ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_106bis-e / Inbox / Drafts / [106bis-e][136] FS_NR_LPWUS / WF and LS

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icon draft LS to RAN1 on low-power wake-up receiver architectures-final.docx 2023/04/26 2:22 37,8 KB
icon draft LS to RAN1 on low-power wake-up receiver architectures.docx 2023/04/21 6:29 41,7 KB
icon draft R4-2306617_WF on LP-WUS_final.docx 2023/04/25 16:26 53,6 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v01.docx 2023/04/21 6:03 53,5 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v01_moderator.docx 2023/04/21 6:11 53,4 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v01_moderator_Ericsson.docx 2023/04/21 10:32 57,8 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v02_Ericsson_HW.docx 2023/04/24 3:10 61,5 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v03_HW_Ericsson2.docx 2023/04/24 8:41 63 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v04_Ericsson2_QC.docx 2023/04/24 9:15 65,3 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v05_QC_CMCC.docx 2023/04/24 9:52 67,6 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v06_CMCC_ZTE.docx 2023/04/24 11:26 58,2 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v07_ZTE_MTK.docx 2023/04/24 12:29 60,2 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v08_MTK_Nokia.docx 2023/04/24 13:47 69,3 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v09_Nokia_Sony.docx 2023/04/24 16:03 71,3 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v10_Sony_Apple.docx 2023/04/24 16:47 72,4 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v11_Apple_Samsung.docx 2023/04/24 16:58 71,6 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v12_moderator_before GTW.docx 2023/04/25 4:15 67,7 KB
icon draft WF on LP-WUS RF_v13_for GTW discussion.docx 2023/04/25 4:18 68,4 KB

18 items.