ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_106bis-e / Inbox / Drafts / [106bis-e][111] LTE_NR_Other_WI

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icon 1st_Round 2023/04/20 21:17
icon 2nd_Round 2023/04/25 16:04
icon WF on adding new channels BW 2023/04/24 20:42
icon WF on simultaneous Rx-Tx inter-band combinations 2023/04/24 15:15
icon WF on the notation for single SUL CA combinations 2023/04/24 18:54
icon draft summary_[106bis-e][111] LTE_NR_Other_WI.docx 2023/04/13 10:27 133,2 KB
icon draft summary_[106bis-e][111] LTE_NR_Other_WI_v1_Apple.docx 2023/04/13 11:20 135,5 KB

7 items.