ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_97_e / Inbox / Drafts / [97e][316] NR_unlic_Demod_BS

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icon 2nd round 2020/11/12 8:29
icon WFs 2020/11/12 0:11
icon draft R4-2017414 summary for 316 NR_U BS Demod 1st round v1.docx 2020/11/05 17:55 180,1 KB
icon draft R4-2017414 summary for 316 NR_U BS Demod 1st round.docx 2020/11/05 14:20 180,2 KB
icon draft R4-2017611 summary for 316 NR_U BS Demod after 2nd round.docx 2020/11/12 8:29 261,1 KB
icon draft summary for NR_U BS Demod 1st round v0.docx 2020/10/29 16:49 113,6 KB
icon draft summary for NR_U BS Demod 1st round v0_Eric.docx 2020/11/02 8:03 121,9 KB
icon draft summary for NR_U BS Demod 1st round v0_Eric_Samsung.docx 2020/11/03 11:05 131,1 KB
icon draft summary for NR_U BS Demod 1st round v0_Eric_Samsung_Nokia.docx 2020/11/04 12:47 160,1 KB
icon draft summary for NR_U BS Demod 1st round v0_Eric_Samsung_Nokia_Intel.docx 2020/11/04 15:42 154,6 KB
icon draft summary for NR_U BS Demod 1st round v0_Eric_Samsung_Nokia_Intel_Huawei.docx 2020/11/04 17:53 157,9 KB
icon R4-2017688 WF on NR-U BS demod for general and PUSCH.pptx 2020/11/13 16:06 45,7 KB

12 items.