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icon draft R4-2306266 Topic summary for [106-bis-e][103] NR_Baskets_Part_3.xlsx 2023/04/24 21:14 639,9 KB
icon draft [106bis-e][103] NR_Baskets_Part_3, after block approval, rev 1.xlsx 2023/04/20 7:42 636,4 KB
icon draft [106bis-e][103] NR_Baskets_Part_3, after block approval.xlsx 2023/04/20 7:28 636,4 KB
icon Rev_R4-2304966 Draft CR 38.101-1 to add CA_n77B, CA_n77C, CA_n2(2A) BCS 4 and_5.docx 2023/04/20 12:04 151 KB
icon Rev_R4-2305587 TP on TR37.718-00-00 Correction on SUL_n1A-n81A.doc 2023/04/18 13:50 255,5 KB
icon [106bis-e][103] NR_Baskets_Part_3, after block approval.xlsx 2023/04/20 16:19 637,7 KB
icon [106bis-e][103] NR_Baskets_Part_3, start of block approval, rev 1.xlsx 2023/04/17 7:18 655,6 KB
icon [106bis-e][103] NR_Baskets_Part_3, start of block approval.xlsx 2023/04/14 5:52 656,9 KB

8 items.