ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_105 / Inbox / Drafts / [105][306] NR_exto71GHz_BSRF / Draft CRs

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icon draft_R4-2220208_rev_R4-2218463_38.141-2 clauses 7.1-7.5.docx 2022/11/17 3:46 88,3 KB
icon draft_R4-2220209_rev_R4-2218464_37.941 clauses 10.1-10.5.docx 2022/11/17 3:46 99,3 KB
icon Rev_R4-2219345 draft CR to TS38.141-2 Clause 7.7, 7.8.docx 2022/11/16 21:40 54,4 KB
icon Rev_R4-2219346 draft CR to TS38.141-2 Clause 7.9.docx 2022/11/16 21:40 46,5 KB

4 items.