 (S1-150340) | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-150982 | OTHER | Consideration for the GCSE_LTE Architecture to include the ProSe UE-Network Relay | U.S. Department of Commerce | Rel-13 | - | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | - | - | Dedicated Core Networks (DECOR) | {Erik} | - | - | - | - |
6.3 | S2-150927 | CR | 23.401 CR2837R3: Introduce the Dedicated Core Network (DECOR) feature | NTT DOCOMO, Huawei | Rel-13 | DECOR | Revision of S2-150651. Revised to S2-151321. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-150781 | CR | 23.401 CR2844: Introduce the Dedicated Core Network (DECOR) feature | Ericsson | Rel-13 | DECOR | Merged into S2-151321 | Merged |
6.3 | S2-151321 | CR | 23.401 CR2837R4: Introduce the Dedicated Core Network (DECOR) feature | NTT DOCOMO, Huawei | Rel-13 | DECOR | Revision of S2-150927, merging S2-150781 and S2-151079. Revised to S2-151371. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-151371 | CR | 23.401 CR2837R5: Introduce the Dedicated Core Network (DECOR) feature | NTT DOCOMO, Huawei | Rel-13 | DECOR | Revision of S2-151321. Revised to S2-151399. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-151399 | CR | 23.401 CR2837R6: Introduce the Dedicated Core Network (DECOR) feature | NTT DOCOMO, Huawei | Rel-13 | DECOR | Revision of S2-151371. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-150796 | CR | 23.401 CR2847: Rerouting when dedicated network is not available | NEC | Rel-13 | DECOR | Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-151079 | CR | 23.401 CR2858: NNSF and initial UE message population | Samsung | Rel-13 | DECOR | Merged into S2-151321 | Merged |
6.3 | S2-150915 | CR | 23.236 CR0051R2: Update of flex spec for DECOR | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | DECOR | Revision of S2-150602. Revised to S2-151322. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-150783 | CR | 23.236 CR0052: Load rebalancing within Dedicated Core Network (DECOR) | Ericsson | Rel-13 | DECOR | Merged into S2-151322 | Merged |
6.3 | S2-151322 | CR | 23.236 CR0051R3: Update of flex spec for DECOR | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | DECOR | Revision of S2-150915, merging S2-150783. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-150782 | CR | 23.060 CR1957: Introduce the Dedicated Core Network (DECOR) feature | Ericsson | Rel-13 | DECOR | Merged into S2-151323 | Merged |
6.3 | S2-150928 | CR | 23.060 CR1953R2: Introduce the Dedicated Core Network (DECOR) feature | NTT DOCOMO, Huawei | Rel-13 | DECOR | Revision of S2-150609. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151323. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-151323 | CR | 23.060 CR1953R3: Introduce the Dedicated Core Network (DECOR) feature | NTT DOCOMO, Huawei | Rel-13 | DECOR | Revision of S2-150928, merging S2-150782. Revised to S2-151372. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-151372 | CR | 23.060 CR1953R4: Introduce the Dedicated Core Network (DECOR) feature | NTT DOCOMO, Huawei | Rel-13 | DECOR | Revision of S2-151323. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-150930 | CR | 23.401 CR2852: Introduce the Dedicated Core Network (DECOR) feature of intra-DECOR offloading | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | - |
6.3 | S2-150916 | CR | 23.401 CR2835R1: Update of load balancing functionality for DECOR | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | DECOR | Revision of S2-150267. Not Handled | - |
6.3 | S2-150921 | OTHER | Discussion on whether DCOR applies to Gn-SGSN | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | - | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-150932 | WID | WID update on DECOR | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-150933 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Request specification of Dedicated Core Network (DECOR) feature | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-150797 | CR | 23.401 CR2848: Correction to the NAS message rerouting | NEC | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | - |
6.3 | S2-150798 | CR | 23.060 CR1958: Correction to the NAS message rerouting | NEC | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | - |
6.3 | S2-151065 | CR | 23.401 CR2855: UE Usage Type clarifications | NEC | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | - |
6.3 | S2-151081 | CR | 23.401 CR2859: Correction in the HSS-initiated CN reselection | Samsung | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | - |
6.3 | S2-150780 | OTHER | Way forward on DECOR | Ericsson | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-150929 | OTHER | Discussion on intra-DECOR offloading | NTT DOCOMO, Huawei | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-151064 | OTHER | Solution for GUTI Sync issue for DECOR | NTT DOCOMO INC. | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-150795 | OTHER | Infinite loop in rerouting to dedicated networks - discussion | NEC | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-150917 | OTHER | Discussion on various aspects | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-151080 | OTHER | Correction in the HSS-initiated CN reselection | Samsung | Rel-13 | DECOR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.4 | - | - | IP Flow Mobility support for S2a and S2b interfaces (NBIFOM) | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
6.4 | S2-150766 | P-CR | NBIFOM operation Modes | Verizon, Oracle | - | NBIFOM | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151224. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151224 | P-CR | NBIFOM operation Modes | Verizon, Oracle | - | NBIFOM | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.4 | S2-150784 | P-CR | Handling of UE-initiated and NW-initiated NBIFOM modes | Ericsson, Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151225. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151225 | P-CR | Handling of UE-initiated and NW-initiated NBIFOM modes | Ericsson, Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-150784. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151251. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151251 | P-CR | Handling of UE-initiated and NW-initiated NBIFOM modes | Ericsson, Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-151225. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-150969 | P-CR | Handling of UE-initiated and NW-initiated NBIFOM modes | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell, Verizon, Broadcom Corporation | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.4 | S2-150912 | P-CR | Consideration on 'WLAN offloadability' indication provided via NAS | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.4 | S2-150913 | P-CR | NBIFOM Suspend/Resume Procedures | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.4 | S2-150914 | P-CR | Co-existence with RAN rule solution in case of an access loss | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.4 | S2-150835 | P-CR | Solution to the FFS related to SCM | CATT, ZTE, Broadcom Corporation | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Merged into S2-151226 Merged into S2-151226 | Merged |
6.4 | S2-151039 | P-CR | Support of NB_IFOM for S2a SCM | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151226. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151226 | P-CR | Support of NB_IFOM for S2a SCM | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-151039. Revised to S2-151390. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151390 | P-CR | Support of NB_IFOM for S2a SCM | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-151226. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-150834 | P-CR | Discussion of the UE-initiated NBIFOM | CATT | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.4 | S2-150817 | P-CR | Cleanup of the Loss of an Access from a PDN Connection | Huawei, HiSilicon, China Telecom | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151227. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151227 | P-CR | Cleanup of the Loss of an Access from a PDN Connection | Huawei, HiSilicon, China Telecom | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-150817. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151277. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151277 | P-CR | Cleanup of the Loss of an Access from a PDN Connection | Huawei, HiSilicon, China Telecom | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-151227. Revised to S2-151391. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151391 | P-CR | Cleanup of the Loss of an Access from a PDN Connection | Huawei, HiSilicon, China Telecom | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-151277. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-150987 | P-CR | Conclusions for indication of 3GPP access loss in SCM | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151228. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151228 | P-CR | Conclusions for indication of 3GPP access loss in SCM | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-150987. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151278. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151278 | P-CR | Conclusions for indication of 3GPP access loss in SCM | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-151228.. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-150818 | P-CR | NBIFOM Indications in Call Flows | Huawei, HiSilicon, China Telecom | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Merged into S2-151252. Merged into S2-151252. | Merged |
6.4 | S2-150851 | P-CR | Conclusion for keeping 'Handover Indication' in the enhanced handover procedure when adding addition access to multi-access PDN connection | ZTE, Huawei(?), HiSilicon(?) | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Merged into S2-151252. Merged into S2-151252. | Merged |
6.4 | S2-150861 | P-CR | Resolving the Default access negotiation and determination | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.4 | S2-150848 | P-CR | Consideration of PCO vs. APCO for S2b NBIFOM parameters Transport (Open issue 5) | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151254. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151254 | P-CR | Consideration of PCO vs. APCO for S2b NBIFOM parameters Transport (Open issue 5) | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-150848. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-150850 | P-CR | Conclusions for App ID Support | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151255. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151255 | P-CR | Conclusions for App ID Support | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-150850. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151270. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151270 | P-CR | Conclusions for App ID Support | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-151255. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-150853 | P-CR | Conclusions for NBIFOM Open Issues 6 and 7 | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151229. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151229 | P-CR | Conclusions for NBIFOM Open Issues 6 and 7 | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-150853. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151279. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151279 | P-CR | Conclusions for NBIFOM Open Issues 6 and 7 | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-151229. Revised to S2-151392. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151392 | P-CR | Conclusions for NBIFOM Open Issues 6 and 7 | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-151279. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-150852 | P-CR | Miscellaneous NBIFOM Editor's Notes Cleanup | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-150996 | P-CR | Removing alternatives from S2a call flows | Apple Inc., Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | NBIFOM-SA2TR | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151252. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151252 | P-CR | Removing alternatives from S2a call flows | Apple Inc., Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | NBIFOM-SA2TR | Revision of S2-150996, merging S2-150818 and S2-150851. Revised to S2-151393. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151393 | P-CR | Removing alternatives from S2a call flows | Apple Inc., Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | NBIFOM-SA2TR | Revision of S2-151252. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-150984 | P-CR | Removing alternatives from S2b call flows | Apple Inc. | Rel-13 | NBIFOM-SA2TR | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151253. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151253 | P-CR | Removing alternatives from S2b call flows | Apple Inc. | Rel-13 | NBIFOM-SA2TR | Revision of S2-150984.. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-150862 | P-CR | Conclusion for NBIFOM study in Rel-13 | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151256. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151256 | P-CR | Conclusion for NBIFOM study in Rel-13 | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-150862. Revised to S2-151394. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-151394 | P-CR | Conclusion for NBIFOM study in Rel-13 | ZTE | Rel-13 | NBIFOM | Revision of S2-151256. Approved | Approved |
6.5 | - | - | Architecture Enhancements for Service Exposure (AESE) | {Puneet} | - | - | - | - |
6.5 | S2-150867 | P-CR | Architectural Considerations | NTT DOCOMO, AT&T, Alcatel-Lucent, Intel | Rel-13 | AESE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151238. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151238 | P-CR | Architectural Considerations | NTT DOCOMO, AT&T, Alcatel-Lucent, Intel | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-150867.. Approved | Approved |
6.5 | S2-150758 | P-CR | Solution update for setting up an AS session with required QoS | Huawei, HiSilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Intel | Rel-13 | AESE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151222. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151222 | P-CR | Solution update for setting up an AS session with required QoS | Huawei, HiSilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Intel | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-150758. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151236. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151236 | P-CR | Solution update for setting up an AS session with required QoS | Huawei, HiSilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Intel | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-151222, merging S2-150827. Revised in S2-151140. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151140 | P-CR | Solution update for setting up an AS session with required QoS | Huawei, HiSilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Intel, China Mobile | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-151236. Revised to S2-151405. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151405 | P-CR | Solution update for setting up an AS session with required QoS | Huawei, HiSilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Intel, China Mobile | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-151140. Approved | Approved |
6.5 | S2-150827 | P-CR | Solution 3 Clarification | China Mobile | Rel-13 | AESE | Merged with S2-151222 Merged with S2-151222 into to S2-151236. | Merged |
6.5 | S2-150759 | P-CR | Solution update for change of chargeable party | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | AESE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151239. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151239 | P-CR | Solution update for change of chargeable party | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-150759. Revised to S2-151406. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151406 | P-CR | Solution update for change of chargeable party | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-151239. Approved | Approved |
6.5 | S2-150937 | P-CR | Solution 4 - Corrections and Evaluation | Alcatel-Lucent, Intel | Rel-13 | - | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.5 | S2-150813 | P-CR | Predictable UE communication pattern | Ericsson | Rel-13 | AESE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151223. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151223 | P-CR | Predictable UE communication pattern | Ericsson | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-150813. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151237. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151237 | P-CR | Predictable UE communication pattern | Ericsson | Rel-13 | AESE | Conclusion of S2-151257 is updated to capture this solution. In this release the solution is applica [...] Revision of S2-151223. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.5 | S2-150840 | P-CR | Options for delivering network parameters to correct MME | CATT | Rel-13 | AESE | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.5 | S2-150841 | P-CR | Optimize EPS bearer management using communication patterns | CATT | Rel-13 | AESE | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.5 | S2-150871 | P-CR | AESE - Solution 5 Corrections and Evaluations | NEC | Rel-13 | AESE | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.5 | S2-150938 | P-CR | AESE - Solution 5 Corrections and Evaluations | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | - | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.5 | S2-150760 | P-CR | Solution update for informing about UE's connection properties | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | AESE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151240. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151240 | P-CR | Solution update for informing about UE's connection properties | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-150760.. Approved | Approved |
6.5 | S2-150939 | P-CR | AESE - Solution 6 Evaluation | Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco Systems Inc | Rel-13 | - | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151241. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151241 | P-CR | AESE - Solution 6 Evaluation | Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco Systems Inc | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-150939. Revised to S2-151141. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151141 | P-CR | AESE - Solution 6 Evaluation | Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco Systems Inc | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-151241. Approved | Approved |
6.5 | S2-150761 | P-CR | Solution update for background data transfer | Huawei, HiSilicon, NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | AESE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151242. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151242 | P-CR | Solution update for background data transfer | Huawei, HiSilicon, NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-150761. Revised to S2-151142. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151142 | P-CR | Solution update for background data transfer | Huawei, HiSilicon, NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-151242. Revised to S2-151407. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151407 | P-CR | Solution update for background data transfer | Huawei, HiSilicon, NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-151142. Revised to S2-151426. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151426 | P-CR | Solution update for background data transfer | Huawei, HiSilicon, NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | AESE | Revision of S2-151407. Approved | Approved |
6.5 | S2-150940 | P-CR | AESE - Solution 8 Evaluation | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | - | Check status after concluding on S2-151242 Reviewed in parallel sessions. WITHDRAWN | Withdrawn |
6.5 | S2-150942 | P-CR | AESE - Conclusions | Alcatel-Lucent, Intel | Rel-13 | - | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151257. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151257 | P-CR | AESE - Conclusions | Alcatel-Lucent, Intel | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-150942, merging S2-151071. Revised to S2-151404. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151404 | P-CR | AESE - Conclusions | Alcatel-Lucent, Intel | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-151257. Revised to S2-151427. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-151427 | P-CR | AESE - Conclusions | Alcatel-Lucent, Intel | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-151404. Approved | Approved |
6.5 | S2-151071 | P-CR | Conclusion for key issue 6 | China Mobile | - | AESE | Proposed conclusion is agreed. Content will be merged into 1257 Merged into S2-151257 | Merged |
6.5 | S2-150868 | P-CR | Clause 5 update | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | AESE | Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.5 | S2-150941 | P-CR | AESE - Evaluation | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | - | Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.5 | S2-151045 | TR COVER | Cover Sheet for TR 23.708 for Approval at TSG SA | AESE Rapporteurs (Intel) | Rel-13 | AESE | Noted | Noted |
6.5 | S2-151235 | OTHER | AESE drafting session report | AESE Rapporteurs (Intel) | Rel-13 | AESE | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.6 | - | - | Monitoring Enhancements (MONTE) | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
6.6 | S2-150877 | CR | 23.682 CR0099: Architectural updates for Monitoring feature | Intel, Alcatel-Lucent, Huawei | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151212. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151212 | CR | 23.682 CR0099R1: Architectural updates for Monitoring feature | Intel, Alcatel-Lucent, Huawei | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-150877. Approved | Agreed |
6.6 | S2-150936 | CR | 23.002 CR0283: Introducing HSS-SCEF and MME/SGSN-SCEF Reference Points | Intel, Huawei, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151213. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151213 | CR | 23.002 CR0283R1: Introducing HSS-SCEF and MME/SGSN-SCEF Reference Points | Intel, Huawei, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-150936. Revised to S2-151271. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151271 | CR | 23.002 CR0283R2: Introducing HSS-SCEF and MME/SGSN-SCEF Reference Points | Intel, Huawei, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-151213. Approved | Agreed |
6.6 | S2-150878 | CR | 23.682 CR0100: Monitoring Feature Description | Intel, Huawei, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151214. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151214 | CR | 23.682 CR0100R1: Monitoring Feature Description | Intel, Huawei, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-150878. Revised to S2-151272. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151272 | CR | 23.682 CR0100R2: Monitoring Feature Description | Intel, Huawei, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-151214. Revised to S2-151408. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151408 | CR | 23.682 CR0100R3: Monitoring Feature Description | Intel, Huawei, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-151272. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.6 | S2-150752 | CR | 23.682 CR0093: Monitoring via PCRF | Ericsson | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151215. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151215 | CR | 23.682 CR0093R1: Monitoring via PCRF | Ericsson | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-150752. Revised to S2-151273. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151273 | CR | 23.682 CR0093R2: Monitoring via PCRF | Ericsson | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-151215. Revised to S2-151409. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151409 | CR | 23.682 CR0093R3: Monitoring via PCRF | Ericsson | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-151273. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.6 | S2-150879 | CR | 23.060 CR1961: Support for Monitoring Events | Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151216. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151216 | CR | 23.060 CR1961R1: Support for Monitoring Events | Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-150879. Revised to S2-151274. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151274 | CR | 23.060 CR1961R2: Support for Monitoring Events | Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-151216.. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.6 | S2-150880 | CR | 23.401 CR2851: Support for Monitoring Events | Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151217. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151217 | CR | 23.401 CR2851R1: Support for Monitoring Events | Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-150880. Revised to S2-151275. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151275 | CR | 23.401 CR2851R2: Support for Monitoring Events | Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-151217.. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.6 | S2-150869 | OTHER | Reflections on monitoring events from MME | Ericsson | Rel-13 | MONTE | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.6 | S2-150875 | CR | 23.682 CR0097: Introduction of monitoring procedures | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151218. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151218 | CR | 23.682 CR0097R1: Introduction of monitoring procedures | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-150875. Revised to S2-151276. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151276 | CR | 23.682 CR0097R2: Introduction of monitoring procedures | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-151218. Noted. This will be used as a basis for future work. | Noted |
6.6 | S2-150872 | CR | 23.682 CR0096: Update to PSM to support monitoring events | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151219. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151219 | CR | 23.682 CR0096R1: Update to PSM to support monitoring events | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-150872. Revised to S2-151410. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151410 | CR | 23.682 CR0096R2: Update to PSM to support monitoring events | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-151219. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.6 | S2-150873 | CR | 23.401 CR2850: Update to PSM to support monitoring events | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151220. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151220 | CR | 23.401 CR2850R1: Update to PSM to support monitoring events | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-150873. Revised to S2-151411. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151411 | CR | 23.401 CR2850R2: Update to PSM to support monitoring events | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-151220. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.6 | S2-150874 | CR | 23.060 CR1960: Update to PSM to support monitoring events | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151221. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151221 | CR | 23.060 CR1960R1: Update to PSM to support monitoring events | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-150874. Revised to S2-151412. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-151412 | CR | 23.060 CR1960R2: Update to PSM to support monitoring events | Huawei, HiSilicon, Intel | Rel-13 | MONTE | Revision of S2-151221. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.6 | S2-151012 | OTHER | Alternative proposal for monitoring event configuration procedure to cover removal/replace | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | MONTE | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.6 | S2-150876 | CR | 23.682 CR0098: Introduction of monitoring event removal and recall procedures | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | MONTE | Not Handled | - |
6.7 | - | - | Group based Enhancements (GROUPE) | {Ivano} | - | - | - | - |
6.7 | S2-150943 | P-CR | GROUPE Conclusions | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Merged into S2-151156. Merged into S2-151156 | Merged |
6.7 | S2-150717 | LS In | LS from TSG GERAN: Reply LS on MBMS for Message delivery to Group of devices | TSG GERAN (GP-150313) | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.7 | S2-150979 | P-CR | GROUPE Conclusions | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Can we merge this paper into a revision of S2-150943? Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151156. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151156 | P-CR | GROUPE Conclusions | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-150979, merging S2-150943. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151191. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151191 | P-CR | GROUPE Conclusions | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-151156. Approved | Approved |
6.7 | S2-150944 | P-CR | Remove Editor's Notes | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151157. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151157 | P-CR | Remove Editor's Notes | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-150944. Approved | Approved |
6.7 | S2-151005 | P-CR | Clarification on MBMS based solution | ZTE | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Change already considered in normative CRs. Merged into S2-151174. Merged into S2-151174. | Merged |
6.7 | S2-151158 | P-CR | Clarification on MBMS based solution | ZTE | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Withdrawn in parallel sessions | Withdrawn |
6.7 | S2-151078 | P-CR | Cleanup for Solution: Use of MBMS for Group Message Delivery | Samsung | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Change already considered in normative CRs Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151174. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151174 | P-CR | Cleanup for Solution: Use of MBMS for Group Message Delivery | Samsung | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-151078, merging S2-151005. Revised to S2-151415. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151415 | P-CR | Cleanup for Solution: Use of MBMS for Group Message Delivery | Samsung | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-151174. Approved | Approved |
6.7 | S2-150844 | OTHER | Cover Sheet for TR 23.769 for Approval at TSG SA | GROUPE Rapporteurs (Huawei) | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151159. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151159 | TR COVER | Cover Sheet for TR 23.769 for Approval at TSG SA | GROUPE Rapporteurs (Huawei) | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-150844. Revised to S2-151413. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151413 | TR COVER | Cover Sheet for TR 23.769 for Approval at TSG SA | GROUPE Rapporteurs (Huawei) | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-151159. Approved | Approved |
6.7 | S2-150842 | CR | 23.682 CR0094: Group message delivery function and procedure | Huawei, Hisilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Samsung, KPN | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Discussed in conference call before the meeting Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151160. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151160 | CR | 23.682 CR0094R1: Group message delivery function and procedure | Huawei, Hisilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Samsung, KPN | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-150842. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151192. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151192 | CR | 23.682 CR0094R2: Group message delivery function and procedure | Huawei, Hisilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Samsung, KPN | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-151160. Revised to S2-151414. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151414 | CR | 23.682 CR0094R3: Group message delivery function and procedure | Huawei, Hisilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Samsung, KPN | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-151192. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.7 | S2-150843 | CR | 23.682 CR0095: Architecture update for GROUPE | Huawei, Hisilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Intel | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Discussed in conference call before the meeting. Potential need to rename the reference points bet [...] Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.7 | S2-150983 | CR | 23.401 CR2853: MCC CR Implementation correction: Group specific NAS Level congestion control | MCC | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Agreed in parallel sessions. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.7 | S2-150810 | CR | 23.060 CR1959: Identity used in NAS level congestion control | Ericsson | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Noted | Noted |
6.7 | S2-150811 | CR | 23.401 CR2849: Identity used in NAS level congestion control | Ericsson | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Noted | Noted |
6.7 | S2-150767 | CR | 23.401 CR2843: APN and group specific NAS Level congestion control | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Discussed in conference call before the meeting Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151172. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151172 | CR | 23.401 CR2843R1: APN and group specific NAS Level congestion control | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-150767. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151193. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151193 | CR | 23.401 CR2843R2: APN and group specific NAS Level congestion control | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-151172. Approved | Agreed |
6.7 | S2-150768 | CR | 23.060 CR1956: APN and group specific NAS level congestion control | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Discussed in conference call before the meeting Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151173. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151173 | CR | 23.060 CR1956R1: APN and group specific NAS level congestion control | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-150768. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151194. | Revised |
6.7 | S2-151194 | CR | 23.060 CR1956R2: APN and group specific NAS level congestion control | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Revision of S2-151173. Approved | Agreed |
6.7 | S2-151068 | CR | 23.401 CR2856: Group based NAS Level congestion control for multiple APNs | NEC | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.7 | S2-151069 | CR | 23.060 CR1964: Group based NAS Level congestion control for multiple APNs | NEC | Rel-13 | GROUPE | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.7 | S2-150945 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on APIs for using MBMS | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | - | It was decided to wait till SA WG2#109 to send a consolidated answer to OMA taking into account work [...] Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.9 | - | - | Enhancements to WEBRTC interoperability (eWebRTCi) | {Ivano} | - | - | - | - |
6.9 | S2-150958 | OTHER | Potential reduction of scope of the WID | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.9 | S2-150974 | P-CR | Reduction of eWebRTCi scope | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | eWebRTCi | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151151. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151151 | P-CR | Reduction of eWebRTCi scope | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-150974. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.9 | S2-150734 | LS In | LS from SA WG1: Reply LS on end-to-end WebRTC-IMS security | SA WG1 (S1-150212) | Rel-13 | WebRTC | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.9 | S2-150737 | LS In | LS from SA WG3: LS on end-to-end WebRTC-IMS security | SA WG3 (S3-151162) | Rel-13 | WebRTC | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.9 | S2-150970 | P-CR | Clarification on Solution 1 in 5.2: forking | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | eWebRTCi | Solution 1 update Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.9 | S2-150971 | P-CR | Clarification on Solution 1 in 5.2: routing of terminating sessions | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | eWebRTCi | Solution 1 update Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.9 | S2-150972 | P-CR | Clarification on Solution 1 in 5.2: scalability and service resiliency | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | eWebRTCi | Solution 1 update Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151152. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151152 | P-CR | Clarification on Solution 1 in 5.2: scalability and service resiliency | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-150972.. Approved | Approved |
6.9 | S2-150747 | P-CR | Enhancements to Solution 2 | Ericsson | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Solution 2 update Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151153. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151153 | P-CR | Enhancements to Solution 2 | Ericsson | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-150747. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.9 | S2-150959 | P-CR | Resiliency Aspects for Solution 3 | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Solution 3 update Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.9 | S2-151008 | P-CR | Clarification to the solution 4 | ZTE | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Solution 4 update Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151167. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151167 | P-CR | Clarification to the solution 4 | ZTE | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-151008. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.9 | S2-150749 | P-CR | High Level Solution 2 Description | Ericsson | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Updates the high level description of solution 2 in the evaluation section Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.9 | S2-150956 | P-CR | High Level Description Solution 3 | Nokia Networks, Huawei | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Updates the high level description of solution 3 in the evaluation section Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.9 | S2-150957 | P-CR | Support of Procedures requiring the IMSI | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Resolves an editor's note in the high level description of solutions Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.9 | S2-150973 | P-CR | Evaluation Criteria For Solution 5.2.1 | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | eWebRTCi | Evaluation criteria for solution 1 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151168. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151168 | P-CR | Evaluation Criteria For Solution 5.2.1 | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-150973. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151195. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151195 | P-CR | Evaluation Criteria For Solution 5.2.1 | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | eWebRTCi | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.9 | S2-150748 | P-CR | Evaluation Criteria For Solution 2 | Ericsson | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Evaluation criteria for solution 2 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151169. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151169 | P-CR | Evaluation Criteria For Solution 2 | Ericsson | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-150748. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151197. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151197 | P-CR | Evaluation Criteria For Solution 2 | Ericsson | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.9 | S2-150960 | P-CR | Evaluation of Solution 3 +5 | Nokia Networks, Huawei | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Evaluation criteria for solution 3+5 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151170. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151170 | P-CR | Evaluation of Solution 3 +5 | Nokia Networks, Huawei | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-150960. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151198. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151198 | P-CR | Evaluation of Solution 3 +5 | Nokia Networks, Huawei | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.9 | S2-150963 | P-CR | Evaluation Comparison of Solutions in Section 5 | T-Mobile USA | Rel-13 | - | Evaluation of solutions 1+4, 2 and 3+5. Overlapping with S2-150973, S2-150748 and S2-150960. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151171. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151171 | P-CR | Evaluation Comparison of Solutions in Section 5 | T-Mobile USA | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-150963. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151196. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151196 | P-CR | Evaluation Comparison of Solutions in Section 5 | T-Mobile USA | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-151171. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.9 | S2-151187 | P-CR | Conclusions for key issue 1 | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Solution 3 was endorsed. Approved | Approved |
6.9 | S2-150908 | P-CR | Further description on avoiding SRVCC trigger | Samsung | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Solution 2 update. It was agreed that it is not possible to assume that WebRTC will not use the IMS [...] Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.9 | S2-151007 | P-CR | Discussion on the how to avoid SRVCC | ZTE | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Solution 2 update and proposed conclusion. Option 7 as proposed in this P-CR is endorsed. This will [...] Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151184. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151184 | P-CR | Discussion on the how to avoid SRVCC | ZTE | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-151007. Revised to S2-151385. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151385 | P-CR | Discussion on the how to avoid SRVCC | ZTE | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-151184. Revised to S2-151428. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151428 | P-CR | Discussion on the how to avoid SRVCC | ZTE | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-151385. Approved | Approved |
6.9 | S2-151090 | P-CR | Avoiding SRVCC in case of webRTC calls | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | eWebRTCi | Solution 2 update and proposed conclusion Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.9 | S2-150885 | P-CR | Reference update | China Mobile | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.9 | S2-151009 | P-CR | Way forward on the key issue - Architectural aspects for minimizing the need for bearer level protocol conversion | ZTE | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Proposal to select solution 2. It was agreed to conclude that solution 2 is selected subject to con [...] Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151185. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151185 | P-CR | Way forward on the key issue - Architectural aspects for minimizing the need for bearer level protocol conversion | ZTE | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-151009. Revised to S2-151386. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151386 | P-CR | Way forward on the key issue - Architectural aspects for minimizing the need for bearer level protocol conversion | ZTE | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-151185. Approved | Approved |
6.9 | S2-151186 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Request confirmation on OMR-based solution for end-to-end transparent media in eWebRTCi | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Revised to S2-151387. | Revised |
6.9 | S2-151387 | LS OUT | LS on OMR-based solution for end-to-end transparent media in eWebRTCi | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | eWebRTCi | Revision of S2-151186. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | - | - | Extended Proximity-based Services TR Phase (eProSe-Ext-SA2TR) | {Erik} | - | - | - | - |
6.10 | S2-150721 | LS In | LS from RAN WG1: Response LS on public safety discovery | RAN WG1 (R1-150948) | Rel-13 | eProSe-EXT | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-150886 | P-CR | Obtaining ProSe Discovery info Public Safety discovery | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-151061 | P-CR | Fixes to Public Safety Discovery procedures | Intel | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revised to S2-151312. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151312 | P-CR | Fixes to Public Safety Discovery procedures | Intel | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-151061, merging S2-150824. Revised to S2-151375. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151375 | P-CR | Fixes to Public Safety Discovery procedures | Intel | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-151312. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-151021 | P-CR | Use of Group Info/Connectivity Info in UE2NW Relay discovery | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revised to S2-151313. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151313 | P-CR | Use of Group Info/Connectivity Info in UE2NW Relay discovery | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-151021. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-150773 | P-CR | Updates to Annex on PC5 interface | Ericsson | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revised to S2-151314. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151314 | P-CR | Updates to Annex on PC5 interface | Ericsson | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-150773. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-150799 | P-CR | Proposed assumption for ProSe Service Continuity | Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson, Huawei, U.S. Department of Commerce | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-151060 | P-CR | Way forward on ProSe service continuity | Intel, Alcatel-Lucent, BlackBerry UK Ltd | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-150837 | P-CR | IP address preservation | CATT | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-150787 | P-CR | ProSe UE to network Relay & Service continuity solution | Ericsson | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-150822 | P-CR | Service Continuity for ProSe | Huawei | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-150995 | P-CR | Support of Session Continuity with UE-Network Relays | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | - | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-151010 | P-CR | Service Continuity via a ProSe UE-to-Network Relay | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-151029 | P-CR | Way forward on ProSe communications Priority | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Intel | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.10 | S2-150892 | P-CR | ProSe Group Priority | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.10 | S2-150893 | P-CR | ProSe QoS | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.10 | S2-150823 | P-CR | Solution for ProSe Group Priority | Huawei | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.10 | S2-150812 | P-CR | Group Priority | Ericsson | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.10 | S2-150881 | P-CR | ProSe Response Code Returned by Network in Model B Discovery | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-150923 | P-CR | Conclusions for Model B discovery | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-150882 | P-CR | Conclusion Supplements on ProSe Restricted Discovery | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revised to S2-151328. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151328 | P-CR | Conclusion Supplements on ProSe Restricted Discovery | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-150882. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-151016 | P-CR | Authorisation update: Additional info in context of announcing UE | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-150836 | P-CR | ProSe Discovery UE ID update | CATT | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revised to S2-151329. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151329 | P-CR | ProSe Discovery UE ID update | CATT | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-150836. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-151017 | P-CR | Correction to Monitor request procedure with application controlled extension | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revised to S2-151330. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151330 | P-CR | Correction to Monitor request procedure with application controlled extension | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-151017. Revised to S2-151374. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151374 | P-CR | Correction to Monitor request procedure with application controlled extension | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-151330. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-150770 | OTHER | Discussion of Match report issue for User permission change | Acer Incorporated, ITRI | - | - | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-151048 | P-CR | Changes to content of Connectivity Info for UE-to-Network Relay Discovery | ITRI | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Resubmission of S2-150314. Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-150824 | P-CR | Update of Group Info | Huawei | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Merged into S2-151312 | Merged |
6.10 | S2-150829 | P-CR | eMBMS traffic relay enhancement | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-150990 | P-CR | Update of the solution using IP multicast in the UE-to-NW Relay | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | - | Revised to S2-151335. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151073 | P-CR | Resolution of Editor's note in clause | Intel | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Merged into S2-151335 | Merged |
6.10 | S2-151033 | P-CR | Resolve FFS for IP Multicast on Relay | HTC | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Merged into S2-151335 | Merged |
6.10 | S2-151335 | P-CR | Update of the solution using IP multicast in the UE-to-NW Relay | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-150990, merging S2-151073 and S2-151033. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-150998 | P-CR | Corrections in ProSe UE-NW Relay discovery | Nokia Networks, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | - | Revised to S2-151336. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151336 | P-CR | Corrections in ProSe UE-NW Relay discovery | Nokia Networks, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-150998. Revised to S2-151376. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151376 | P-CR | Corrections in ProSe UE-NW Relay discovery | Nokia Networks, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-151336. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-151032 | P-CR | Resolve FFS for UE-to-Network Relay Discovery | HTC | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revised to S2-151337. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-150925 | P-CR | UE-to-Network Relay conclusions | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Partially merged into S2-151337 | Merged |
6.10 | S2-151337 | P-CR | Resolve FFS for UE-to-Network Relay Discovery | HTC | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-151032, merging S2-150925. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-151054 | P-CR | DL data transmission from an AS to an out-of-network coverage PS terminal via UE-Network Relay | ITRI | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.10 | S2-150828 | P-CR | ProSe Open Discovery Enhancement for Dynamic Metadata | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revised to S2-151331. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151331 | P-CR | ProSe Open Discovery Enhancement for Dynamic Metadata | Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-150828, merging parts of S2-150924. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-150924 | P-CR | Metadata upload for Open and Restricted Discovery | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Merge into S2-150828? Resubmission of S2-150116. Partially merged into S2-151331. Revised to S2-151332. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151332 | P-CR | Metadata upload for Restricted Discovery | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-150924. Revised to S2-151342. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151342 | P-CR | Metadata upload for Restricted Discovery | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-151332. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-150922 | P-CR | New UE-initiated update procedures for Open Direct Discovery | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revised to S2-151343. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151343 | P-CR | New UE-initiated update procedures for Open Direct Discovery | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-150922. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-151019 | P-CR | Inform monitoring UE of PLMNs to monitor | Samsung | - | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-151037 | P-CR | Proposals for Open ProSe Direct Discovery Enhancement | HTC | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.10 | S2-150926 | P-CR | Proximity estimation | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Resubmission of S2-150130. Revised to S2-151344. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151344 | P-CR | Proximity estimation | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-150926. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-151028 | P-CR | Coarse proximity estimation | Deutsche Telekom | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revised to S2-151345. | Revised |
6.10 | S2-151345 | P-CR | Coarse proximity estimation | Deutsche Telekom | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-151028. Approved | Approved |
6.10 | S2-151050 | P-CR | Enhanced proximity estimation with logged location information | NEC | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-151011 | P-CR | Radio resource usage for Stateless ProSe UE-to-UE Relay | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-151058 | P-CR | Stateful ProSe UE-to-UE Relay | Intel | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-151030 | P-CR | Way forward on UE to UE relays | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Merge with S2-151070? Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-151353 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Status of UE-UE relays in SA WG2 | SA WG2 | - | eProSe-Ext-SA WG2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.10 | S2-151070 | P-CR | Conclusions on ProSe UE-to-UE Relay | Intel | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.10 | S2-151057 | P-CR | Remove FFS in Clause 7.4.4 | ITRI | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Merge with S2-151070? Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.10 | S2-150883 | P-CR | Proposals for Service Authorization Enhancement | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.10 | S2-151018 | P-CR | Destination address for one-to-one communication | Samsung | - | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.10 | S2-151059 | P-CR | Layer-2 ID Uniqueness for One-to-One Direct Communication | ITRI | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Resubmission of S2-150315. Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.12 | - | - | Optimizations to Support High Latency Communications (FS_HLCom) | {Ivano} | - | - | - | - |
6.12 | S2-150777 | OTHER | Discussion on High Latency communication | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | It was agreed that a solution based on buffering at the SGW shall be specified in Rel-13. Solution 2 [...] Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.12 | S2-151022 | P-CR | Proposal for evaluation categorization for Scenario A of FS_HLCom | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.12 | S2-151035 | OTHER | FS_HLCom conclusion | Intel | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.12 | S2-150778 | P-CR | Conclusions for HL_Com | Ericsson, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151176. | Revised |
6.12 | S2-151176 | P-CR | Conclusions for HL_Com | Ericsson, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Revision of S2-150778. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151190. | Revised |
6.12 | S2-151190 | P-CR | Conclusions for HL_Com | Ericsson, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Revision of S2-151176. Revised to S2-151401. | Revised |
6.12 | S2-151401 | P-CR | Conclusions for HL_Com | Ericsson, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Revision of S2-151190. Revised to S2-151429. | Revised |
6.12 | S2-151429 | P-CR | Conclusions for HL_Com | Ericsson, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Revision of S2-151401. Approved | Approved |
6.12 | S2-151038 | P-CR | FS_HLCom conclusion (pCR) | Intel | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.12 | S2-151154 | DISCUSSION | Evaluation of "ePSM" proposal in FS_Hlcom | Qualcomm Incorporated, LGE | Rel-13 | FS_Hlcom | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.12 | S2-150947 | P-CR | Solution 1 - Impacts and Evaluation | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | - | Solution 1 Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.12 | S2-150779 | P-CR | Clean-up on HL_Com TR | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Solution 2, 3 and 4. Might require early consideration because it is proposing a new notification a [...] Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151155. Solution 3 merged into S2-151178. Solution 2 merged into S2-1???? | Revised |
6.12 | S2-151155 | P-CR | Clean-up on HL_Com TR | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Revision of S2-150779. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151188. | Revised |
6.12 | S2-151188 | P-CR | Clean-up on HL_Com TR | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Revision of S2-151155. Approved | Approved |
6.12 | S2-151046 | P-CR | On MME control on number of DL packets to be stored in SGW | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Solution 2 Resubmission of S2-150352. Merged into S2-151155. The MME can provide a hint to the SGW i [...] Resubmission of S2-150352. Merged into S2-151155 | Merged |
6.12 | S2-150870 | P-CR | Solution 2 update | NTT DOCOMO | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Solution 2. Merged into S2-151155. Merged into S2-151155 | Merged |
6.12 | S2-151087 | P-CR | Updating solutions 2 and 6 | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | HLcom | Solution 2 and 6. Might require early consideration because it is proposing to merge solution 6 int [...] Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151175. | Revised |
6.12 | S2-151175 | P-CR | Updating solutions 2 and 6 | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | HLcom | Revision of S2-151087. Merges part of S2-150779. Revised to S2-151402. | Revised |
6.12 | S2-151402 | P-CR | Updating solutions 2 and 6 | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | HLcom | Revision of S2-151175. Approved | Approved |
6.12 | S2-150902 | P-CR | Solution Updates on Solution 3 | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Solution 3 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151178. | Revised |
6.12 | S2-151178 | P-CR | Solution Updates on Solution 3 | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Revision of S2-150902. Merges part of S2-150779 Approved | Approved |
6.12 | S2-150948 | P-CR | HLCom - Solution 4 - add SCEF, additional evaluation text | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | - | Solution 4 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151177. | Revised |
6.12 | S2-151177 | P-CR | HLCom - Solution 4 - add SCEF, additional evaluation text | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-150948. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151189. | Revised |
6.12 | S2-151189 | P-CR | HLCom - Solution 4 - add SCEF, additional evaluation text | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-151177. Revised to S2-151403. | Revised |
6.12 | S2-151403 | P-CR | HLCom - Solution 4 - add SCEF, additional evaluation text | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-151189. Approved | Approved |
6.12 | S2-150903 | P-CR | Solution Updates on Solution 5 | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | FS_HLcom | Solution 5 Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.12 | S2-150949 | P-CR | HLCom - Solution 6 impacts and evaluation | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | - | Solution 6 Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.12 | S2-151031 | P-CR | Closing Editor's notes in Solution 8 | Intel | Rel-13 | - | Solution 8 Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.13 | - | - | Flexible Mobile Service Steering (FMSS) | {Ivano} | - | - | - | - |
6.13 | S2-150815 | P-CR | Reference Version of FMSS TR 23.718 | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FMSS | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.13 | S2-150788 | P-CR | Application reporting functionality for FMSS solution | Cisco, Allot Communications, Huawei, HiSilicon, Sprint, Comverse, Sandvine Incoporated, US cellular, Broadcom Corporation | Rel-13 | FMSS | Proposes a new architectural requirement Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151146. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151146 | P-CR | Application reporting functionality for FMSS solution | Cisco, Allot Communications, Huawei, HiSilicon, Sprint, Comverse, Sandvine Incoporated, US cellular, Broadcom Corporation | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-150788. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151180. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151180 | P-CR | Application reporting functionality for FMSS solution | Cisco, Allot Communications, Huawei, HiSilicon, Sprint, Comverse, Sandvine Incoporated, US cellular, Broadcom Corporation | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151146. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.13 | S2-150785 | P-CR | Updates to solution with policy steering interface | Ericsson, AT&T, KDDI, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | FMSS | Update of solution 1.4 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151147. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151147 | P-CR | Updates to solution with policy steering interface | Ericsson, AT&T, KDDI, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-150785. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151204. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151204 | P-CR | Updates to solution with policy steering interface | Ericsson, AT&T, KDDI, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151147.. Approved | Approved |
6.13 | S2-150791 | P-CR | Procedures, interface details and evaluation details for Sd/Gx based solutions | Allot Communications, Cisco, Huawei, Hisilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, SPRINT, Comverse, Sandvine Incorporated, US Cellular, Broadcom Corporation, Openet Telecom | Rel-13 | FMSS-SA2TR | Update of solutions 1.1 and 1.2 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151148. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151148 | P-CR | Procedures, interface details and evaluation details for Sd/Gx based solutions | Allot Communications, Cisco, Huawei, Hisilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, SPRINT, Comverse, Sandvine Incorporated, US Cellular, Broadcom Corporation, Openet Telecom | Rel-13 | FMSS-SA2TR | Revision of S2-150791. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151181. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151181 | P-CR | Procedures, interface details and evaluation details for Sd/Gx based solutions | Allot Communications, Cisco, Huawei, Hisilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, SPRINT, Comverse, Sandvine Incorporated, US Cellular, Broadcom Corporation, Openet Telecom | Rel-13 | FMSS-SA2TR | Revision of S2-151148. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.13 | S2-151075 | P-CR | A clarification for Gx or Sd based solution | China Unicom, China Telecom, Intel | Rel-13 | FMSS | Update of solutions 1.1 and 1.2. Is this needed or is the concept already clarified in S2-150791? Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.13 | S2-151149 | P-CR | A clarification for Gx or Sd based solution | China Unicom, China Telecom, Intel | Rel-13 | FMSS | Withdrawn in parallel sessions | Withdrawn |
6.13 | S2-150789 | P-CR | Mandatory functionality over the Sd interface | Cisco, Allot Communications, Sprint, Comverse, Sandvine Incoporated, US cellular, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FMSS | Update of solutions 1.1 and 1.2 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151150. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151150 | P-CR | Mandatory functionality over the Sd interface | Cisco, Allot Communications, Sprint, Comverse, Sandvine Incoporated, US cellular, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-150789. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151182. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151182 | P-CR | Mandatory functionality over the Sd interface | Cisco, Allot Communications, Sprint, Comverse, Sandvine Incoporated, US cellular, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151150. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.13 | S2-150790 | P-CR | Enforcement of traffic steering policy | Cisco, Allot Communications, Huawei, HiSilicon, Sprint, Comverse, Sandvine Incoporated, US cellular, Broadcom Corporation, Alcatel-Lucent and Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FMSS | Update of solutions 1.1 and 1.2 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151162. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151162 | P-CR | Enforcement of traffic steering policy | Cisco, Allot Communications, Huawei, HiSilicon, Sprint, Comverse, Sandvine Incoporated, US cellular, Broadcom Corporation, Alcatel-Lucent and Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-150790. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151183. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151183 | P-CR | Enforcement of traffic steering policy | Cisco, Allot Communications, Huawei, HiSilicon, Sprint, Comverse, Sandvine Incoporated, US cellular, Broadcom Corporation, Alcatel-Lucent and Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Openet Telecom | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151162. Revised to S2-151396. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151396 | P-CR | Enforcement of traffic steering policy | Cisco, Allot Communications, Huawei, HiSilicon, Sprint, Comverse, Sandvine Incoporated, US cellular, Broadcom Corporation, Alcatel-Lucent and Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Openet Telecom | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151183. Approved | Approved |
6.13 | S2-150816 | P-CR | Clarification and Evaluation of Policy Based TCF Solution | China Mobile, Broadcom Corporation, CATR, KDDI | Rel-13 | FMSS | Update of solution 1.3. Also adds the evaluation part. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151163. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151163 | P-CR | Clarification and Evaluation of Policy Based TCF Solution | China Mobile, Broadcom Corporation, CATR, KDDI | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-150816. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151199. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151199 | P-CR | Clarification and Evaluation of Policy Based TCF Solution | China Mobile, Broadcom Corporation, CATR, KDDI | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151163. Revised to S2-151397. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151397 | P-CR | Clarification and Evaluation of Policy Based TCF Solution | China Mobile, Broadcom Corporation, CATR, KDDI | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151199. Approved | Approved |
6.13 | S2-150786 | P-CR | Call flows for the solution with service steering policy interface | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FMSS | Call flows for solution 1.4 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151164. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151053 | P-CR | Solution for FMSS: Signalling procedures for supporting traffic steering policy solicitation over St interface | KDDI, ZTE | Rel-13 | FMSS | Call flows for solution 1.4. Overlapping with S2-150786. Merged into S2-151164. Merged into S2-151164. | Merged |
6.13 | S2-151164 | P-CR | Call flows for the solution with service steering policy interface | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-150786, merging S2-151053. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151200. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151200 | P-CR | Call flows for the solution with service steering policy interface | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151164.. Approved | Approved |
6.13 | S2-150905 | P-CR | Update the solution 2.1 of semantics of traffic steering policy in clause 6.2 | China Unicom, Intel | Rel-13 | FMSS | The title is misleading. Call flows for solution 1.4. Overlapping with S2-150786. Can we attempt a m [...] Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.13 | S2-151072 | P-CR | Procedures of TCF Solution | China Mobile, CATR | Rel-13 | FMSS | Call flows for solution 1.3 Revised offline to S2-151161. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151161 | P-CR | Procedures of TCF Solution | China Mobile, CATR | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151072. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151165. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151165 | P-CR | Procedures of TCF Solution | China Mobile, CATR | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151161. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151202. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151202 | P-CR | Procedures of TCF Solution | China Mobile, CATR | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151165.. Approved | Approved |
6.13 | S2-150753 | P-CR | Semantics of the Traffic Steering Policy | Ericsson, AT&T, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | FMSS | New solution Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151166. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151166 | P-CR | Semantics of the Traffic Steering Policy | Ericsson, AT&T, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-150753. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151201. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151201 | P-CR | Semantics of the Traffic Steering Policy | Ericsson, AT&T, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151166. Revised to S2-151398. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151398 | P-CR | Semantics of the Traffic Steering Policy | Ericsson, AT&T, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | FMSS | Revision of S2-151201. Approved | Approved |
6.13 | S2-151055 | P-CR | Component of Traffic Steering Policy over St interface | KDDI, ZTE | Rel-13 | FMSS | Extends solution 2.1 to cover the St interface. Merged into S2-151166. Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.13 | S2-150792 | P-CR | Steering Rule for Uplink/Downlink Traffic | Huawei, Hisilicon, Cisco, Allot Communications, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Sprint, Comverse, Openet Telecom | Rel-13 | FMSS-SA2TR | Update of solution 2.1 Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151179. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151179 | P-CR | Steering Rule for Uplink/Downlink Traffic | Huawei, Hisilicon, Cisco, Allot Communications, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Sprint, Comverse, Openet Telecom | Rel-13 | FMSS-SA2TR | Revision of S2-150792. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151203. | Revised |
6.13 | S2-151203 | P-CR | Steering Rule for Uplink/Downlink Traffic | Huawei, Hisilicon, Cisco, Allot Communications, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Sprint, Comverse, Openet Telecom | Rel-13 | FMSS-SA2TR | Revision of S2-151179. Approved | Approved |
6.13 | S2-150907 | P-CR | Update the solution 2.1 of semantics of traffic steering policy in clause 6.2 | Intel, China Unicom | Rel-13 | FMSS | Update of solution 2.1. Can we capture any agreeable changes in a revision of S2-150792? Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.13 | S2-150961 | P-CR | Text for the Overall Evaluation Section | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | FMSS | Proposes a set of evaluation criteria Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.14 | - | - | MBMS Enhancements (MBMS_enh) | {Curt} | - | - | - | - |
6.14 | S2-150726 | LS In | LS from RAN WG2: LS on SC-PTM transmission | RAN WG2 (R2-150709) | Rel-13 | FS_LTE_SC_PTM | Responses drafted in S2-150847, S2-151004 and S2-151086. Response updated in S2-151096. Final response in S2-151102 | Response in S2-151102 |
6.14 | S2-150846 | P-CR | RAN FS_LTE_SC_PTM consideration within SA2 MBMS_enh scope | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.14 | S2-151085 | P-CR | MBMS broadcast area and cell identities | General Dynamics UK Ltd. | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151098. | Revised |
6.14 | S2-151098 | P-CR | MBMS broadcast area and cell identities | General Dynamics UK Ltd. | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-151085. Revised to S2-151101. | Revised |
6.14 | S2-151101 | P-CR | MBMS broadcast area and cell identities | General Dynamics UK Ltd. | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-151098, merging S2-151101. Approved | Approved |
6.14 | S2-151044 | OTHER | SC-PTM Architecture | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.14 | S2-150847 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on SC-PTM transmission feedback | Huawei | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Response to S2-150726. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151096. | Revised |
6.14 | S2-151096 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on SC-PTM transmission feedback | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-150847, merging S2-151086. Revised to S2-151102. | Revised |
6.14 | S2-151102 | LS OUT | LS on SC-PTM transmission feedback | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-151096. Approved | Approved |
6.14 | S2-151004 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS response for SC-PTM transmission | Motorola Solutions Germany | Rel-13 | - | Response to S2-150726. Noted | Noted |
6.14 | S2-151086 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Response LS on SC-PTM transmission | General Dynamics UK Limited | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Response to S2-150726. This was partially merged into S2-151096. | Merged |
6.14 | S2-150946 | P-CR | Solution A for Key Issue 1 | Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | - | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151097. | Revised |
6.14 | S2-151097 | P-CR | Solution A for Key Issue 1 | Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-150946. Revised to S2-151104. | Revised |
6.14 | S2-151104 | P-CR | Solution A for Key Issue 1 | Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-151097. Approved | Approved |
6.14 | S2-150988 | P-CR | Proposed Solution for Key Issue 1 using Application-level Zones | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | - | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.14 | S2-151006 | P-CR | Mapping Geographic Area to MBMS SAI and Cell IDs | ZTE | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.14 | S2-151092 | P-CR | Key Issue proposal: Routing of Session Start/Stop/Update Request messages to valid nodes | Samsung | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151099. | Revised |
6.14 | S2-151099 | P-CR | Key Issue proposal: Routing of Session Start/Stop/Update Request messages to valid nodes | Samsung | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-151092. Revised to S2-151103. | Revised |
6.14 | S2-151103 | P-CR | Key Issue proposal: Routing of Session Start/Stop/Update Request messages to valid nodes | Samsung | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-151099. Merged into S2-151101. | Merged |
6.14 | S2-151036 | P-CR | Solution to provide ECGI and SAI over GC1 interface | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.14 | S2-151047 | CR | 23.246 CR0393: MBMS bearer establishment with ECGI list | Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Not Handled | - |
6.14 | S2-151049 | CR | 23.468 CR0057: MBMS bearer establishment with ECGI list | Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Not Handled | - |
6.14 | S2-151013 | P-CR | Need for more reliable MBMS signalling for Public Safety | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.14 | S2-151020 | P-CR | Update of MBMS design requirements for Public Safety | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.14 | S2-151083 | P-CR | MBMS Congestion Mitigation for Rel-13 | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.14 | S2-150712 | LS In | LS from CT WG3: LS on Flow ID supplied by GCS AS | CT WG3 (C3-150446) | Rel-12 | GCSE_LTE-CT | Response drafted in S2-151002. New response drafted in S2-151100. This was postponed to SA WG2 meeting #109. | Postponed |
6.14 | S2-151002 | LS OUT | LS response on 'Flow ID supplied by GCS AS' | Motorola Solutions Germany | Rel-12 | - | Response to S2-150712. Noted. Replacement LS in S2-151100 | Noted |
6.14 | S2-151100 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on Flow ID supplied by GCS AS | SA WG2 | Rel-12 | - | Response to S2-150712. Noted | Noted |
6.15 | - | - | Feasibility study on Extended DRX cycle for Power Consumption Optimization (FS_eDRX) | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
6.15 | S2-150769 | P-CR | Issue for eDRX | Acer Incorporated, ITRI | - | FS_eDRX | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151230. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151230 | P-CR | Issue for eDRX | Acer Incorporated, ITRI | - | FS_eDRX | Revision of S2-150769. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.15 | S2-150904 | P-CR | New issue for idle mode eDRX: Maximizing Idle Period in regard to period TAU | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | check what the issue is after having looked at the related solution Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.15 | S2-150975 | P-CR | Modifications to issues for extended DRX | Qualcomm Incorporated, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Approved. Vodafone commented that CN restart should be under the responsibility of CT WG4. This should be discussed and a LS drafted at the next meeting if considered necessary. | Approved |
6.15 | S2-150800 | P-CR | Extended DRX in Idle mode | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revised to S2-151231. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151231 | P-CR | Extended DRX in Idle mode | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revision of S2-150800. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.15 | S2-150950 | P-CR | eDRX - Idle Mode Issue 2: Solution A | Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | - | Revised to S2-151232. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151232 | P-CR | eDRX - Idle Mode Issue 2: Solution A | Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-150950. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151284. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151284 | P-CR | eDRX - Idle Mode Issue 2: Solution A | Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-151232. Revised to S2-151400. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151400 | P-CR | eDRX - Idle Mode Issue 2: Solution A | Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-151284. Approved | Approved |
6.15 | S2-150845 | P-CR | GTP-C retransmission in eDRX | Huawei | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Resubmission of S2-150395. Revised to S2-151233. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151233 | P-CR | GTP-C retransmission in eDRX | Huawei | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revision of S2-150845. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.15 | S2-150807 | P-CR | GTP-C re-transmissions (Connected mode) | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Approved | Approved |
6.15 | S2-150808 | P-CR | GTP-C re-transmissions (Idle mode) | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revision of S2-150255 Approved | Approved |
6.15 | S2-150809 | P-CR | Interaction between eDRX and PSM (Power Saving Mode) | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Noted | Noted |
6.15 | S2-150976 | P-CR | Extended I-DRX and PSM coexistence | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revised to S2-151234. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151234 | P-CR | Extended I-DRX and PSM coexistence | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revision of S2-150976. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151285. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151285 | P-CR | Extended I-DRX and PSM coexistence | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revision of S2-151234. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.15 | S2-151052 | P-CR | Solution to address interaction between eDRX and PSM | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Noted | Noted |
6.15 | S2-150805 | P-CR | Configuration of extended DRX for connected mode | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151258. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151258 | P-CR | Configuration of extended DRX for connected mode | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revision of S2-150805. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151286. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151286 | P-CR | Configuration of extended DRX for connected mode | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revision of S2-151258. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.15 | S2-150977 | P-CR | RAN and CN coordination for extended C-DRX (Issue 1) | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Merged into 1258 Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.15 | S2-150978 | P-CR | Extended C-DRX: New connected mode substate in the core network to handle NAS retransmissions and MT SMS (Issues 2 and 3) | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151259. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151259 | P-CR | Extended C-DRX: New connected mode substate in the core network to handle NAS retransmissions and MT SMS (Issues 2 and 3) | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revision of S2-150978. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151287. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151287 | P-CR | Extended C-DRX: New connected mode substate in the core network to handle NAS retransmissions and MT SMS (Issues 2 and 3) | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revision of S2-151259.. Approved | Approved |
6.15 | S2-150906 | P-CR | Solution for idle mode eDRX: Adjustable execution of P-TAU for further power saving | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | The proposal is undertood as an optimisation that a UE implementation may do without dedicated param [...] Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.15 | S2-150980 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on RAN assumptions from SA WG2 for FS_eDRX | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151288. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151288 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on RAN assumptions from SA WG2 for FS_eDRX | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revision of S2-150980. Revised to S2-151430. | Revised |
6.15 | S2-151430 | LS OUT | LS on RAN assumptions from SA WG2 for FS_eDRX | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | FS_eDRX | Revision of S2-151288. Approved | Approved |
6.15 | S2-150715 | LS In | LS from GERAN WG2: LS on extended DRX in idle mode | GERAN WG2 (GP-150311) | Rel-13 | FS_uPOD, FS_IoT_LC | Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #109. | Postponed |
6.16 | - | - | Feasibility study on IOPS (FS_IOPS_St2) | {Erik} | - | - | - | - |
6.16 | S2-150762 | P-CR | IOPS network configuration/establishment | General Dynamics UK Ltd. | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revised to S2-151315. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151315 | P-CR | IOPS network configuration/establishment | General Dynamics UK Ltd. | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-150762. Approved | Approved |
6.16 | S2-151034 | P-CR | Discovery and association to Local EPC | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Noted | Noted |
6.16 | S2-150774 | P-CR | PLMN Selection | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revised to S2-151316. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151316 | P-CR | PLMN Selection | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-150774. Approved | Approved |
6.16 | S2-150775 | P-CR | IOPS PDN/APN handling | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Noted | Noted |
6.16 | S2-151026 | P-CR | way forward on some unsolved FFS issues | Samsung | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revised to S2-151317. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151317 | P-CR | way forward on some unsolved FFS issues | Samsung | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-151026. Revised to S2-151377. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151377 | P-CR | way forward on some unsolved FFS issues | Samsung | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-151317. Approved | Approved |
6.16 | S2-150776 | P-CR | Restriction of UEs not allowed in IOPS PLMN | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revised to S2-151319. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151319 | P-CR | Restriction of UEs not allowed in IOPS PLMN | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-150776. Revised to S2-151378. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151378 | P-CR | Restriction of UEs not allowed in IOPS PLMN | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-151319. Approved | Approved |
6.16 | S2-151318 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on proposed method of restricting access to IOPS cells | SA WG2 | - | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revised to S2-151379. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151379 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on proposed method of restricting access to IOPS cells | SA WG2 | - | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-151318. Revised to S2-151423. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151423 | LS OUT | LS on proposed method of restricting access to IOPS cells | SA WG2 | - | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-151379. Approved | Approved |
6.16 | S2-150839 | P-CR | Update of UE attach afresh to the macro EPC procedure | CATT | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Merged into S2-151338 | Merged |
6.16 | S2-151025 | P-CR | Mobility management considering IOPS operation | Samsung | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Merge with S2-150839? Merged into S2-151338 | Merged |
6.16 | S2-150763 | P-CR | Clarification of applicable UE mobility procedures | General Dynamics UK Ltd. | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Merge with S2-150762? Revised to S2-151338. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151338 | P-CR | Clarification of applicable UE mobility procedures | General Dynamics UK Ltd. | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-150763, merging S2-150839 and S2-151025. Revised to S2-151380. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151380 | P-CR | Clarification of applicable UE mobility procedures | General Dynamics UK Ltd. | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-151338. Approved | Approved |
6.16 | S2-150764 | P-CR | Support of public safety services over an IOPS network | General Dynamics UK Ltd. | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revised to S2-151339. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151339 | P-CR | Support of public safety services over an IOPS network | General Dynamics UK Ltd. | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-150764. Approved | Approved |
6.16 | S2-150765 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on support of public safety services over an IOPS network | General Dynamics UK Limited | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revised to S2-151340. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151340 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on support of public safety services over an IOPS network | General Dynamics UK Limited | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-150765. Revised to S2-151381. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151381 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on support of public safety services over an IOPS network | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-151340. Revised to S2-151424. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151424 | LS OUT | LS on support of public safety services over an IOPS network | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-151381. Approved | Approved |
6.16 | S2-151024 | P-CR | Correction for consistency description | Samsung | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revised to S2-151334. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151334 | P-CR | Correction for consistency description | Samsung | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-151024. Revised to S2-151341. | Revised |
6.16 | S2-151341 | P-CR | Correction for consistency description | Samsung | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Revision of S2-151334. Approved | Approved |
6.16 | S2-150832 | OTHER | Security between Public Safety UEs and Isolated E-UTRAN | Huawei | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Out of SA WG2 scope => SA WG3? WITHDRAWN | Withdrawn |
6.17 | - | - | Feasibility study on the Support of Emergency services over WLAN (FS_SEW) | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
6.17 | S2-150705 | LS In | LS from GSMA RILTE: LS to 3GPP on IMS Emergency Session over WLAN | GSMA RILTE (RILTE #43 Doc 121) | - | - | Response drafted in S2-151245. Final response in S2-151431 | Response in S2-151431 |
6.17 | S2-151245 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply to LS to 3GPP on IMS Emergency Session over WLAN | SA WG2 | - | - | Response to S2-150705. Revised to S2-151418. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151418 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply to LS to 3GPP on IMS Emergency Session over WLAN | SA WG2 | - | - | Revision of S2-151245. Revised to S2-151431. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151431 | LS OUT | Reply LS on IMS Emergency Session over WLAN | SA WG2 | - | - | Revision of S2-151418. Approved | Approved |
6.17 | S2-150962 | P-CR | Skeleton and scope for TR 23.771 (FS_SEW) | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151246. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151246 | P-CR | Skeleton and scope for TR 23.771 (FS_SEW) | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-150962. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.17 | S2-151040 | P-CR | General Key Issues: Proposed Assumptions for phase 1 | Qualcomm Incorporated, Alcatel Lucent, Alcatel Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151247. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151247 | P-CR | General Key Issues: Proposed Assumptions for phase 1 | Qualcomm Incorporated, Alcatel Lucent, Alcatel Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-151040. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151280. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151280 | P-CR | General Key Issues: Proposed Assumptions for phase 1 | Qualcomm Incorporated, Alcatel Lucent, Alcatel Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-151247. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.17 | S2-151041 | P-CR | Key Issues on Connectivity Establishment | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151248. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151248 | P-CR | Key Issues on Connectivity Establishment | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-151041. Agreed in parallel sessions. Approved | Approved |
6.17 | S2-150965 | P-CR | First list of Key issues: AAA server knowledge of emergency & Location | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell, Qualcom Inc | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151243. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151243 | P-CR | First list of Key issues: AAA server knowledge of emergency & Location | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell, Qualcom Inc | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-150965, merging S2-151043 and S2-150863. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151249. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151249 | P-CR | First list of Key issues: AAA server knowledge of emergency & Location | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell, Qualcom Inc | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-151243. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151281. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151281 | P-CR | First list of Key issues: AAA server knowledge of emergency & Location | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell, Qualcom Inc | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-151249. Revised to S2-151419. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151419 | P-CR | First list of Key issues: AAA server knowledge of emergency & Location | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell, Qualcom Inc | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-151281. Approved | Approved |
6.17 | S2-151043 | P-CR | Key Issues on Location Information | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Merged into S2-151243. Merged into S2-151243. | Merged |
6.17 | S2-150863 | P-CR | Key issues: UE location | Huawei | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Merged into 1243 Merged into S2-151243. | Merged |
6.17 | S2-150964 | P-CR | Key issues: UE Location Information | T-Mobile USA | Rel-13 | - | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151260. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151260 | P-CR | Key issues: UE Location Information | T-Mobile USA | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-150964. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151282. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151282 | P-CR | Key issues: UE Location Information | T-Mobile USA | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-151260.. Approved | Approved |
6.17 | S2-150966 | P-CR | Key issue: QoS | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | FS_SEW | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151250. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151250 | P-CR | Key issue: QoS | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-150966. Noted | Noted |
6.17 | S2-150866 | P-CR | Solution: how UE knows its location and how can sent it | Huawei | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Merged into 1244 Merged into S2-151244 | Merged |
6.17 | S2-151042 | P-CR | Solution for Key Issues on Location Information | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Merged into 1244 Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.17 | S2-150864 | P-CR | Solution: How LRF retrieve location information for s2a | Huawei , Hisilicon | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151262. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151262 | P-CR | Solution: How LRF retrieve location information for s2a | Huawei , Hisilicon | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-150864. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151283. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151283 | P-CR | Solution: How LRF retrieve location information for s2a | Huawei , Hisilicon | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-151262.. Approved | Approved |
6.17 | S2-150920 | P-CR | Solutions for the location related Key Issue | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | - | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151244. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151244 | P-CR | Solutions for the location related Key Issue | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-150920, merging S2-150866. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151261. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151261 | P-CR | Solutions for the location related Key Issue | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-151244. Revised to S2-151420. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151420 | P-CR | Solutions for the location related Key Issue | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-151261. Approved | Approved |
6.17 | S2-150865 | P-CR | Solution: How LRF retrieve location information for s2b | Huawei | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.17 | S2-150967 | P-CR | A solution for ePDG selection | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | FS_SEW | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-151263. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151263 | P-CR | A solution for ePDG selection | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-150967. Revised to S2-151421. | Revised |
6.17 | S2-151421 | P-CR | A solution for ePDG selection | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | - | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-151263. Approved | Approved |
6.17 | S2-151066 | P-CR | Solution principles for S2b | Intel | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Content to certain extent by other proposal Noted in parallel sessions | Noted |
6.17 | S2-151076 | OTHER | Discussion on the support of QoS in trusted and untrusted WLAN | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Broadcom Corporation | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.20.1 | - | - | TEI13 Category B/C for 3GPP Packet Access | {Puneet} | - | - | - | - |
6.20.1 | S2-150991 | CR | 23.060 CR1893R4: Enable ISR for PS-only UE | CATT | Rel-13 | TEI13, SIMTC | Revision of S2-150295. Revised to S2-151135. | Revised |
6.20.1 | S2-151135 | CR | 23.060 CR1893R5: Enable ISR for PS-only UE | CATT | Rel-13 | TEI13, SIMTC | Revision of S2-150991. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.20.1 | S2-150994 | CR | 23.272 CR0939R4: Enable ISR for PS-only UE | CATT | Rel-13 | TEI13, SIMTC | Revision of S2-150296. Revised to S2-151136. | Revised |
6.20.1 | S2-151136 | CR | 23.272 CR0939R5: Enable ISR for PS-only UE | CATT | Rel-13 | TEI13, SIMTC | Revision of S2-150994. Revised to S2-151145. | Revised |
6.20.1 | S2-151145 | CR | 23.272 CR0939R6: Enable ISR for PS-only UE | CATT | Rel-13 | TEI13, SIMTC | Revision of S2-151136. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.20.1 | S2-151003 | OTHER | Problems and solutions for Co-existing of 'SMSoverSGs', 'SMSinSGSN', 'SMSinMME' | CATT | - | - | Noted | Noted |
6.20.1 | S2-151074 | CR | 23.401 CR2857: Paging priority and ARP Priority level: extension of CR2812r2 to CR2840r2 | Rapporteur (Vodafone) | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Should have a Rel-13 WI Code (=TEI12, SAES). Other CRs attached. Revised to S2-151137. | Revised |
6.20.1 | S2-151137 | CR | 23.401 CR2857R1: Paging priority and ARP Priority level: extension of CR2812r2 to CR2840r2 | Rapporteur (Vodafone) | Rel-13 | TEI13, SAES | Revision of S2-151074. Approved | Agreed |
7 | - | - | Project Planning and Management | {Erik} | - | - | - | - |
7 | S2-150701 | OTHER | SA WG2 Specification Adoption | SA WG2 Chairman | - | - | Not Handled | Not Handled |
7.1 | - | - | New and Revised Work Items, Cover sheets for completed work items | {Erik} | - | - | - | - |
7.1 | S2-150968 | WID | Update to the SID on Feasibility study on the Support of Emergency services over WLAN | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revised to S2-151309. | Revised |
7.1 | S2-151309 | WID | Update to the SID on Feasibility study on the Support of Emergency services over WLAN | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-150968. Revised to S2-151422. | Revised |
7.1 | S2-151422 | WID | Update to the SID on Feasibility study on the Support of Emergency services over WLAN | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent ShangHai Bell | Rel-13 | FS_SEW | Revision of S2-151309. Approved | Approved |
7.3 | - | - | Planning future meetings | {Erik} | - | - | - | - |
7.3 | S2-151094 | OTHER | Additional SA WG2 #110ah Meeting Proposal | SA WG2 Chairman | - | - | LATE DOC: Rx 08/04, 10:00. Revised to S2-151310. | Revised |
7.3 | S2-151310 | OTHER | Additional SA WG2 #110ah Meeting Proposal | SA WG2 Chairman | - | - | Revision of S2-151094. Option 2 of this proposal for an ad-hoc meeting was endorsed (31/08/15 - 03/09/15). | Endorsed |
Created: 2015-04-24 07:54 END OF LIST
Last Allocated Document: S2-151431