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icon R4-2306198 [106bis-e][118] IoT_NTN_extLband v08_Moderator_Summary.docx 2023/04/20 22:48 120,8 KB
icon Round1_R4-23xxxxx [106bis-e][118] IoT_NTN_extLband v00_Moderator.docx 2023/04/17 7:06 90,9 KB
icon Round1_R4-23xxxxx [106bis-e][118] IoT_NTN_extLband v01_Moderator2.docx 2023/04/17 10:37 90,3 KB
icon Round1_R4-23xxxxx [106bis-e][118] IoT_NTN_extLband v02_Moderator2_Inmarsat.docx 2023/04/17 10:40 95,1 KB
icon Round1_R4-23xxxxx [106bis-e][118] IoT_NTN_extLband v03_Inmarsat_QC.docx 2023/04/18 23:04 97,8 KB
icon Round1_R4-23xxxxx [106bis-e][118] IoT_NTN_extLband v04_QC_HW.docx 2023/04/19 15:45 97,3 KB
icon Round1_R4-23xxxxx [106bis-e][118] IoT_NTN_extLband v05_HW_Sony.docx 2023/04/19 19:31 99,1 KB
icon Round1_R4-23xxxxx [106bis-e][118] IoT_NTN_extLband v06_Sony_Inmarsat.docx 2023/04/20 5:43 99,5 KB
icon Round1_R4-23xxxxx [106bis-e][118] IoT_NTN_extLband v07_Inmarsat_MTK.docx 2023/04/20 7:28 90 KB
icon Round1_R4-23xxxxx [106bis-e][118] IoT_NTN_extLband v08_Moderator_Summary.docx 2023/04/20 22:46 120,8 KB

10 items.